Transform Your Dating Life in Minutes

If you're looking for a proven system to attract women and achieve dating success, you're in the right place.

Our step-by-step guide is the perfect starting point for any man looking to improve his dating life.

With our expert advice and strategies, you'll be able to overcome common obstacles, build confidence, and start attracting the women you desire.

Thanks for joining us, and I wish you all the best on your path to success!

Tired Of Not Having Any Beautiful women In My Life (besides my mom and sister)


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
I don't get this. Why would she hate being hit on by guys who go to the gym (and consequently probably look better than average)? :rolleyes:
The ones who are young and attractive don't have the confidence/know better than to hit on service workers.

And the ones who are older and less attractive don't care.

That's my assumption at least.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2025
Reaction score
Alright, there's a lot to unpack here so I'm just going to respond to the OP and the fact that you mention being underweight and over 6ft. Looks like plenty of other members are offering sound advice, so I'll offer mine as well.

Same reason I came, cold approaching is my bread and butter so let's see what issues you're having.

Cold approaching should not take a toll on your soul. It is a quick pain; you approach, get rejected, and move on. There should not be much afterthought beyond what you did wrong at that moment and what you could've done better. I believe the pain of rejection is much less than the pain of settling to be with someone less than you desire.

I can't speak for your "friend", but if the last thing he told you was that he thinks you're an autist I don't know whether I'd consider that a friend (unless he's saying this to help you somehow).

That said, you should describe HOW you're approaching these women and with what frequency. You should not be doing it so much in one place at one time that you're being asked to leave. I have never once in my life been asked to leave or even been asked to stop approaching women in any particular place, so the fact that you are means you are doing something fundamentally wrong.

The last girl you approached was more than 2 months ago? That's nothing, dude. If you want success you need way more "at bats" than that. You got a fake number? Who cares? I'm sure a majority of this forum has had that happen at least once to them - it's certainly happened to me before.

This shows a few things wrong with your approach though.

First, you're approaching a store employee. She HAS to be there, she doesn't get to choose whether to accept your interaction. In all likelihood, she's getting paid close to minimum wage and just wants to go home - she does not want to be hit on by strangers. I have a FWB who works the front desk at a gym. She gets hit on CONSTANTLY, and hates it. But she has to be nice to every person who walks in thinking they're the first person to drop a line on her.

Second, you're having a whole conversation without this girl's input; "Hey, I think you're cute, can I have your number?" You don't know her name, her only response is either "yes" or "no", and there's zero reason for her to be interested in you besides your physical appearance in that moment. Have a conversation, see how she reacts, listen to whether she continues the conversation without you having to force it, etc.

And obviously, don't do this with service workers. There are plenty of posts on this forum of guys surprised their barista wasn't interested in them despite "flirting" the whole time as if that's not literally their job.

Change this mentality.

You are not entitled to anything. Dating is a free market where the most desirable men get picked and the least desirable ones do not. There are plenty of posts of guys here thinking that because they had some minor success in the past it should translate to success now and in the future - and they are wrong.

Consider for a moment, if you were a hot girl, would you want to f*** you? If the answer is no, change that.

Dating apps should be used as a supplementary tool at best. Even if you're Chad Thundercoq you're not getting many hot matches because there are simply so few on there. A majority of what you'll swipe on are 5s and 6s who think they deserve a 10. That is not ALWAYS the case, as some of my most consistent FWBs have been from dating apps - but you are competing with a LOT of men.

If a girl is hot on a dating app, every right swipe is a match. I've seen it, my ex showed me. Expect nothing and sometimes be pleasantly surprised, but don't lean on it for your dating life.

That being said, if you're as broke as you say, don't focus too much on this. Get a job, save some money, and maybe go to some local bar on the weekend and see if there's anybody you want to meet there. You should not have to spend a lot of money to meet women.

Personally, I live at home with my parents, am underemployed, and make around $40k/year. I can still make it work and get laid a lot because the other parts of the product, that is me, are quite attractive. You've mentioned before that you're over 6ft. That's very good. Now start going to the gym.

I made a thread not long ago called "Tired of being Fat & Ugly?" about a beginner gym program. Go find and read through that if you need a place to start and have no clue whatsoever.

Otherwise, this whole process is going to take time and you'll fail a lot. You just have to decide whether a bunch of little failures is less painful than a single massive one that lasts your whole life. For me it was.
"Cold approaching should not take a toll on your soul" Well it did. I've always been kind of a sensitive guy anyway. I agree that it's important to learn from previous approaches and improve, but it's kind hard when most girls say that they're taken already because then I wonder if it really has anything to do with me anyway.
I assure you that my friend was very much my friend and that he told me that I might be autistic in order to help me.
I have both written and audio records of some of my approaches, I dunno if y'all want me to post them or what.
I guess you're under the impression that the Target employee approach was just some once-in-a-blue approach for me or something. I've been doing this for some years, I've probably approached thousands of women at this point.
I remember going to bars a few years ago, never got anything though. Having a wingman or something would be nice, I'm not gonna lie


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
"Cold approaching should not take a toll on your soul" Well it did. I've always been kind of a sensitive guy anyway. I agree that it's important to learn from previous approaches and improve, but it's kind hard when most girls say that they're taken already because then I wonder if it really has anything to do with me anyway.
I assure you that my friend was very much my friend and that he told me that I might be autistic in order to help me.
I have both written and audio records of some of my approaches, I dunno if y'all want me to post them or what.
I guess you're under the impression that the Target employee approach was just some once-in-a-blue approach for me or something. I've been doing this for some years, I've probably approached thousands of women at this point.
I remember going to bars a few years ago, never got anything though. Having a wingman or something would be nice, I'm not gonna lie
Well, you're gonna have to toughen up if you're gonna cold approach.

Most of these women you'll probably never see again, so you shouldn't care too much about being rejected by them. The approach can only go so bad, but it can go infinitely well.

We don't need to see or hear your approaches, if you were doing them right you wouldn't be here asking about them. You need to change what you're doing until you reach your desired result.

Talk slower, smile, have a conversation, see if she returns the favor, say "give me your number" rather than "can I have your number?". I would suggest not leaning on a wingman because they probably suck just as much as you, in which case neither of you will learn anything. Start by using some canned material or a corny opening line until you start getting more comfortable, if that helps.

Go out with some friends, sure, but don't rely on them for any actual success - that is something you have to do alone. And definitely go to the gym.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
So your sis and mom are beautiful?:D:rofl::rofl:

Just kidding. Post a picture and blur your face how-do-you-edit-a-photo-so-that-the-face-is-blurred-like-v0-z0ofbhcmg2ub1.jpg


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2025
Reaction score
Well, you're gonna have to toughen up if you're gonna cold approach.

Most of these women you'll probably never see again, so you shouldn't care too much about being rejected by them. The approach can only go so bad, but it can go infinitely well.

We don't need to see or hear your approaches, if you were doing them right you wouldn't be here asking about them. You need to change what you're doing until you reach your desired result.

Talk slower, smile, have a conversation, see if she returns the favor, say "give me your number" rather than "can I have your number?". I would suggest not leaning on a wingman because they probably suck just as much as you, in which case neither of you will learn anything. Start by using some canned material or a corny opening line until you start getting more comfortable, if that helps.

Go out with some friends, sure, but don't rely on them for any actual success - that is something you have to do alone. And definitely go to the gym.
So you're really telling me that the next time I see an attractive person outside i should come up to her and try to talk to her? Because my faith in this method is at an all-time low right now
I used to go to my local mall and do this stuff, it was sometimes hard for me to even find someone that I found attractive, although I guess you guys are gonna tell me to be less picky


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
Cold approaching is a really crappy way to meet girls unless you have success already and genuinely enjoy doing it.

Just start being more social with people in general, do things you enjoy (not to meet girls) and just be friendly with people.

Stop trying so hard to get laid. I'd guess you're giving off some kind of creepy/desperate vibe.

Focus on building genuine conversational/social skills. Learn to start and lead conversations with strangers enjoyably.

With your height and some decent social skills, you'll clean up.

Be patient!


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
So you're really telling me that the next time I see an attractive person outside i should come up to her and try to talk to her? Because my faith in this method is at an all-time low right now
I used to go to my local mall and do this stuff, it was sometimes hard for me to even find someone that I found attractive, although I guess you guys are gonna tell me to be less picky
No, I won't tell you to be less picky. Being picky is why I love cold approaching - because YOU pick who you want, rather than who comes to you.

I'm not going to try to convince you that cold approaching works, it is how I sleep with most of the women I meet. If you don't like it, then try something else. However, there is no other way you'll be able to punch so far above your weight with quite as much ease.

Most guys SUCK at talking to girls. I cannot understate this enough. They do not know how to text. They do not know how to flirt. They do not know how to escalate. They are clingy. They think you need X amount of dates before sex. They need to be drunk to even talk to them. They sit behind a screen swiping on dating apps or sending unread DMs to their favorite OF/Instagram thot.

THAT is your competition...and it is much easier to beat them in person when you're the one approaching the girl while they watch, as opposed to online when they're looking at your follower count and whether you have a blue checkmark.

Do what you want, if it were easy everybody would be doing it - but they don't, which is why so many suck at it and why I win.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2025
Reaction score
No, I won't tell you to be less picky. Being picky is why I love cold approaching - because YOU pick who you want, rather than who comes to you.

I'm not going to try to convince you that cold approaching works, it is how I sleep with most of the women I meet. If you don't like it, then try something else. However, there is no other way you'll be able to punch so far above your weight with quite as much ease.

Most guys SUCK at talking to girls. I cannot understate this enough. They do not know how to text. They do not know how to flirt. They do not know how to escalate. They are clingy. They think you need X amount of dates before sex. They need to be drunk to even talk to them. They sit behind a screen swiping on dating apps or sending unread DMs to their favorite OF/Instagram thot.

THAT is your competition...and it is much easier to beat them in person when you're the one approaching the girl while they watch, as opposed to online when they're looking at your follower count and whether you have a blue checkmark.

Do what you want, if it were easy everybody would be doing it - but they don't, which is why so many suck at it and why I win.
I hear you bro, thank you, also thanks to everybody who replied to this thread


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
View attachment 13870
Here's a pic of me taken a few months ago by my good friend Annie Leibovitz, sorry for low quality
First thing that comes to mind is you are a man with a darker skin. I think that women in general have their guard up more in that case. If you know you know...

Yeah difficult to judge if your clothes effect your results, but I guess the definition of insanity is doing the same thing while expecting different results, right? I would recommend when you do these things that you are fresh to death from your shoes to your head.

Perhaps you should somehow conceal or disguise your approach a little more. Make it make sense even if it's by asking a random but sensible question. Like asking the way to somewhere or someone like that. Not the most creative..but just an example. Gotta improvise sometimes when you see that spam approach doesn't work.


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2023
Reaction score
How’s your social circle these days? Do you have any hobbies or activities you're passionate about? How do you feel about your current financial situation? Also, have you ever thought about your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)? It can be helpful to reflect on what sets you apart in both your personal and professional life.

I also noticed that your style might not be as modern as it could be. Updating your wardrobe a bit could help you feel more confident and put-together—it’s all about finding what truly suits you and helps you feel your best.

Lastly, I think confidence is a key area to work on. It's important to remember that the essence of attraction lies in making others interested in you, in a way that feels natural and authentic. People are drawn to those who exude self-assurance and self-sufficiency. Take some time to reflect on what makes you unique and what qualities you have that can spark desire in others. Everyone has something about them that’s attractive, and discovering those traits can really help you build connections with others.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2025
Reaction score
No, I won't tell you to be less picky. Being picky is why I love cold approaching - because YOU pick who you want, rather than who comes to you.

I'm not going to try to convince you that cold approaching works, it is how I sleep with most of the women I meet. If you don't like it, then try something else. However, there is no other way you'll be able to punch so far above your weight with quite as much ease.

Most guys SUCK at talking to girls. I cannot understate this enough. They do not know how to text. They do not know how to flirt. They do not know how to escalate. They are clingy. They think you need X amount of dates before sex. They need to be drunk to even talk to them. They sit behind a screen swiping on dating apps or sending unread DMs to their favorite OF/Instagram thot.

THAT is your competition...and it is much easier to beat them in person when you're the one approaching the girl while they watch, as opposed to online when they're looking at your follower count and whether you have a blue checkmark.

Do what you want, if it were easy everybody would be doing it - but they don't, which is why so many suck at it and why I win.
If I may ask, what evidence do you have that makes you come to the conclusion that most guys suck with women?


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2025
Reaction score
First thing that comes to mind is you are a man with a darker skin. I think that women in general have their guard up more in that case. If you know you know...

Yeah difficult to judge if your clothes effect your results, but I guess the definition of insanity is doing the same thing while expecting different results, right? I would recommend when you do these things that you are fresh to death from your shoes to your head.

Perhaps you should somehow conceal or disguise your approach a little more. Make it make sense even if it's by asking a random but sensible question. Like asking the way to somewhere or someone like that. Not the most creative..but just an example. Gotta improvise sometimes when you see that spam approach doesn't work.
I dunno, I might try that, but I feel like using this indirect approach is kinda cowardly and inauthentic


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2025
Reaction score
How’s your social circle these days? Do you have any hobbies or activities you're passionate about? How do you feel about your current financial situation? Also, have you ever thought about your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)? It can be helpful to reflect on what sets you apart in both your personal and professional life.

I also noticed that your style might not be as modern as it could be. Updating your wardrobe a bit could help you feel more confident and put-together—it’s all about finding what truly suits you and helps you feel your best.

Lastly, I think confidence is a key area to work on. It's important to remember that the essence of attraction lies in making others interested in you, in a way that feels natural and authentic. People are drawn to those who exude self-assurance and self-sufficiency. Take some time to reflect on what makes you unique and what qualities you have that can spark desire in others. Everyone has something about them that’s attractive, and discovering those traits can really help you build connections with others.
My social circle is nonexistent
Besides women music is my main passion in life
My financial situation is wack
No, I haven't really thought about my USP, how would I communicate something like that to a lady?
Your wardrobe advice is legit but I like classic clothes too
Wait did AI write this post? This seems pretty well-written and formal


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2025
Reaction score
OnlyFans, Instagram, my eyes...

Do you really need proof of this? This forum EXISTS because men generally suck with women...
I mean yeah in my opinion proof is better than no proof but I get you though


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
I dunno, I might try that, but I feel like using this indirect approach is kinda cowardly and inauthentic
Can be if the right man does it the right way, and as you just experienced there are places and times and places where you can't just spam approach women en masse. Without consequences.

Generally speaking most women don't mind being approached, but she still gonna have personal conditions to it. If you approach that many women that way and you NEVER have any success...seems like you need to do something different to by more successful.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
I mean yeah in my opinion proof is better than no proof but I get you though
Like I said, do what you want.

Most guys suck with women. If you don't believe that, I don't know what to tell you. All you really have to do is go to the gym, have some self-confidence, and facilitate sex.

If that's too hard for you, maybe you can play the social circle game, or level up your income until you're a baller, and get millions of followers on Instagram.


You could grow some balls and learn to talk to women in person.

I'm poor, I live with my parents, and I drive a Prius. I still get laid a lot, and that is most often because I cold approach women when I'm out at beaches, bars, clubs, etc. I have a whole journal on this...


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2025
Reaction score
Like I said, do what you want.

Most guys suck with women. If you don't believe that, I don't know what to tell you. All you really have to do is go to the gym, have some self-confidence, and facilitate sex.

If that's too hard for you, maybe you can play the social circle game, or level up your income until you're a baller, and get millions of followers on Instagram.


You could grow some balls and learn to talk to women in person.

I'm poor, I live with my parents, and I drive a Prius. I still get laid a lot, and that is most often because I cold approach women when I'm out at beaches, bars, clubs, etc. I have a whole journal on this...