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  1. F

    Problems continue

    It seems like my desperation just gets worse....the last week or so I've been contacting girls left and right, older ones, younger ones, attractive ones, not so attractive ones.....and my messages must really suck because I've hardly gotten any responses. It doesn't seem like I'm saying things...
  2. F

    Problems continue

    Appreciate the replies, guys....and yeah I definitely know what you mean about responding too quickly and being too available. Right now, I'm just starting to look for a new job and I've had WAY too much time on my hands lately and have nothing to show for it. When I was working, it seemed...
  3. F

    Problems continue

    ps. out of desperation and the possibility that I could talk on the phone/meet/f*** the girl, I did what I NEVER EVER do....and have only done a few times in my life and that is give her my number. She promised she would call but just like every other time I gave it out, there ain't nobody...
  4. F

    Problems continue

    I've been talking to various girls online and it's always the same....I get initial interest but it goes downhill because I can't seem to know what to say on a consistent basis and even when I'm on the right track, I err by not knowing when to shut the f*** up! I think I really screwed up the...
  5. F

    MYSPACE - enough praising/shyttalking about it - heres the TRUTH

    Yeah, I think myspace has made me even lazier in one respect about meeting women as it has been my only avenue lately. Ever since I was able to pull a few broads at the end of last year/beginning of this year, I've pretty much remained stationary, thinking I was on a roll and didn't even have...
  6. F

    i had a free hour today, here's how i used MYSPACE to my advantage.....

    How do you send "spam" mail and get it done so quickly? I'm not familiar.
  7. F

    MYSPACE - enough praising/shyttalking about it - heres the TRUTH

    I'll have to agree with archaxis can be unique, not overly complimentary, ask interesting questions about things on their profile and the most you'll get is a reply or two if they're a 7 or above. I sent a brief message to this really cute girl the other night (18 years old) and...
  8. F

    MySpace...this is why guys dont get it!

    yeah, it doesn't seem how you alter your approach compared to the other schmucks who feed them lines they've devoured a million times can be sincere, unique, even quite funny and still, it seldom matters. Oh well, I've been able to seduce 3 and it's all a matter of avoiding those...
  9. F

    Lately i been hitting on chicks older than me...

    I always find that if you say something that is unique in response to the question....something that makes your age seem less important and THEN admit your age, things tend to go much more smoothly. If you carry yourself like you're older and more mature yet still have the "young hung stud"...
  10. F

    MYSPACE - enough praising/shyttalking about it - heres the TRUTH

    I'd have to disagree in one respect....I've stuck it to a couple older women/milfs I met on myspace. I've only gotten laid with 3 in 11 months but 2 of them were much older than me and fairly attractive ladies for their age/having kids.
  11. F

    success with online profiles....

    Yeah, I condensed my profile a little more in certain areas but I made it more specific as far as who I'd like to meet. Personally, I agree with some of the girls who sent me messages....I should be drawing more of a crowd. It just seems like if the girl has a certain degree of interest and...
  12. F

    success with online profiles....

    I've had a myspace profile for a little under a year now and have met a few women thanks to it....although granted none of it's gone very far. Recently, I've been without a job and spending more time online. And of course, even though I feel like a fairly attractive/intelligent guy, I wonder if...