Harsh Truth: Women pursue the men that they want


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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I do not think it gives men an excuse to just sit back and let women come to them. Because generally the women that will come to you aren't going to be the women you want.
Actually, I have enough lovers to not need to approach women, so I tend to sit back and see who comes to me. And the women who approach me are not as undesirable as you claim they would be.
Then again, I might be a special case or just live in the right city.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2024
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Sounds like you gave her the power to do so. She gets what she wants, but you don't get what you need.
The moment a lover starts using sex as a bargaining chip, I start questioning the balance in the relationship.
yeah, makes me wonder why some women refuse to sleep with or have sex with a man but they are okay with hanging out with them, going on dates with them, or other forms of physical affection but just nothing below the pants


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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yeah, makes me wonder why some women refuse to sleep with or have sex with a man but they are okay with hanging out with them, going on dates with them, or other forms of physical affection but just nothing below the pants
Girl using tinder to have free acco and food.jpeg

For some women, you're no more than a dinner voucher. Puts a new spin on the 'he's her mealticket' from yesteryear.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
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Women really don't 'pursue' men they want... they just don't make things difficult. A quality attractive woman, who is single will have at least three men chasing after her, likely more. They say yes to dates, they show up, and they are pleasant when you are with them. This is as good as it gets with attractive sane women. Rinse and repeat and if she really wants you, she will make herself scarce with the other dudes and focus on the one she really wants.... this takes time and patience. But don't stop dating other women until she loves you, if you are looking for a relationship. The irony is that if you want an exclusive relationship, you have to act and behave like you do not want one.... that you are fine with casual dating... then let her decide if you are what she wants.

If a man doesn't pick up on this and read between the lines, and make an effort to be with her, she will move on quickly... because she has options.

Match her effort... that is really all a man needs to do. But if it gets to the point where you are putting in more effort than she is, chances are one of the other dudes she is dating has more of her attention. At that point all you can do is, again, match her effort, chances are that she will continue to drift away... which is fine... go date other women.

If you are lower on her interest compared to other men one of two things happens:

(1) She drifts off, you let her go... she'll be glad that you are taking the hint and she will have more respect for you, and it is over.

(2) The man doubles down on effort... tries harder... she pushes back harder... the man becomes a scary stalker... now she is afraid of you and her respect for you drops to zero, and it is over.

Bottomline it is OVER. You cannot control how she feels, no amount of effort on the man's part will make any difference. On rare occasions, a man that pursues and pursues might 'get the girl', but really all you have is a woman that is settling for you... and trust me... that is much worse than being alone. Because no one can keep up with the increasing demands on a person as a condition of them being with you... especially if the demands are being made requires the man to be someone he isn't. I know men that have emptied their bank accounts trying to keep a woman happy... I know men that have abandoned what they really love to do, abandoned friends for her friends, for things she wants to do. Eventually the man will resent this... he either ends it (which is the best way to go) or she continues to get b1tchyer and b1chyer, and then it is over. with a catastrophic meltdown.

If it is over, it is much better for your sanity and state of mind to recognize this and let things end as quickly as possible while you move on.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2024
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Not really, but you want fit females, don't you? Then you will have to be fit.

If you can't be bothered to improve yourself, you can always date women on your own level. Unattractive women need love too.
yeah, sometimes i get filled with anger and rage, it pisses me off, whenever people and society have the mindset that men have it better than women do, why should a guy feel lucky to be born a man?

reminds me, i'll never forget this statement, it is: "
"Boo ****ing hoo. We also don't have to go through child birth and we're strong as ****.
gives us ambition + mental and physical strength that MANY (not all) women are lacking. Being a man has many benefits and with great power comes great responsibility. Stop crying about it and get your ****ing **** together"

One pick up artist guy said that, it pissed me off so damn much, the thought that went through my mind, i feel its not appropriate for me tii disclose.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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yeah, sometimes i get filled with anger and rage, it pisses me off, whenever people and society have the mindset that men have it better than women do, why should a guy feel lucky to be born a man?
You should feel lucky you were born at all, and being born in a First World Country on top of that.

Your main problem is wallowing in self-pity. Self-pity is unattractive. Keep on whining and you'll never become the company women seek out.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2024
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You should feel lucky you were born at all, and being born in a First World Country on top of that.

Your main problem is wallowing in self-pity. Self-pity is unattractive. Keep on whining and you'll never become the company women seek out.
yup, it doesn't help that it only added fuel to fire, that i was involved with a woman that was more of a friend instead of a girlfriend, yeah, i refuse to call her an ex.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2024
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Care to share more?
i refuse to call her an ex because, our relationship never progressed below the pants, i never even got a handjob from her either. 2 guesses as to why 1. She told me she was a virgin, so its possible she wasn't ready. 2. She is on the autism spectrum like i am, and i did some research, it says that a portion of people on the autism spectrum are asexual.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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OP, your post is a gem.

I've been told I should pursue broads because the vast majority of the female population supposedly won't pursue a man.

I've also been told the same thing you're saying, however. I've been told the fact hardly any woman pursues me means hardly any woman is into me.

Come to think of it, my last instance of free sex just sort of happened (with neither of us necessarily making the move). Same goes for the 2nd to last time I had free sex.

The last date I went on, I also wasn't actively looking (hell, I was trying to help another man get a date). The 2nd to last date I went on, the woman pursued me.

Chow Mein

Don Juan
Jun 9, 2024
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i refuse to call her an ex because, our relationship never progressed below the pants, i never even got a handjob from her either. 2 guesses as to why 1. She told me she was a virgin, so its possible she wasn't ready. 2. She is on the autism spectrum like i am, and i did some research, it says that a portion of people on the autism spectrum are asexual.
That’s really interesting. Thanks for sharing.

Did you both agree to be monogamous? That would be pretty rough


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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If you have a reputation for being highly desirable, you don’t need to chase women—they’ll come to you. Even if your reputation isn’t great, hinting that many others have found you appealing can work in the long run. An empty nightclub with vacant tables is the best way to discourage you from going in.
They way to get a reputation for being highly desirable is to BE highly desirable:
Career in finance,
with a trust find,
blue eyes
About the only thing the typical man can do is pursue that degree in finance, and hustle his way to actually getting a job in it., and luck out with the eyes. That height is a 2.5-sigma attribute :rolleyes:, and is much more useful in attraction than being 2.5-sigma in intelligence. :mad:


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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OP, your post is a gem.

I've been told I should pursue broads because the vast majority of the female population supposedly won't pursue a man.
I haven't encountered that word since watching this movie:

Oh, and if we were back at that era, there would be no impetus for "game", since the mating system worked. :rolleyes::mad:


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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I haven't encountered that word since watching this movie:

Oh, and if we were back at that era, there would be no impetus for "game", since the mating system worked. :rolleyes::mad:
Shockingly, I learned the term broad when I was in high school (circa 2007) from another then-student.

The term was used way more in the Frank Sinatra era though; you're right. You're also right when you say the dating/sex marketplace worked back then.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2024
Reaction score
That’s really interesting. Thanks for sharing.

Did you both agree to be monogamous? That would be pretty rough
yes, and i will admit, i stayed with her longer than i should have, i was reluctant to break up with her for a while, because 1, i was hoping she would change her mind and eventually become comfortable, and 2, didn't want to become alone or single again, or bigger reason, didn't want to have to go through the drama and burden of having to put myself out there all over again, not want to have to hit on lots of women all over again, do the pursuing all over again.

The only woman i dated in which there was intimacy involved, in which we actually slept with each other, was a 4-month situationship, we were never exclusive as BF/GF, and we never introduced each other to our parents/families. Nevertheless, she was and always will be an important milestone in my dating life, before her, i never got a second date with a woman.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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yes, and i will admit, i stayed with her longer than i should have, i was reluctant to break up with her for a while, because 1, i was hoping she would change her mind and eventually become comfortable, and 2, didn't want to become alone or single again, or bigger reason, didn't want to have to go through the drama and burden of having to put myself out there all over again, not want to have to hit on lots of women all over again, do the pursuing all over again.

The only woman i dated in which there was intimacy involved, in which we actually slept with each other, was a 4-month situationship, we were never exclusive as BF/GF, and we never introduced each other to our parents/families. Nevertheless, she was and always will be an important milestone in my dating life, before her, i never got a second date with a woman.
I stayed in some relationships in the past simply because I had a hard time finding a woman (and, like you, I was reluctant to put myself in a position where I'd need to start the process all over). If I could go back, I never would have stayed in those relationships.