Bro i dont go to 3rd world shyte holes. My girl is from Europe/ Euroasia. She is from a developed nation and her quality of life is better than most people in the USA.I am from a 3rd world shytehole lol. I have all the right in to say that. Maybe that's you understand my pov on this.
You are WAY too emotionally invested. By scrap I mean this back and forth bs.
You deny the following things:
- ppbro is a great risk
- all men prefer a local woman if she's g9od for him
- it's only because your dollar goes further that you have leverage over those women.
You are defending your self rather than the concept . But you are in the midst of it, while I'm standing and looking from a distance to this all. If being a ppbro was the best solution I wouldn't disagree with you..
You are the one that attacks every post I make about going overseas. I dont attack you. I am just defending lies.
Your point is that most men that travel overseas cant get girls in the USA. This is objectively false. Many men choose to get away from the USA.
Thats like women that say men that dont marry couldnt get women anyway. Do you see what you are doing here?
I am telling you I can show you the women I got in the US. I did pretty decent for being a regular guy. I choose to go overseas because the culture of the USA is not a good culture. Why is this difficult to understand.
American women are not a prize @Gamish. This is the premise you are operating from. They are the fattest women on earth. They are also the most masculine. Prove me wrong.