Search results for query: college/

  1. B

    How do you guys avoid getting attached?

    This website existed 10+ years ago, and pre-woke Askmen regularly discussing this stuff, even releasing a book on the subject Undateable...
  2. I

    How do you guys avoid getting attached?

    I have seen him approach several times. One time we we were walking and ran into this girl that he had just met a while back. He barely knew her. I was silent, and he lead the conversation. It was like watching Jesus turn water into wine - this guy never stuttered, always had something...
  3. DreamAgain

    How do you guys avoid getting attached?

    It's not that, he probably has narcissistic personality disorder or he might be a sociopath. These are not admirable qualities to have, be happy you are not like him.
  4. I

    How do you guys avoid getting attached?

    Back in college a friend of mine would smash the hottest women. This guy was 6'0'' 200lbs lean, had all the characteristics of an alpha. He would **** women on first dates, even go after women with boyfriends, and he'd usually never have issues. Somehow, he'd get with women like that, and...
  5. Lotus Effect

    Question: What do actually works nowadays?

    Thank you for the insight mate. I think that every approach has its pros and cons. But one does not need to invalidate the other. You should work with everything. I much rather prefer real life than online, once you got the abundance mindset. In my opinion, it is required a certain ammount...
  6. G

    Factors that get a man bumped down on the looks scale

    You're right, a man being on the spectrum can lead to a woman getting bad vibes. In some cases, it might not even be one specific thing the man did; just the overall vibe the woman gets from him.
  7. C

    Women Don't Want a Semi-Successful Man

    I used to be into watches and watched Teddy Baldassarre’s channel from time to time. He pulled about 100K views per video, had a video with Kevin O’Leary, and owns an online watch accessories store. Not sure what he is up to now. At the time, Courtney worked in a corporation and she would come...
  8. SW15

    Women Don't Want a Semi-Successful Man

    This is true. It's essentially true in Dallas as well. Courtney would be more positively perceived in Ohio or Wisconsin than Florida or Texas. She went to college in small town Ohio and appears to have lived in Cleveland since then. Cleveland is a bigger city but not quite as known for...
  9. Hamurabimbi

    Factors that get a man bumped down on the looks scale

    Remember. Women are not bound by ‘Sexual Harassment’ policies. I could write a book about the inappropriate and sexual things coworkers have said to me. And that is your opening. As long as you keep your banter at the level they give you.
  10. SW15

    Factors that get a man bumped down on the looks scale

    That's true and it's a feature of the increasing abundance that most women have, especially White American women. Just under 50% should rate below average, not 80%. Yes, balding is a factor. So are bad teeth, dressing sloppy, and some other appearance factors. This thread has touched on some...
  11. L

    Why do some very attractive women go for average guys their entire life?

    Because these women are insecure. They don’t think they deserve better. Personally know one that used to be above average, she shacked up with some loser and now they are both fat and miserable. Ppl gravitate to what they think they deserve. Just because she is ”hot” in your eyes doesn’t...
  12. B

    Question: What do actually works nowadays?

    I wish I was Brazilian because I have a serious thing for Brazilian women...I find them so fvcking Sexy... Latina women in general but especially roommate in college was from Brazil and he had some female Brazilian friends that would come over and hang out with us that were...
  13. Solomon

    Women Don't Want a Semi-Successful Man

    Not here simping but Courtney Ryan would be easily an "8" in Wisconsin some of you guys gotta realize there are some fat/ugly women in smaller US states those ratings easily bump up Not saying you're wrong cause In Miami Courtney would just be another white girl, her husband does look like a...
  14. SW15

    Women Don't Want a Semi-Successful Man

    6 is a defensible rating for Courtney Ryan. She's a "cute" range female, which would be around a 6 to low 7 depending on who is doing the rating. There are plenty of female 6s with men who are 8+ and even 8.5+ on looks. It's usually something shorter term. A lot of female 6's get attention on...
  15. inquisitor

    How often do you get smiled at relative to your looks?

    If I were to guess, I won't because it's a pointless question. Why learn about that rating when you can instead focus on yourself - not even put yourself on a rating, just look the best that you can. Why get consistently smiled at? What for? To stroke your ego? In my (little) experience, I...
  16. L

    Why do some very attractive women go for average guys their entire life?

    This is what i always say that personality is far superior over looks. Yes, looks matter, they open the door, but personality is what really builds the foundation.
  17. B

    Women Don't Want a Semi-Successful Man

    In regards to whether or not The Red Pill is "a good thing".... As said elsewhere, life was much simpler when we weren't emulating The Woke Left, by speaking and writing of these things in paragraphs overflowing with jargon and buzzwords. It wasn't all that long ago that we were doing so both...
  18. SW15

    Women Don't Want a Semi-Successful Man

    That was true in 1982 when it was written and true in current times as well (2010s-2020s). Good for her for having that self-awareness. Not many women do. One current day example of a woman with self-awareness is Courtney Ryan. Courtney Ryan likely had sex with numerous alpha/sigma type males...
  19. Solomon

    A quick observation about OLD and location settings

    I think you bring up a point that gets brought up a lot, your environment affects your success. A guy cleaning up in Ogden Utah may not clean up in New York City. A guy cleaning up in LA might struggle in Ames Iowa etc Really there are so many factors that go into this, but there is a guy right...