I went to the grocery store today to pick up some groceries, and on the way out, I stopped by the gift shop to buy some flowers, teddy bears, and chocolates. There was a huge line, and most of the people in it were men, mostly in their early 30s, though I saw men of all ages buying flowers. This got me thinking, and I came to two realizations:
1. Not to be insensitive or anti-Semitic, but there’s a reason why Valentine’s Day is often referred to as a “Jewish holiday.” The gift shop was seriously price gouging. Most items were at least 20-30 dollars more expensive than usual, and there’s this hidden pressure on men to buy something for their significant other, whether they want to or not.
2. This realization came to me a while back: many women say they don’t care about celebrating Valentine’s Day, but you’d be in trouble if you didn’t buy them something or make the day special. After all, their friends probably got something from their significant other. That being said, Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity to earn some brownie points with your mom, mother-in-law, sister, or even make your daughter’s day special with a small gesture—like buying some roses and chocolates for about 20 bucks. Don’t be stingy. If you’re talking to a girl, you can also buy her something and make it a lukewarm effort, just make sure her feelings toward you are reciprocated so you don’t look dumb.