Making the Kiss Count


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
Ive seen a lot around here on how to chat with women and get numbers and create attraction, but Ive seen very little about actual physical seduction. My question is, what tips are there on kissing a woman so that it "escalates" the situation persay.

What are some tips on how to create suspense, leave the girl guessing, and how to subtlely tell her "i want more"? What to do with those "hand" things that everyone has? Etc.

Im not asking "how do you kiss", Im just asking for some of the tricks you guys use to make it special. AKA: signature moves....


Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
Well, what i usually do is... nothing. i wait for her to try to kiss me, and i push her off me until she practically grabs my face and forces a kiss on me. but i only do this when im angry..

when im happy and i try to kiss my gf she usually pushes me away, and when i force one on her she pushes me off her face harder and she doesnt even kiss back, and tells me to stop it.


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
DasaniWater said:
Well, what i usually do is... nothing. i wait for her to try to kiss me, and i push her off me until she practically grabs my face and forces a kiss on me. but i only do this when im angry..

when im happy and i try to kiss my gf she usually pushes me away, and when i force one on her she pushes me off her face harder and she doesnt even kiss back, and tells me to stop it.
No offence, but im looking for something a little more ... normal. I dont normally force my girls to kiss me...

But I like the waiting part. Ive read things before about going in for the kiss and then backing out several times until she goes crazy and tries to kiss you, but that seems like it would be akward to do.


Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
well, always make sure u wear cologn, and just give her a nice big hugg with her tits pressed against her chest and just tease her by kissing her neck and then stop and continue walking holding her hand..

another thing i like to do.. is just grab her chin so she faces me and just stare at her with dream eyes my lips loosened, like im going to kiss her, stare in her eyes look up and down her eyes to mouth for 4 seconds and slowly move in and just kiss her on the neck and give her a hickie.


Master Don Juan
Jul 8, 2002
Reaction score
Camp Pendleton, Ca
Alright, I'll bite.

I start out the same with every girl, It varies from there.

Begin. Let's assume eye-lock and repoire has been established. Now you have to close the distance. Tailor your level of aggressiveness to your relationship, style and whatever opportunities arise. You know when she wants you to kiss her. (waiting for her to kiss you is an effort in futility not to mention emasculating and putting the cart before the horse) Her eyes soften, she has positive body language (which does include squirming from fright and nervousness), she's leaning in close or otherwise letting you into her personal space. You should already have kino in place and she wasn't recoiling in horror from your touch. You're good to go.

I usually take my dominant hand brush it across her cheek on the way to one of two locations. I'm either reaching for her nape (the back of her neck where hair and neck collide in a glorious fusion of sensitive nerve endings) or I'm getting ready to tilt her chin towards me if she's being coy.

Contact. The first time I kiss a woman I usually just let my lips graze hers, then work my lips around hers until we lock full on. Everything is sensitivity, til I get to this part. As kissing progresses it's just a simply matter of pulling her closer, raising the intensity (or lowering it depending on your objective) Finding all sorts of different ways to stimulate her nerve endings. Favorites include lip biting, tongue massage, taking side-trips along the neck, nose, chin, ear, and clavicle (they call it the breast bone for a reason). Work it, have fun, switch it up. Be lazy or be crazy, enjoy the kissing, you'll have her running on high idle, waiting for you to pop her clutch.
