Why are there so many dudes in the PUA/Game community that don't have their sh*t together?


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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the unemployed don't work much, so they can waste time macking.
It is difficult to get laid as an unemployed guy even with the free time to do approaches. This is somewhat dependent upon target market though.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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So, this young pretty McDonalds worker is going to shut down every guy within her age for a 34-year-old engineer making six figures not for his money at all? This is delusional lol.
I don't think lower-paid women are all that interested in that engineer until they become a single mommy. :mad:


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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Yup you get it Fashion Shows, Gallery events, Art Festivals, Private Boat parties. At some of these events the ratio is in favor of men 3:1! You meeting a different caliber of woman. Yes they are still women but meeting women at high-function events, you not meeting Stacy who is an elementary school teacher that you would meet at the divebar. You meeting Kathy who is a trust fund chick and she looks like a smokeshow. Plus has brains to boot

It's a different ballgame
OK, so how is a sausage supposed to be invited to a Private Boat party unless he owns the boat? :rolleyes: Gallery events & Art Festivals do have some women, but there are a lot of sausages that have figured out that there are women there. :rolleyes:

And Trust-Fund Kathy is not going to go for a Normie; the elementary-school teacher might.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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I think it is less about the options and more so that some women are refusing to settle for a man less than their standards which can be attributed to alpha widow syndrome, bad parenting, lack of maturity, and etc. Some women would rather die single even if it means a single mom then settle for a man that they consider lower smv than them. Back then a spouse was necessary for survival, but today you can live a single life and be fine.
It's OVER for She'dRatherDieSingleThanBeWithYouCels.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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I know plenty of med students and doctors who get next to nothing - if you work long hours then what time scale do you have to approach?
A med student is far too busy, and he hasn't yet reached the point of high income. What is absolutely amazing is physicians that are finally able to practice (and thus earn that great income) are having a hard time getting women. In a normal world, it seems his extended social circle should have some decent marriageable women being offered up to him - but instead, it's always the fat chick that his social circle seems to offer up. I mean, if I went through all that hassle to become a high-earning physician, and folks are trying to set me up with fat chicks, I'd ask myself, "did I go through all just to get fat chicks?" :mad:


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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think it engineers a lot of procrastination - I mean look at red pilers like Richard Cooper - he dated two single mum's and milked his sob story for 800k YouTube subscribers and people paying for his divorce courses . Arguably Richard Cooper is the most unsuccessful dating guru men have ever seen yet men flock and pay for his services why? so an alpha male can just shout a few self help quotes at them. - I don't even know if theres evidence of him grabbing a coffee date with a half decent chick . These men would be literally better off not listening to him and going out actively creating options

don't get me wrong I an't ditching self improvement - but I know a lot of men who'd be far more better off consistently approaching than they would be improving their income or business.
What's the point of being a dating guru to just date single mommies? :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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That is an excellent question, and honestly, I do. I belive especially with Incels to be the case. I remember there was a popular youtuber by the name of KentTV from 2013-2017(the channel is long deleted now) He had the biggest incel channel on youtube. Kent was angry, and frustrated with women, you know what happened? in 2018-2019 he got in shape (decently cut) and found a girlfriend. IMO he looks better than his girlfriend (she is overweight) but Kent stopped making Incel content and now is actually an amateur wrestler. I spoke with him about 5 years ago and he's far happier person then, then he was when he was making "Incel rage content"

What's my point? my point Is I belive a lotof men want those busty Instagram models or onlyfans chicks. Like Women Who complain about Chad/Brad, men want a girl who looks like Stacey or Andrea. I do belive in general men tend to be more pragmatic about looks than women (however women tend to be pragmatic after the age of 40 depending on their life situation), however, I have seen men who think they deserve a woman cause of their race. You know the alt-right types but most of those guys are overweight, or underweight work low paying jobs, and have the perosnality of paint drying but belive they deserve a hot white chick cause they are White as an example.

IMO as a man if you have decent social skills (able to carry a conversation, listen etc) and aren't fat and know how to dress. You need to really look at the type of women you are attracted too but also pay attention to the type of men those women are dating. You can learn a lot
I like how KentTV will be calm for a while, and then let out his frustration by yelling, and then back to being calm, LOL


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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What is absolutely amazing is physicians that are finally able to practice (and thus earn that great income) are having a hard time getting women.
I think a smaller percentage of physicians are very successful with women. The majority of physicians appear to be married beta males.

In a normal world, it seems his extended social circle should have some decent marriageable women being offered up to him - but instead, it's always the fat chick that his social circle seems to offer up.
I've never heard of an instance of a social circle trying to set up an introduction between a physician and an overweight woman.


Don Juan
Jan 1, 2022
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I got into the PUA community because I had a difficult time picking up chicks. :rolleyes: PUA did not help, other than help give me confidence to talk to women I was a total stranger to - now I talk to such women but still ultimately get rejected. :mad:
black pill ??


Don Juan
Jan 1, 2022
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The exact estimates (as far as percentage) vary. It's a fact, however, a massive percentage of adults on the spectrum are either jobless or working low end jobs.

Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Elon Musk are the exception; not the norm.

In other words, my low income is typical for a man on the spectrum; it doesn't mean I have some type of character flaw. No matter how old I get, I don't see myself making much money (the fact I've been out of college for over a decade, yet have never even made 40k in a year, is very telling)
I know plenty of spectrum in and over the top 10% money. A red pill view and game for a specky, usually doesn't play well. Understanding is ok, but ability to do it is not. Non specky will tell; just do it. Its like telling a cat to bark, and being sure that they did not try hard enough.

Game... needs to be redone for the specky, its different.

Blue pill will work, beta will work.

If you get into SOMETHING and become a leader in it or with it; that will draw and pull for you. Still going to have issue later but that is another story. Going to a loud bar and competing with non specky is not logical.... You can not be them, they can not be you.

Service volunteering can be a path...


Don Juan
May 5, 2018
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I think a smaller percentage of physicians are very successful with women. The majority of physicians appear to be married beta males.

I've never heard of an instance of a social circle trying to set up an introduction between a physician and an overweight woman.
Definitely agree - most my doctor friends are just stuck in **** relationships or just take what apps give them-

when meeting wingmen through pua the biggest the Most successful wingmen I met had status and were interesting but they weren’t egotistical enough to let rejection get the better of them- they were still proactive and still worked hard to make new social connections whilst having good status/ value.

most men fail because they have one but not the other. Med students spend their life around screens hustling then are too tired to go out and meet people or they see pua as a scam and never even think about it so they get entrapped in a ****ty relationship or whatever the bumble gods give them


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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That's because folks who work want to relax after work, and not work a second job in macking chicks; the unemployed don't work much, so they can waste time macking.
Well-said. By the time I get home from work, I barely have enough time to get done everything that needs to be done. No way do I have the time/energy to go out and mack.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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I got into the PUA community because I had a difficult time picking up chicks. :rolleyes: PUA did not help, other than help give me confidence to talk to women I was a total stranger to - now I talk to such women but still ultimately get rejected. :mad:
When I first moved to my current state, I did some daygame. Got me nowhere (The most I ever got was a woman who agreed to come over...with a male friend accompanying her. Needless to say, there was no action. And while she was over, she compared me to Jeffrey Dahmer)


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I think a smaller percentage of physicians are very successful with women. The majority of physicians appear to be married beta males.
most my doctor friends are just stuck in **** relationships or just take what apps give them-
You may be more well connected with physicians than I am. When I think about the physicians and dentists that I know, I've mainly interacted with physicians and dentists that are married males and typically beta. There are still plenty of older doctors (45+) out there that are married men and have been married for 20+ years.

Another common thing that happens is that doctors end up in relationships with nurses/medical assistants that they meet on the job or through their job (professional networks). It typically works something like this. A doctor gets married to someone he met earlier in life (before med school graduation) and that marriage is on the rocks or the divorce has already happened. He'll end up with some nurse/medical assistant that's either never married or her own marriage has faltered. The doctor and the nurse end up together.

A similar thing can happen in dentistry as well. A dentist sees their pre-dental school graduation relationship falter and ends up with a dental assistant/dental hygienist he meets on the job or through the job. He has status with them.

Most doctors/dentists do not have a lot of free time. Approaching strangers in general is inefficient and you're not likely to see a never married younger (under 40) doctor or dentist going and doing daygame sessions at a mall or outdoor walking path/park on a weekend. Some dentists are also practice operators who are also involved in the business operations of the dental practice. That takes up time when they aren't seeing patients. Doctors and dentists might swipe on apps or occasionally go to bars but they aren't going to have as much time for approaching new people or even swiping a bunch as some people in other professions.

Doctors and dentists can rely on money/status a bit and that might help them on the first dates that they arrange. They aren't going to spend as much time prospecting for those first dates as some others. That's true for both the younger, never married doctors/dentists and the middle aged + divorced doctors/dentists.

Doctors and dentists do tend to have their lives more in order than a lot of men who have more free time to do pickup related activities though.

the Most successful wingmen I met had status and were interesting but they weren’t egotistical enough to let rejection get the better of them- they were still proactive and still worked hard to make new social connections whilst having good status/ value.
That's a good combination.

most men fail because they have one but not the other. Med students spend their life around screens hustling then are too tired to go out and meet people or they see pua as a scam and never even think about it so they get entrapped in a ****ty relationship or whatever the bumble gods give them
Blue collar men, service sector men, and white collar men with less demanding roles can be well positioned for success. It comes down to their looks and attitudes.

I agree that most men don't have both money/status and the proactivity with their free time to make the right social connections. Doctors, dentists, scientists, engineers, and a lot of middle management + business types have the money/status but lack the proactivity in their free time. Blue collar and service sector men have the proactivity with their free time but often lack money/status.

I did some daygame. Got me nowhere
I'm not surprised in the slightest to read that.

Daygame (non-bar approaching) is quite inefficient even for a man with fewer obstacles than you have.

The best non-bar approachers are tall (6'0"+), fit/muscular, and have strong social skills.

Tall and fit/muscular matters most in non-bar approaching but strong social skills matter more in non-bar approaching than they do in certain other venues. In non-bar approaching, a 5'9"-5'11" guy can stand out more on his personality than he would stand out in a tech-based method. Most average height, middle of the bell curve on fitness guys will do better with non-bar approaching than on the apps. They can use their personalities to some degree to offset the lack of height.

The main difference between non-bar approaching and swipe apps is that the rejection is in real time. On swipe apps, the rejections are virtual and you don't ever see them. In non-bar approaching, the rejections happen either softly (a conversation fizzles out in less than 30 seconds) or harshly (you get a direct rejection).

Both non-bar approaching and swipe apps are inefficient and often ineffective. With the swipe apps, you're taking rejections while sitting at home doing nothing and not dressed. For non-bar approaching, you have to go out into the real world, make yourself presentable, and then do the approaches in some way.

I got into the PUA community because I had a difficult time picking up chicks. :rolleyes: PUA did not help, other than help give me confidence to talk to women I was a total stranger to - now I talk to such women but still ultimately get rejected. :mad:
You had a difficult time picking up women mainly due to being 5'5". Had you been 6'1", you would have had one fewer obstacle. Another major obstacle that you had is that you are a STEM worker with middling at best social skills. STEM workers rarely have a lot of charisma. Being short and lacking charisma hurts a lot. You would have to be incredibly fit (10-12% body fat, good muscle definition) to offset being a 5'5" man who is a STEM worker or a STEM worker with a very high income/net worth.

Part of the reason that you were able to develop the skill of talking to women is that you grew up in the 1980s before screen time really took over. STEM guys whose formative years were in the late 1990s or later are far more tech dependent than you were growing up. You were fortunate to grow up in a far more analog world.

5'5" and STEM background makes things very difficult. While you made personality improvements with confidence and other attributes, it wasn't going to be enough.

PUA tactics do fail for a lot of men, even men who have fewer obstacles than you've had.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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I got into the PUA community because I had a difficult time picking up chicks. :rolleyes: PUA did not help, other than help give me confidence to talk to women I was a total stranger to - now I talk to such women but still ultimately get rejected. :mad:
Snake eyes. Cant control the dice in the end.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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Most doctors/dentists do not have a lot of free time. Approaching strangers in general is inefficient and you're not likely to see a never married younger (under 40) doctor or dentist going and doing daygame sessions at a mall or outdoor walking path/park on a weekend. Some dentists are also practice operators who are also involved in the business operations of the dental practice. That takes up time when they aren't seeing patients. Doctors and dentists might swipe on apps or occasionally go to bars but they aren't going to have as much time for approaching new people or even swiping a bunch as some people in other professions.
It's quite the clown world to even think that someone that is worth so much to society (i.e., based on all the training, and as measured by compensation - with some help from the credential-rentier guilds of the AMA/ADA, etc.) is supposed to waste time on something as ridiculous as PUA/Game. Yet, that is where we are.
You had a difficult time picking up women mainly due to being 5'5". Had you been 6'1", you would have had one fewer obstacle. Another major obstacle that you had is that you are a STEM worker with middling at best social skills. STEM workers rarely have a lot of charisma. Being short and lacking charisma hurts a lot. You would have to be incredibly fit (10-12% body fat, good muscle definition) to offset being a 5'5" man who is a STEM worker or a STEM worker with a very high income/net worth.

Part of the reason that you were able to develop the skill of talking to women is that you grew up in the 1980s before screen time really took over. STEM guys whose formative years were in the late 1990s or later are far more tech dependent than you were growing up. You were fortunate to grow up in a far more analog world.

5'5" and STEM background makes things very difficult. While you made personality improvements with confidence and other attributes, it wasn't going to be enough.

PUA tactics do fail for a lot of men, even men who have fewer obstacles than you've had.
Actually, I have been told that I don't seem to be in a STEM field, which I would take as being relatively charismatic. But "charisma" alone is not enough. :mad: The movie "Whatever" is great at showing how it's been OVER "from the start" for the charismatic Raphael (he is always striking up conversations with groups where there are women, but he still will never be a young woman's erotic dream, so wonderfully portrayed in that all-time blackpill scene where the realities of his situation had finally hit home with him:mad: - I think the actor was 155 cm :eek:).

I've developed the skill of talking to women from the position of hunger - having ZERO social circle in all-male middle/high school, and then a STEM program that should be called Sausage Engineering, and a career that was just as much sausage has meant I've had to earn every morsel of poon the hard way. :mad: I learned early on that it's always the fat chicks that folks are always trying to pawn off on me - as the decent chicks never seem to be "looking for someone" enough for them to have friends try and set them up, at least with me. :mad:

I'm tired.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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When I first moved to my current state, I did some daygame. Got me nowhere (The most I ever got was a woman who agreed to come over...with a male friend accompanying her. Needless to say, there was no action. And while she was over, she compared me to Jeffrey Dahmer)
Wow, she demanded that you ChaperoneMax. That comment about Dahmer might have been a complement, what with the way that chicks dig psychopaths. :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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Service volunteering can be a path...
I had once looked into that. Yeegads, every chick was fat, and I was looked upon as "fresh meat". This was one of the first times that I had an inkling about what a clown world we are in.