Search results for query: college/

  1. Solomon

    The Importance of Money in Men's SMV

    As a person who has made some money and been around money and status (D list celebs i.e. popular youtubers, people in the finance field etc) I'm not going to be disingenuous and say money doesn't matter the problem with the money argument is you have people arguing about money from a perspective...
  2. G

    New strategy for securing straight to your house dates

    I've mentioned my crippling phobia of pregnancy before on this forum. The woman I had the date with was a thick 21 year old. About as fertile as it gets. I was terrified of getting her pregnant (even with a condom). The fact I inserted myself for a split second shows I was considering having...
  3. Dr.Suave

    New strategy for securing straight to your house dates

    Why? Wasnt that the point of the whole thing?
  4. S

    Should i pursue a former crush who recently showed interest on social media?

    I'm not saying it like that, man. You don't need to address it that way. I just wanted to understand this post better and explain that it couldn't be about anyone else but me.
  5. Gamisch

    The Importance of Money in Men's SMV

    Yeah ,but being bluepilled/beta does NOT mean a man won't get coochie. I do agree that it becomes harder for such a man because most women nowadays have had their fait share of "Bad boys" so the temptation is always lurking. And it takes ONE moment of weakness for her to destroy everything...
  6. B

    Should i pursue a former crush who recently showed interest on social media?

    Alright dude, you're right, I'm wrong. You have a lot more life experience and your intuition seems spot on. Text her back, maybe even propose while you're at it. You obviously know better. It's not like you're 18 surrounded by college girls at the easiest point in your life to get laid. I...
  7. G

    New strategy for securing straight to your house dates

    Back when I was in college, I went on a date to the Starbucks at Barnes and Noble. I don't remember if we went Dutch or what. Even if I footed the whole bill, that's a cheap date. She ended up naked in my bed, begging me for sex, after the date. I opted out of sex (Well, to get technical, I...
  8. Solomon

    The Importance of Money in Men's SMV

    You can still bang college girls if you stay in shape and do your thing. My buddy is 35 still bangs 21 year olds cause he is within 10 miles of 3 of the biggest colleges in the state (logistics/access)When I was in my late 20s I was still getting to Frat parties and I'll leave at that I...
  9. J

    The Billionaire's Brain (Bullet Points for Success)

    This is a good list, just to add to it here are a few of my observations Willing to take risks and bet on themselves. There are many super talented and intelligent people who are never willing to do this part and are more comfortable in a career and retirement plan, often times a high paying...
  10. SW15

    The Importance of Money in Men's SMV

    This is very accurate. A college campus is the best place to meet women for men who are enrolled in a college. This is far more likely to happen for men at larger universities. Men who never enroll in college or go to trade schools do not get to experience this. The access to young, single...
  11. L

    The Billionaire's Brain (Bullet Points for Success)

    Here is some knowledge and wisdom I have accumulated throughout the years, of meeting people with high level of success, through personal experiences and through different impacts in my life. Read it, and implement. There is a set of intangibles that you must possess if you want to be...
  12. parabellum

    The Importance of Money in Men's SMV

    In a way, college is a sort of pssy heaven. I wish I could sponsor an awareness campaign for all high schoolers so they prepare accordingly, because boy, not an easy thing to recover if you completely miss out college action.
  13. SW15

    The Importance of Money in Men's SMV

    The college guy on campus has better access to more attractive than the post-college guy (let's say he's early 30s) making $150,000 per year with a nice urban condo in a big city. That early 30s urban condo guy can find attractive women at nightlife venues and maybe at a few non-bar venues...
  14. Solomon

    The Importance of Money in Men's SMV

    The more I'm on this forum the more I realize most guys talking about money don't know what they are talking about It's either 2nd hand information or just regurgitating Redpill talking points, it's very easy to see the guys that make money and the guys that don't. If you're leading with your...
  15. Solomon

    So many here are always comparing themselves to celebs

    Social proof is amazing if you understand how it works and how to utilize it, sadly most men who struggle with women tend to go the OLD route meanwhile the hottest chicks or better yet women in terms of quality tend to be in social circles. I've hacked my way from social circles that were...
  16. N

    We are prize but We have to go approach a girl paradox

    Some of my friends are preparing for USMLE. I don't know how difficult it is, but the Language part would be the most challenging part for me.
  17. G

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    Like your husband, maintaining relationships has been a challenge for me. Longest relationship was 8 months. Every other relationship has been much shorter. It's inteteresting though that you mention your husband never had a hard time attracting the ladies. That's where we differ (Or let's put...
  18. BeExcellent

    Single parent dating info for millennials

    Hmmmm. When you date someone you have to weigh the pros & cons of that individual. I can see why @SW15 is single or unattached. He is looking for the equivalent of a caring, childless, feminine gorgeous woman who has been under a rock unknown and untouched in her adult life someone who has...
  19. B

    We are prize but We have to go approach a girl paradox

    We all make a conscious choice to think of events in overgeneralized terms such as "Low Quality" Vs Thinking in more specific, nuanced terms such as: "While I'm disappointed that sultry college girl threw her Pink Drink in my face then stormed out of Starbucks, instead of slipping her thong...
  20. Pierce Manhammer

    We are prize but We have to go approach a girl paradox

    The progression to become a medical doctor (MD) in the U.S. typically follows these steps: ### 1. Undergraduate Education - **Duration**: 4 years - **Requirements**: A bachelor's degree, typically with a focus on pre-medical courses such as biology, chemistry, physics, and math. ### 2. Medical...