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  1. R

    girl asked for my number

    If she was talking to the other boy in a voice loud enough so as to make sure that you could hear her, she might be playing for your jealousy. Then again, maybe not. Either way, make her work for you. She asked for your number, did you ask for hers? If you did, hold off on calling her, make...
  2. R

    Making the Kiss Count

    No offence, but im looking for something a little more ... normal. I dont normally force my girls to kiss me... But I like the waiting part. Ive read things before about going in for the kiss and then backing out several times until she goes crazy and tries to kiss you, but that seems like it...
  3. R

    Making the Kiss Count

    Ive seen a lot around here on how to chat with women and get numbers and create attraction, but Ive seen very little about actual physical seduction. My question is, what tips are there on kissing a woman so that it "escalates" the situation persay. What are some tips on how to create...
  4. R

    Need to evacuate the LJBF zone

    I was in your situation a little while ago. I started seeing this girl, and I knew we had attraction, but I blew it. I was hesitant to kiss her, treated her like a princess, and told her all of my feelings about her (I told her she was "perfect" and so beautiful, etc, etc). Soon, we were just...
  5. R

    Is she a Friends w/ Benefits Candidate?

    "Find out for sure. You have nothing to lose. The next time you two are together make your move. Be a MAN and take what it is you want. The worst she can do is snubb you in which case you try again and if she's not having anything to do with your advances you kick her ass to the curb and move...
  6. R

    Retarded Question -- Need Answer QUICK

    I feel your pain, but you need to learn to not have to rely on other's to motivate you to talk to a girl. Just go for it. What the hell if she turns you down? You tried, and by doing so, made it more comfortable for you to try again down the road. Next time, just talk to her.
  7. R

    Is she a Friends w/ Benefits Candidate?

    I have been going out with this girl for several months, and Im very attracted to her physically and personality-wise. I started out with the intention of having a serious relationship with her, but after a while I began to notice that she was hanging out with other guys, and said herself she...