Senior Don Juan
This is a conclusion more intended for philosophical discussion.It's in our nature. Although I love SS ,it's still an extreme niche site. Most men (like 90%) are bluepilled. Even the men who entered the space will soon after their stay resort back to their bluepilled tendencies!! The only reason why a man finds the redpill is due to a woman acting up on him some way. Otherwise most men would HAPPILY and even proud be saying they only slept with 1 girl and she is Still with him.
Not too long ago ot was all throughout mankind considered normal that a man would fight another man to the death over a woman's honor. I'm talking " small " shyte like cussing a woman out ir even just loudly arguing type shyte could get you killed by a man who happened to take notice.
It's ingrained in our hearts and souls. Perhaps some men will find peace once they admit this. I am not saying that it's a correct way of thinking . But I do say that the bluepill is more natural state than the red one.
The natural state of man is up to anyone's understanding. I would argue that in terms of mate selection, competition is inherent. Our humanity put civilization in place to temper this competition. One will ask, then, where this competitive spirit in men have gone in contemporary society, and why it seems lost to most.
That said, I deduce that with the help of the Internet, men now are more than capable of relearning this lost wisdom, wisdom that is lost through weakening paternal authority and misleading information on masculinity.
We lost the wisdom also because there are people who exist to confuse us, and also since we have wired thinking processes that exist to confuse ourselves.