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  1. N

    Need help please! Friend zone bull****...

    Not sure I understand the caveats. Is this advice on what I should do to her, or for future girls? So for #1 I shouldn't get into lengthy convos with this girl.... Dunno if it's too late for that, we've actually gotten kinda close and opened up a bit more to eachother. Is that a bad thing...
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    Need help please! Friend zone bull****...

    Thanks big pappy that is some good advice. One other little thing I forgot to mention which now when I look back I think was a HUGE mistake. After our first or second 'study session' I invited her to a party the following night. She said she had work till 10pm but I told her to call me when she...
  3. N

    Need help please! Friend zone bull****...

    I think i'll try meeting some of her girl friends first. She does take dance class and all so i think ill try to get her to invite me to some of those. That might even make her a little jealous and spark an interest. I do think at one point she was interested. I think the time when we first...
  4. N

    Need help please! Friend zone bull****...

    What do you think the chances of her saying yes to being more then friends is? Because I honestly do have a lot of fun with her and I don't want to lose her as a friend either. I mean that almost sounds like a threat. Is that my only option though?
  5. N

    Need help please! Friend zone bull****...

    Ok, so i've been reading the boards for a while boards for a while and have the basic 'theory' down now. My problem is a kinda drawn out, but boils down to me making mistakes with a girl I had a thing for which led me into the friends zone. Here's the story: I started studying with a girl...
  6. N

    Physical size and dating

    How is it possible to post a pic if you have it on your harddrive? Does it have to be on the web to be posted?
  7. N

    Want her to be GF, should I ask or wait?

    Also, any ideas on what to take her out to? I mean I could call her up and ask her to hang out or to go out to eat? Maybe a movie? Also, how long should I wait? I'm not sure if waiting too long will make her lose interest.
  8. N

    Want her to be GF, should I ask or wait?

    Ok well, maybe ill wait a few days or so to give her a call. I just don't want to seem too desperate or pushy is all. When do you think would be a good time to call? A week or so?
  9. N

    Want her to be GF, should I ask or wait?

    Well, today I had my last class with her and we had our final exam. So as we were walking back I asked her if she was going to the concert I mentioned to her the other day, because I was gonna order the tickets. She said she couldn't go. I'm not sure if she really couldn't go to the concert or...
  10. N

    Want her to be GF, should I ask or wait?

    Thanks FitnessGuy, your post is encouraging. your right, I want to be affectionate but for some reason I just hold back. Theres one thing I forgot to mention about IL which happend about 2 weeks ago. I was over at her house getting ready to hit the books while she was about to get off the...
  11. N

    Want her to be GF, should I ask or wait?

    I usually see her a few times a week. She calls me maybe a few times a week too, and I'll call her about the same. The calls are usually short though and just to set up when to study or work on something for class usually.Her intrest level seems good maybe 8.5 out of 10, I kissed her twice so...
  12. N

    Want her to be GF, should I ask or wait?

    So should I just start sacling it up (holding her hand, put arm around her) and it will just end up being assumed? I guess if someone brings it up or asks if shes my GF in front of her I would just say yeah.
  13. N

    Want her to be GF, should I ask or wait?

    LOL, yeah i know im not experienced... That's why I'm on the boards. Anyway, I've kissed her but haven't had sex with her. She's 19 and most likely a virgin (also I think she is very inexperienced), and is pretty shy. I haven't 'asked her out' or made it really known that we are together... Any...
  14. N

    Want her to be GF, should I ask or wait?

    So your saying I should keep on kissing her and not bring it up? I was thinking I would kiss her and then say something like ' I want you to be my GF'... For some reason it's hard for me to treat her like a GF (ei hold her hand/ put arm around her) since I haven't brought it up. I guess I should...
  15. N

    Want her to be GF, should I ask or wait?

    So this girl I've been studying with this girl now for a few months throughout the semseter. The semester is about to end and we've had some good times... went to a concert, a party, i've kissed her a few times ect. She seems to show good IL. Now, I want to make sure things move to the next...
  16. N

    When are you her boyfriend?

    What are some good things to do if you want her to start thinking of you as a BF?
  17. N

    Finding an HB virgin

    LOL. TTAG is right, if you want to find a virgin your only chance is going to church and finding a 18yr old there. GL to you!
  18. N

    When are you her boyfriend?

    Do chicks usually consider you their boyfriend after going out for a while, kissing, having sex? Whens the point where it becomes 'official' and how is it usually brought up as to whether you guys are a couple or not?
  19. N

    How to treat a shy girl to get into LTR

    Well, tonight I was at her house to study. We took a break and went out to eat and grabbed some ice cream ect. When we got back we hit the books again. This time niether of us really wanted to study and we were kinda avoiding it. After awhile, the tension really started to build up. I was...
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    How to treat a shy girl to get into LTR

    Yeah, that seems like it's good advice. Any more input is appreciated.