Advice To Viper Thread

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
This is my thinking... all of a sudden.

You are 5'9 and weigh 190 lbs, yes?

You think you are like Fat Albert (which is the image that YOU put into MY head), yes?

I remember reading in the articles section about fat bald guys who can get women...

YOU can't have a plan, and all you are asking for IS a plan.

All you need first is confidence (obviously!), and a few girls to say "wow, this kid is cute, huh" to boost your ego.

I had an idea... but I lost it all of a sudden.

But... umm... since you WANT a plan, plan ONLY to talk to girls that you know will be attracted to you... (I, even, sometimes get an ego boost after seeing ugly girls looking at me a lot)

Once you have enough girls (any kind of girls, who cares?) checking you out, or enough whoever... your ego will be boosted.

Start being a ****y fat black kid... get your style together... excercise (don't even expect to lose you fat, you won't any time soon) excersice makes you feel great no matter what, and definitely start lifting weights, YOU should definitely be benching your own body weight...

dude I dunno... my advice on this one I don't really like, I lost my purpose of posting this.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
This is true. Why do you think I go for freshman chicks? Not only because they are hot, but because it gives my ego soem food for thought.

But I know this one guy. He looks like Fat Joe, except alot fatter, and with hair. But he is awesome, and he gets chicks, and he parties hard, and enjoys his life.

Just be the guy that people liek hanging with.


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Well, everyone's telling me all these about self-improvement and confidence, but I have no clue where to start building. Also, how do I make my self seem better than any other guy? I mean, this chick probably gets approached a ton of times by random losers, what would make me any different?


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Viper
Well, everyone's telling me all these about self-improvement and confidence, but I have no clue where to start building. Also, how do I make my self seem better than any other guy? I mean, this chick probably gets approached a ton of times by random losers, what would make me any different?
Like they've said, as you do more to improve yourself, your self esteem should go up a lot.

As to where you should start building, just start getting some regular exercise (play bball, run, whatever), join a gym and start lifting weights, and go out and buy some of the clothes suggested in the style thread. Once you get all that done, you should see a big boost in your self esteem. After that, you just gotta start practicing, practicing, practicing with talking to girls. Whether it be a girl in class, one you bump into at the mall, or are sitting next to at church.

You need to forget about that one girl you want to approach right now. Right now you're at the stage where you can't just be focusing on getting one girl, you need to be worrying about how to make yourself more desirable to all women, and learning how to get any women at all. If down the road, once you pick up some skills, you want to approach that girl, then by all means do it, but you need to drop your infatuation with her right now. Think about it this way, you have never even talked to her, all you know about her is that she is hot. So what makes her that much better than any other hot girl? So many guys get obsessed over girls they've never even met, thinking they KNOW that they have great personalities as well, just because they're hot. Not true.

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Viper
Well, everyone's telling me all these about self-improvement and confidence, but I have no clue where to start building. Also, how do I make my self seem better than any other guy? I mean, this chick probably gets approached a ton of times by random losers, what would make me any different?
1. I already said, approach any kind of people: ugly girls, hot girls, nerdy guys, cool guys... that will boost your ego, and self esteem

2. You don't have to be BETTER an any guy, "be yourself" but also be who/how you WANT to be. But since people get ****y and feel like they are a million bucks, they THINK they are better than other people (its good for you self confidence, bad for the image IF you show that you THINK you are better than other people) which makes them feel good enough to talk to other people

3. No, chicks don't get approached all the time. I watch people at malls, the only hot chicks getting approached are the hot cashiers... but there is nothing going on there, because thats what they are there for.

4. You are different because you will know what to do... ONLY if you quit putting yourself down. Think positive of yourself... once you read this and reply back... reply about 10 good things about yourself, unique things... *IF* you say "But, man... I don't have anything good and unique about myself... I'm just a normal 5'9, 190 lb, fat black kid, with no confidence."... quit asking for help, because if you keep putting yourself down, you don't deserve help... let alone -- a girl.

Reply back!

Think positive... think positive... think positive... think positive... think positive... think positive... think positive... think positive... think positive... think positive... I said it ten times... for each one, you should have thought about a new positive thing about youself to reply back with.


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Think positive... think positive... think positive... think positive... think positive... think positive... think positive... think positive... think positive... think positive... I said it ten times... for each one, you should have thought about a new positive thing about youself to reply back with. [/B]
I'm a good typer, I'm good at playing the saxophone, I'm good at playing the guitar, I have good hygiene, I'm good at video games, I lift weights, I'm a smart person(Or so people tell me), I'm good at marching in Marching Band, I look good. I'm kind of debating the smart person thing, because if I was smart, wouldn't I get better grades, I'm also debating the saxophone thing, because while I'm good, there are alot of better saxophonist in band.

Smooth Player 056

Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Viper
I'm a good typer, I'm good at playing the saxophone, I'm good at playing the guitar, I have good hygiene, I'm good at video games, I lift weights, I'm a smart person(Or so people tell me), I'm good at marching in Marching Band, I look good. I'm kind of debating the smart person thing, because if I was smart, wouldn't I get better grades, I'm also debating the saxophone thing, because while I'm good, there are alot of better saxophonist in band.
dont debate anything....take usher for example..he is a great singer but there are thousands better than him....think about an abercrombie model..he is good looking....there are thousands better looking. There is always somebody better than you.



Don Juan
Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
Pretty much every post is a repeat of the last :\.

Go to a bonfire at the beach, people are very open at these, and they are very fun.

i am me

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Viper
I'm a good typer, I'm good at playing the saxophone, I'm good at playing the guitar, I have good hygiene, I'm good at video games, I lift weights, I'm a smart person(Or so people tell me), I'm good at marching in Marching Band, I look good. I'm kind of debating the smart person thing, because if I was smart, wouldn't I get better grades, I'm also debating the saxophone thing, because while I'm good, there are alot of better saxophonist in band.
Aw man video games are like a drug, seriously. I'm not saying DON'T play them (I still do) but just don't spend too much time playing. Like me, I only play at a certain time (at night), and I make sure that I don't spend too much time on them. They are only for entertainment but if you get hooked, it can really affect you. It'll affect your body, your social life, your confidence, etc. So don't play too many video games.

Also, you said you "looked good". This kinda contradicts what you've been saying this whole time. If you're really that confident in how you look, why do you feel like you're not impressing women with how you look? Which is it? Are you confident in how you look or not?


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Originally posted by Zod
Pretty much every post is a repeat of the last :\.

Go to a bonfire at the beach, people are very open at these, and they are very fun.
I don't have a car, don't live near a beach, so that's probably not happening. But I don't have time for any of that anyway, with band and everything(We have rehearsals every Wednesday 6:30-9:00 PM and we perform at a game every Friday from 7:30- Whenever games end, which is usually around 10:00 PM).


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Viper
I don't have a car, don't live near a beach, so that's probably not happening. But I don't have time for any of that anyway, with band and everything(We have rehearsals every Wednesday 6:30-9:00 PM and we perform at a game every Friday from 7:30- Whenever games end, which is usually around 10:00 PM).
To the car issue;

1. You have parents

2. Make some friends that CAN drive

To you making BS excuses;

1. Don't give me that bull**** about you don't have time, Wednesday is only one day of the week.

2. I've never heard of anyone throwing a party during the school week.

3. There ARE parties that go way past 10:00 PM on Friday, so you playing at games shouldn't be a problem.

4. Football isn't a year long sport, so you wouldn't be playing every Friday for the rest of the year anyways unless you had another sport.

5. You don't need a beach for a bonfire.

Conclusion: Every single post you make, in any thread, is just an excuse or the same thing over and over again. And Honestly, it's starting to ruin my mojo. Please don't tell us you don't have enough time to be social. People who have jobs and play sports don't have as much time as you, yet they can still be very social.


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
1. Don't give me that bull**** about you don't have time, Wednesday is only one day of the week.

2. I've never heard of anyone throwing a party during the school week.

3. There ARE parties that go way past 10:00 PM on Friday, so you playing at games shouldn't be a problem.

4. Football isn't a year long sport, so you wouldn't be playing every Friday for the rest of the year anyways unless you had another sport.

5. You don't need a beach for a bonfire.

Conclusion: Every single post you make, in any thread, is just an excuse or the same thing over and over again. And Honestly, it's starting to ruin my mojo. Please don't tell us you don't have enough time to be social. People who have jobs and play sports don't have as much time as you, yet they can still be very social.
3. Band takes up alot of energy. First of all, the party starts at 10 right? So it would be over at around 11 or 12 O' Clock and my parents would be asleep and unable to pick me up. Like I stated before, I would just be to tired.
4. So, just because the football season ends, doesn't mean band ends.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
this is my advice.

u need to go on a diet and work out better so u can be around 160-165, not overweight. now to do this obviously eat better man. don't eat junk food. just quit. no more. no more chips, no more candy, no more soda. only thing u should drink water and lemonade. next. no more bread. NO MORE BREAD. no more sandwiches. only eat three times a day and tat's it. no snack times or anythang. if u feel hungry to bad u should have ate somethang on ur three times. eat healthy foods too. u should know what tat is. and dont eat just all meat or all plants. vary. only times u should eat: breakfast, lunch and dinner. breakfast, just cereal with milk. no waffles no syrup. lunch, schools a ***** cuz they have chips and stuff, if u can't find anythang healthy to eat dont eat, and no dressing, tat's just fat. dinner, meat plants wutever.

stick wit this and u should hopefully lose wait.

working out. when ur not doin anythang and just lying around at home, go do some push ups and sit ups where u turn to each side every time u go up. those helps. do like 50 pushups and 50 sit ups every time until u feel like u can do more then add 25.

this should help with losing weight too.

by the mean time while u are doin' this, put on some deodorant too. i suggest, axe tsunami, kilo, or unlimited. spray or stick on, its cheap and they smell great. next, when in a convo and u got nothin' to say well say "it was nice talkin to u, ill see you around" and go. dont leave it hangin'. also dont talk about school, who likes school? say "tat's a nice belt" or "nice necklace, where u get it at?". blah blah blah.

where u at? someone should meet up with you and help you out visually.


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
Santa Cruz, bolivia
dude just quit band, that sh1ts gay anyways. You´ll have more time to hang out and make friends. start going to parties, and try to get drunk at least once and get loose. smoke some buddha and stop being such a nerd, if you want to be popular/ well liked than start improving yourself. remember you only live once and theres no one stoping you from being who you want to be, it all depends on you. also stop being an uptight nerd, and learn to take life less seriously, you get way too offended when people joke around with you, like if you got some cool rep to defend or something. like everyone else said, start improving yourself and then worry about girls.