Advice To Viper Thread

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
haha... I actually think this could be useful?

Help me out here?

I finally realized that all of the threads I'm actually keeping my eyes on are posted by Viper.

Alright... you read all of his posts, might as well put it ALL together and give everything you can give into ONE post.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
This is actually a good idea. I mean I hope you aren't offended, Viper, but this is probaly a very effective method to teach you.

It can be a collection of posts, best fit to help, that can be referred to, and stuff.

Umm but maybe some would think it wasn't a good idea?

I might be willing to write up an article, if I ever get the time, that will address his problems.

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah, Viper, your umm... difficulties?... are very common. You should... take pride for it... I guess...

kid, just post a picture.

i am me

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
haha you know, i jus noticed too that all the threads i been noticing are by Viper...n u MikeS


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
Damn. I don't have barely any threads.

But I am good that way. Damn I am good.

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
I always thought my own advice was pretty good sometimes, I'll start out by putting together my advice I posted in his old threads

Originally posted by MikeS
Preppy (for some black people):
Hair... Short, but long enough to do waves forward

Jeans... could be a bit baggy, or maybe not... but make sure It's
ironed and has a crease down the center... it looks pimp.

Shirt... clean white/black tee, or a nice Tommy Hilfiger style striped shirt... example... the blue style shirt... for the shirt, it looks good when you leave it straight on your arm, don't roll it up. Flip the cuffs upwards, Make sure the entire shirt is ironed, especially the sleeves and the cuffs.

Shoes... it's always a good idea to have a pair if Timberlands example... also when you wear Timberlands all the time, have a nice pair of adidas shoes back home in the box still that you only take out for your best looking day... clean it mildly with just mild soap and water after you use the white shoes then put it back in the box... example

For the black guy with the AE/Abecrombie/Hollister Style is pretty pimp also:
Hair... This one I always thought was cool... Get your hair long enough, but not too long... have your hair have curls that are clumped together... I asked my friend how he did it, and I must admit, hes a pimp... "I just use white peoples gel... and it does it's own curls"

Shirts... AE/A&F/HCo Logo Tee always looks nice, or a striped shirt.

Jeans or cargo khakis... no holes, but if you like wholes and if it looks nice, why not?

Shoes... brown leather flip-flops or brown leather shoes from AE (AE is the only place I see these kinds)... example

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by MikeS
Well, I'm usually natural at reading out-loud class reports.

If you are good at writing reports/essays, you should feel proud for it, and know that you are better than everyone else at doing it.

I'm a pretty good writer, myself, so thats how I feel.

What you could do is... hmmm... maybe if you wrote a really, really good paper, with correct spelling/grammar, then stand up and you could say something extremely dumb at first.

Say something dumb, shy, and/or nervous. People will think you aren't bright, after that, take a deep breath, but don't faint.

Then read your paper with a strong voice. Remember that your paper is better than everyone else's and that they should be astounded after hearing your paper.

After you said something dumb, and then showed them up by showing your courage to get up and read your awesome paper, they will be thinking...
"Wow I thought he was dumb at first, I don't want to read my paper out-loud anymore."

Basically, a dumb thing to say outloud when you are standing up would be like:

"Umm... so... wowwww... uhhh... here's my report. <read your paper>"


"I don't think its that great... but here I go. <read your paper>"

While you read the report... you could also be ****y and stare/look at ONE girl only (make sure you give aher a certain look that you are interested in her and always smile at her while you read to HER... or she will feel weirded out for being stared at)... that can give you a chance to talk to her after class also.

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
I know everyone is supposed to be against a plan... but this isn't a plan... it's more of a guideline... more like "If this happens, you are good to go to the next step."

Originally posted by MikeS
Maybe you could find a time when she's alone to talk to her/approach her.

Then after you met her, she can introduce you to her friends.

First... approach her alone.

Second... get to know her, of course

Third... IF all goes well, make a time after school to go to her locker, make sure she says its okay.

Since she NOW knows about you going to her locker, she'll be thinking maybe "A guy is coming to my locker, and my friends will be here, how can *I* NOT feel awkward. I KNOW! I'LL INTRODUCE THEM, so they can know each other!"

Fourth, Go to her locker after school, and meet new "popular people", and have a better chance with your girl!

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Soniq_red
MikeS - You are my polar opposite in approach and style. I can't wait to see how we are at the end of the year.
lol thats cool... but what does that mean? is it bad or good?


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Yeah, Viper, your umm... difficulties?... are very common. You should... take pride for it... I guess...

kid, just post a picture.
Don't have a camera or a scanner, so I don't have any pictures, so the closest thing I can give you is a description, I'm 5'9, 184.5 pounds, mostly black, but I have a little bit of Indian in me, so my skin is a light brownish color, I use to have alot of hair under my chin, but I recently shaved it off. As for my body, I would say that I am fat, but not overweight, I large tummy, a fatass and what you might call "Man-Boobs", yeah I know, I really need to work out.
Maybe you could find a time when she's alone to talk to her/approach
Problem is, she's a popular girl and almost always hanging out with one or more friends.
Second... get to know her, of course
Getting to know a girl is hard when you have no game like me and bad social skills.
Third... IF all goes well, make a time after school to go to her locker, make sure she says its okay.Third... IF all goes well, make a time after school to go to her locker, make sure she says its okay.
If all goes well.
Fourth, Go to her locker after school, and meet new "popular people", and have a better chance with your girl
Not only do I ride the bus(I live a good 7 or 8 miles away from the school), but since both of my parents are at work when I get home, I couldn't get a ride.
If your rep is so bad...What do you have to lose man? People already think you are gay. Are you really just going to sit back and accept it? Go show some people up.

Are you in any sports? If not, I highly suggest at least 2.
Yes, I was on the track team last year, but quit since, while the coaches let me attend practice, they never put me on the list to participate in games. I eventually got tired of practice and said "Why am I working my ass off, running 6 laps and 2 miles everyday, if there not going to pick me for an event?" and quit. But this year, I don't have time for sports, since I'm in band.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
Well band is the only sport you need.

How about you work out some, and that will take your mind off of chciks for a while.

i am me

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
this is a serious question. im not making fun of you:

how many friends do u have?


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Originally posted by i am me
this is a serious question. im not making fun of you:

how many friends do u have?
An honest answer, to a serious question.
None(Atleast no 'true' friends).


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Re: Re: Re: Advice To Viper Thread

Originally posted by Soniq_red
Quit. Stop coming here if all you post is how big of a loser you are or how we can help you. We've all been leading you, you just need to take a hold of your life.

Don't say "My rep is bad!" or any other excuses don't live by excuses. Just go out and go for it. Try hitting the mall alone and talking to girls you've never seen.

You are a loser with lots of time? Then download motivation ebooks, David DeAngelo's collection of ****, read the bible, make a journal, and buy a t-shirt from...

PostScript: You've got nothing to lose, then take risks. Tell yourself every morning "I'll say hi toa HB8+ today" and repeat until you do and just add more to it like a number or date.
Going up to a 'RANDOM' girl and saying hi is nothing, n-o-t-h-i-n-g, nothing, it just seems a little weird saying hi to her and NOTHING else. Saying I have 'Bad Social Skills' isn't an excuse if it is true. I can't even hold a good conversation with a guy, which says something. I think I should become more confident with my social skills before I start approaching girls or better yet, not make my life revolve around them.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
You don't have to go up to a random girl, but liek if you are standing in the lunch line, and a girl is standing in front of you, then maybe you should start up a conversation.

The secret to meeting people, and in effect getting some, is to be outgoing.

People will start talking to you, and they will want to hang out with you.

Just start being out going. If you don't like your current clique, find another one.

There are always people willing to talk to you.


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Originally posted by 08aisaac
You don't have to go up to a random girl, but liek if you are standing in the lunch line, and a girl is standing in front of you, then maybe you should start up a conversation.

The secret to meeting people, and in effect getting some, is to be outgoing.

People will start talking to you, and they will want to hang out with you.

Just start being out going. If you don't like your current clique, find another one.

There are always people willing to talk to you.
So you mean, I could approach a girl with something easy as this and could still start up a conversation?
Me: Hey.
Random Girl: Hey.
Me: So, what are you getting for lunch?
Random: Oh, I'm getting [What she is getting]
How this would probably turn out in reality:
Me: Oh, [What she is getting], I love that.
Her: Yeah...
[I stand there looking like an idiot, while she just sort of looks around]
Me: Hey.
Random Girl: Hey.
Me: So, what class do you have next?
Random Girl: [Answers]
Or this...
Me: Hey.
Random Girl: Hey.
Me: So, what did you do anything interesting over the weekend?
Random Girl: [Talks about her weekend]
These would all be things that I would say to girls in the hallway between classes.

Also, tell me, what does it mean exactly to be an outgoing person? I might just try doing this.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
Any of those examples work fine.

I mean I use them all the time.

Like I think I used that same exact first one the other day.

Just ask a question, or make a comment about something, or something else.

Of course, I am not really into cold approaches at school, as I am into talking to people in my class.

Like basically, you have to make your own fortune.

No one can talk to a girl for you. Well they can, but not likely to work.

To be more out going, answer questions in class, talk to people that seem to be doing nothing.

I see a girl in my class, checking over her homework, and then, I know she isn't doing anything important, because homework never is, they are only checking it because everyone else is.

Well I go over to her, and ask he if I can copy, or start up a conversation about soemthing.

There is this one chick in my class, failing. I always bring up something about how she is failing. Good subject, then I slowly change the subject.

If the teacher asks something in class, then you should try to answer, even if you are wrong.

It will show that you don't care, and that you are in fact, outgoing.

Like there is this one kid in my class, he just randomly stands up, and all sort of stuff. He is crazy, and girls love talking to him, because he is so spontaneous.

You have to be your own man, and not care, and not do something just because everyone else is doing it.

Now this doesn't apply to everything, just the way you act, and what you say.

How this would probably turn out in reality:
Me: Oh, [What she is getting], I love that.
Her: Yeah...
[I stand there looking like an idiot, while she just sort of looks around]
First remember, you only look likre an idiot in your mind.

The girl probaly thinks she looks like and idiot.

Just be energetic, and always be someone that people will remember.

There is one kid, I personally think he looks liek ****, and yet he is so energetic, and not caring, that he can get any chick.

Outgoing it the attitude someone assimilates, if they don't care what people think, they love having fun, and they are fun to be around.

Be that way, and girls will surely follow.


Don Juan
Aug 27, 2005
Reaction score
I feel for you with the social issues because they're initially hard to overcome. But you know what fixes them quick? Personal improvement. My advice--start learning how to be a better and stronger man before you worry about girls, approaching, dating, etc. Then when your self image is better, the rest will fall into place.

i am me

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
Hey Viper, did you check you PM box? I sent you a message.

Don't give up. Keep trying. :D