That was several years ago. It was an eye opening moment for me regarding health care. Nobody knew what to tell me, yet they kept referring me to other doctors that didn't know what to tell me.
I wasn't as well off as I am now, so I was pissed to have to spend the money for some assh0le to tell me he didn't know.
A simple Google search told me everything that they told me. And it was much cheaper, in hindsight.
Afib isn't really a thing in young people. You may have an irregular heartbeat, but I doubt it's afib. Drinking too much and coming down gives everyone an irregular heartbeat, for example (palpitations).
Yeah, I was scared when it happened. That why I went to the doctor. I'd had an irregular heartbeat before, but that episode lasted 4 days non-stop, so I thought I was dying.
Of course, my heart was fine when I finally saw the doctor. And they were more than happy to send me to a specialist. That was more than happy to send me to another specialist.
This isn't the first time doctors have needlessly referred me to other doctors, either.
It means nothing to them to send you somewhere else because they don't have an answer, but when you're paying out of pocket to be treated like an idiot, you notice