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  1. F

    LTR or Freedom?

    Thats what I am asking myself too at the moment. Everytime I am single I enjoy my freedom but end up with a new girlfriend. Having sex everytime you want, not having to sit in front of your TV on the evening all alone and of course someone who cares and asks how you feel. I dont know if...
  2. F

    What puts you in a better mood?

    Hey guys, do you know that feeling, when you just have a bad day and are a bit depressed about everything? In the last Days/weeks i did have this. I have to learn for my courses in university, the weather is great, most of my friends are still living in my hometown und enjoy the good...
  3. F

    Let this be a warning to all those in a LTR!!

    I'm in a similar situation. I miss the comfort of a LTR and I miss a girl on my side. I am not able to approach other woman though I really want it. I still meet with my Ex because it is easy for me to have sex with her etc but I dont really want her as a GF. I want to be single but I hate it to...
  4. F

    I'm too horny

    Hey guys. I just ended my LTR of 14 months, 14 days ago. Now I have the feeling that I have to do everything that I couldnt do in my relationship. Everytime I drink alcohol, I drink ALOT. I think about having Sex with women all the time. Everytime I notice that I cant have Sex with a girl that...
  5. F

    Not So Random hookup

    She wasnt interested in you when you called her. You might now be able to get some dates with her, but after some she will tell you that "she just wants to be friends". In 99% of all cases, her feelings she has about you at the beginning will never change.
  6. F

    Pics - Post a pic of what you think is HB10

    Just found her, and I think I would wet my pants if she would talk to me. ;)
  7. F


    You should just come over and talk some german with us. I wonder if there is a single thread in this forum which deals with german but NOT with hitler. He seems to be more popular in the US than here in germany.
  8. F

    Pics - Post a pic of what you think is HB10

    I noticed, that most of the pictures I saw were pics of cheap b!tches. I'm suprised that these girls are the prettiest women you can think of. But I'm glad that we dont share the same taste, so you can leave the girl quality girls to me ;)
  9. F

    How to start a Social circle from nothing!

    I know that problem. Some of my friends will move away and i have to stay here for one more year. I think you cant just talk to guys who you want to have as your friends like you talk to girls. I will try to call some old friends and go out with them. They will introduce me to some guys they...
  10. F

    Cant quit GF because of fear

    Thanks for your help. I feel like I'm sitting in my comfortable little house with my girlfriend, its clean, warm and i have enough to eat. I look out of the window and I see people having "better" girlfriend (not only optical) and bigger houses. But its raining outside and its very cold. I...
  11. F

    Cant quit GF because of fear

    I'm in a realtionship for 10 months right now. Some months ago I started to think about my current relationship and also thought about leaving her. Pro: She is a very nice girl, would never cheat on me, has lots of time for me. Contra: I doubt that I love her like she loves me. She...