Bro how is what you just wrote not an insult. You are exhibiting low self awareness. You are saying that I am not a good catch. Thats an insult bro lol . You started insulting first.
We just disagree on this topic and thats ok. You think only low value men travel internationally to marry women. I disagree. If you have enough disposable income to travel then you are not that low value. Also even handsome men are found in SouthEast asia, Colombia etc.
Soliders and ex pats are not low value men. They have been marrying internationally for decades.
Secondly I believe that no self respecting man would keep trying to date in the cesspool called the USA. All you have left are single mothers and fat feminist. Prove me wrong. I have shown you the stats that the average women in the USA is bigger than the average man.
You think its more dignified to keep chasing after US women when they keep telling you that they dont respect you. Thats insane.
Wow bro, one advice: when you argue with your girl try to ne more level headed, because this doesn't make any sense.
I perfectly stated that I categorise a ppbro with man who pays for sex . Yes. Is it a legitimate alternative? Sure. But we can also conclude that we would rather get Stacy from around the corner if possible over some womam who lives on the other side of TOWN let alone the world. Just like aan.who pays for sex might prefer a steady gf, but hey.there are hb9's selling box for 50 bucks ( overhere) so I can't pretend like it's not a supply demand dynamic.
Yes, when a man feels like his only or best option for love is on the other side of the globe IMO something went wrong . It's not like local women don't go out, to local parties and festivals ect.
Soldiers have a reason to be relocated. If anything I'd say these soldiers do exactly what I advocate for; they make the best out of the situation/ place they're in. Can't compare a soldier to a man who deliberately lolls for a foreign woman.