Need to evacuate the LJBF zone


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2006
Reaction score
Well I have known this girl for quite some time now and we have grown to be very good friends and oftenly joke around about everything but I know she knows I have an interest in her but I want to LEAVE the friendship zone and move onto a stronger relationship, what do guys suggest I do so I can possibly have her bite the bait and maybe we can have a relationship?

This is what I am planning on doing tonite when I see her:

1) When I see her(the girl I like) and her sister I will hug them both blah blah the usual

2) We will probably end up doing something getting coffee or in the park or whatever and I wanna like rub my hand over her cheek complimenting her on her hair/earings. Basically incoprate alot of Kino to convey my message

3) At the end of the nite I want to possibly hug her not just a normal hug but like a deep one that she feels secure. I will leave it at that and say good nite.

How does it sound? Do you think its possible to escape the friend zone and possibly date her?



Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
no, escaping the friendzone is not possible unless you want to take the chance of never speaking to this girl again, and from my expierence, thats not a good thing. So you have really 2 outcomes,
1. she accepts the fact that you want to make a sexual relationship out of this
2. you lose her forever

your choice, oh and dont do all that "i want to make her feel secure in my arms" crap, just tell her over the coffee, thats all you can do


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
I was in your situation a little while ago. I started seeing this girl, and I knew we had attraction, but I blew it. I was hesitant to kiss her, treated her like a princess, and told her all of my feelings about her (I told her she was "perfect" and so beautiful, etc, etc). Soon, we were just friends and she started dating other guys. Recently, though, I got a second chance, and this time I did things differently.

First, shut up about your feelings. Dont tell her straight out that you want to be more than friends. Make her want you.

Flirt with her. Use sexual innuendo, it will turn her on. This is important because she will stop thinking of you as a friend if you do so.

Make yourself unavailable. Dont contact her or talk to her for a while. Leave her wanting more contact from you. Start talking to other girls and flirt with them. MAke her compete.

And touch her. Use kino. Get her alone, and kiss her. The problem will be in getting her to kiss you. If you do it while she is still "sober" (for lack of a better word), she may realize what she is doing and say "we are just friends." But if you sweep her off your feet and do something really memorable, such that she has so much attraction for you, she will kiss you, and you are that much further out of the friend zone.

About your date:

If you are hugging both girls, hold the one you like a little longer. Look into her eyes more. Not drastically, but enough to say "hey, I like you more than a friend."

Get her alone in the park. You cant do anything, like kiss, in front of her sister. Thats just akward.

Hugging is lame. Kiss her. Period. LIke the previous poster said, you have to be willing to lose her. If she wont kiss you, she isnt coming around anytime soon. Make this one count.

If she doesnt kiss you, then leave her alone for a while. If you like her a lot, wait two weeks and ask her out again and try to kiss her (if she fails, NEXT her). Otherwise, forget about her. She is too much of a friend to convert.

Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
Have you Listened to the Tom Leykis show? He talks about stuff like this all the time! Alot of his callers have great success after listening to the show for awhile.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
how does it sound? great if scaring her is your idea, but horrible if anything else.

I mean dude, and this isn't just for you becuase you are new.

I try to relate alot of things to sales, because well, I sold alot of **** to different compaines when I had mine, so it's something I can relate to very well.

LJBF is nothing more than a type of rejection. It's the equilvlant of a customer saying "let me go home and think it over" or even more accurate, a customer agreeing to "try", not buy, but TRY your product not out of want for the product, but out of pity for you teh salesperson or just so you will leave them alone, with no real intentions of buying the product.

The way you get over LJBF is the same way you get over any rejection. First, you find the problem or the objection, you fix the problem and then you ask for the sale again.
IN a womans case as far as dating, she is basically going to have to see you as a totally different person as she does now, becuase the person she knows now IS her friend. It's not impossible, just too much damn work.

Also, you have some areas in life that need to be improved on. What, I don't know, but there are there. Unfinished guys get LJBF'ed. Women will never look at a great guy, looks, shape, career, ambition, etc, and think of being his friend, that's not a womans nature.

spin plates, get in shape, do whatever it is you do, but get her out of your head at least for the distant future


Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2005
Reaction score
By Backbreaker:
LJBF is nothing more than a type of rejection.
You know, I don't recall anyone putting LJBF in those terms before, but it's exactly right.