I think this notion of how "high quality" women do things is outdated. Or how "feminine" women behave or even what constitutes a feminine woman.
I also don't like this notion of "chasing" because chasing someone (man or woman) suggests the person is running away, and I am sorry but NO ONE should be chasing anyone when they're running away.
"Initiate" or "pursue" is a better way of putting it, and franky I know plenty of extremely high quality,
very feminine women who initiate and do so in a very girlish and feminine way; there is nothing masculine about her OR that she took the initiative.
In fact, it reflects confidence and high self-worth. It all depends on how she asks, her mannerisms, her look, her style.
On the other hand, I know women who wouldn't initiate if their lives depended on it, and they are loud, abrasive, their mannerisms, their look and style "masculine."
It's not so black and white anymore fellas, where "men pursue and women respond." It's nuanced and again depends on many factors.
@BeExcellent you post some great stuff, but a lot of what you post about "quality" women and this is how "feminine" behave is pure projection.
It's how YOU do things and that's fine, but please don't speak for all women, as I said I know LOTS of extremely high quality feminine women who have no problem suggesting coffee to a man she's attracted to, and the men I associate with LOVE it.
Assuming they are interested in and attracted to her too, that's key.
And to a "high quality" women, if he hems and haws or makes excuses or flakes, it's a NEXT.
No passively 'waiting around' for HIM to make a move, and whoever created this notion that it's what "high quality" women do can * . It's 2024 for heavens sake.
Imo and experience when two people are attracted to each other, it doesn't make a hill of beans difference who
texts first, who asks who out first, etc. Again, it's NOT the asking, but HOW she asks - her voice, her tone, her mannerisms, how she carries herself, her overall look and style.
I have read posts from you stating that you take absolutely NO initiative for like the first three or so MONTHS in order for him to "prove his interest." You've posted that, I can find it if you don't recall posting it.
What a bunch of horseshyt no offense. Any man who would go for that in this day and age needs to have his head examined.
Dating in today's dating environment is a mutual endeavor, where
both people are putting forth effort, in different ways, at different times. Sometimes she initiates, sometimes he initiates. From the beginning.
Other than that, love your stuff....