LTR or Freedom?


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2008
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I was wondering, let's say someone could choose between having a LTR or random chicks to f*ck w/e he want, like fbuddies, or simply both!

What do you guys would go for?

LTR has it's benefits:
There is someone who cares for you
You can have sex w/e you want
You can go out with her and have things to say
Pays for you sometimes (at least in my LTR we buy each others drinks everyother date)
Be more emotional with her
Argue (which is a bittersweet thing when it's happening)
And other staff that I can't think of right now!

Being Single:
Sex with different chicks without cheating on someone
Be able to do w/e you want w/e you want, like watch a football game with your friends
FREEDOM in other words, can't think other things that can be best be described as Freedom!

So, what are you guys would want to have and why?

I am in a LTR with a good girl and staff, but feeling a little bored from the whole concept of this LTR, so I was thinking about it... Which is best?!?

(Can't find out how to make this a f*cking poll) :p


Don Juan
May 9, 2007
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Thats what I am asking myself too at the moment.
Everytime I am single I enjoy my freedom but end up with a new girlfriend.
Having sex everytime you want, not having to sit in front of your TV on the evening all alone and of course someone who cares and asks how you feel.

I dont know if this are real reasons for being in a LTR or just the symptoms of feeling lonely. I have many friends but I still tend to feel lonely if i dont have anyone around.

My gf is a good girl too. I wonder if I should be in a LTR in my early twenties. I can stay with a girl for the rest of my life when I reach 30 or something like that. My years as a stundents are supposed to be fun and full of experiences.

I think, some years from now, I wouldnt regret once dumping a nice girl because I have met new girls. But in some years I would regret giving up my freedom because I only got one chance.

On the other hand: Is being single real freedom or are you then even more trapped in the need of dating and f***ing different women?

Well this is not an easy decision.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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Again, chris rock just nails it...

You can be married and bored, or single and lonely, ain't nobody happy!

lol. The grass is always greener, at some point you have to decide what you want for yourself. What's most important to you, and what you are willing to pay for it and then pay it gladly.