how to communicate you are the prize?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 23, 2023
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see this a lot

but even if I "feel" higher value, doesn't feel like it's coming across to person im talking to per say


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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see this a lot
Start with the basics, namely how you look when you walk out your front door and into the wider world. Some tips


As reviled as so-called Looksmaxxing is to us moderns, much of it (Clearing up facial acne, looking after your body via exercise, keeping your hair well-coiffed, etc etc)is not only vital, but also things which were self-explanatory to most men, as recently as the early 10s


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
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You communicate yourself as 'high value' by being high value.

I know that sounds vague. It requires work on your part, and when you get to the point when you feel like you are of high value, then you'll communicate that you are high value.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 23, 2023
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You communicate yourself as 'high value' by being high value.

I know that sounds vague. It requires work on your part, and when you get to the point when you feel like you are of high value, then you'll communicate that you are high value.
I feel high value w certain people esp other guys, but when im with someone im interested in (and she knows it) its def tougher to maintain this

suppose that's the game, huh?


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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but even if I "feel" higher value, doesn't feel like it's coming across to person im talking to per say
Prioritise yourself over others, make yourself the center of your own universe, don't allow others (and yourself!) to put you down.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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Extreme Discipline & self respect

But in a world which is becoming increasingly designed too distract and devalue this is getting harder and harder

Women have an easy route too "high value & status " because all they really need to do is look good ,not be a Sloot and be nurturing towards their men& children

Although the vast majority of single women can't even do that very well

Men have a much more difficult and laborious task of having to basically build their value out of nothing especially if they are below 6ft and aren't built like a tank

Every day I have to wake up and have a battle with my mind about wether I can be bothered to go out and put another brick into this empire I am expected to build just to bag some chick who has basically just needed to look attractive and not be a CVNT

There are a lot of advantages to being a man ....but dating is not one of them I find it absolutely incredible a female can have the game so heavily stacked in her favour and yet still complain she has no options and be miserable :rofl:


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Every day I have to wake up and have a battle with my mind about wether I can be bothered to go out and put another brick into this empire I am expected to build just to bag some chick who has basically just needed to look attractive and not be a CVNT
If that is why you do it, I'm not surprised. You should build yourself up for yourself, not because it brings in the honeys.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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You don't. If you are the high value you won't need to communicate high value because it will be self evident, also being the high value implies you shouldn't care if someone doesn't notice you're the prize. Maybe some women are too narcissistic or autistic to notice these things so why worry about them.

Thru your body language. That does the majority of the talking for you and you can't fake that.
Yup I'm always annoyed when people think you can just fool others by emulating body language of people with high social status etc. Even if you emulate all of the qualities, your eyes and other subtle things like microexpressions or tonality will make you look inauthentic. Fake it till you make it only makes sense for solo activities eg building a business, not in the context of social situations especially something like dating where most women can spot incongruencies a mile awawy.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
Thru your body language. That does the majority of the talking for you and you can't fake that.
Body language is big. How you carry yourself is very important, but you CAN NOT fake it. Stand up straight, good posture, shoulders back. Walk with confidence.... take big steps, always look in the direction you are going and never look at your feet. Make eye contact.... smile.

Be in good shape, which means you have to work out.

Wear clothes you like and that fit you and you are comfortable in without looking sloppy. If you are comfortable in suits, these are the best... but if you don't like wearing suits... don't do it because your body language will reflect your mood.

Never get drunk... it's okay to have a couple of drinks but alcohol makes you stupid.

Put away your FVCKING smart phone... seriously never take that sh1t out unless you are making a call... if someone texts you and you MUST look at it like a trained monkey... excuse yourself and do it isn't private. Your life is what is around you... not in your godd@mn phone.

Last but not least, never chase women. Offer dates, ask for phone numbers, make an effort but if she declines, forget her... men that keep trying and trying chasing one woman is pathetic. And it totally fvcks up your mindset.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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Body language is big. How you carry yourself is very important, but you CAN NOT fake it. Stand up straight, good posture, shoulders back. Walk with confidence.... take big steps, always look in the direction you are going and never look at your feet. Make eye contact.... smile.

Be in good shape, which means you have to work out.

Wear clothes you like and that fit you and you are comfortable in without looking sloppy. If you are comfortable in suits, these are the best... but if you don't like wearing suits... don't do it because your body language will reflect your mood.

Never get drunk... it's okay to have a couple of drinks but alcohol makes you stupid.

Put away your FVCKING smart phone... seriously never take that sh1t out unless you are making a call... if someone texts you and you MUST look at it like a trained monkey... excuse yourself and do it isn't private. Your life is what is around you... not in your godd@mn phone.

Last but not least, never chase women. Offer dates, ask for phone numbers, make an effort but if she declines, forget her... men that keep trying and trying chasing one woman is pathetic. And it totally fvcks up your mindset.

People with confidence don't need to be told to stand up straight with their shoulders back because they already do that unless they have bad posture habits. I don't know how helpful this is, if someone doesn't have enough confidence to project their voice, take up space, take in their surroundings with their head held up, etc then they probably have underlying issues that should be addressed more directly and in so doing, body language would naturally course correct.

Jordan Peterson has talked about this topic and it's highly annoying that everyone meme'd him instead of listening. But you can inject lobsters with serotonin and their body posture instantly becomes more dominant because serotonergic function is linked to social status/dominance. It's not like the lobsters didn't know how to be dominant.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 5, 2023
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By being self-sufficient and having high self-steem. Basically, you are not emotional needy. Both of these qualities are read subconsciously by other people in subtle ways.

Also, by offering value through charming qualities (creating an atmosphere of pleasure and comfort, attentively responding to others' moods to make them feel better about themselves) and charismatic traits (being bold, having unwavering self-belief in achieving goals, being content, and enjoying leadership)

Sales reps are trained by corporation in these qualities, mostly in B2B. You’d know what I am talking about if you interact with one of them. These qualities are their USP.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I find this topic interesting, so I'm going to do some thinking out loud:

"I am the great prize to be won". This idea originates with Pook, if I'm not mistaken? I've always had a bit of a problem with it. Usually guys pursue women and consider them the prize, which is admittedly a bad frame of mind to proceed from. But the idea of "I am the prize" flips the script, meaning the guy has the value and the girl should pursue him. I always thought this mindset would have worked better back in the '50s, when women really were looking for husbands to support them.

The concept seems to say "You should pursue me because I am better than you". I can't remember ever entering an interaction with a woman having this attitude. What men and women find attractive in each other are often very different qualities, so it shouldn't seem like a competition. I've always preferred the attitude "I am a high value male" as a reason for the female to pursue. That doesn't place any value judgement on her as being inferior, like "I am the prize" does.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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I find this topic interesting, so I'm going to do some thinking out loud:

"I am the great prize to be won". This idea originates with Pook, if I'm not mistaken? I've always had a bit of a problem with it. Usually guys pursue women and consider them the prize, which is admittedly a bad frame of mind to proceed from. But the idea of "I am the prize" flips the script, meaning the guy has the value and the girl should pursue him. I always thought this mindset would have worked better back in the '50s, when women really were looking for husbands to support them... I've always preferred the attitude "I am a high value male" as a reason for the female to pursue....
These mindsets aren't that much different... Bottom line is, you're now thinking to yourself: "I'm creating a rich, vibrant life for myself, and bringing cool chicks into it"


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
People with confidence don't need to be told to stand up straight with their shoulders back because they already do that unless they have bad posture habits. I don't know how helpful this is, if someone doesn't have enough confidence to project their voice, take up space, take in their surroundings with their head held up, etc then they probably have underlying issues that should be addressed more directly and in so doing, body language would naturally course correct.

Jordan Peterson has talked about this topic and it's highly annoying that everyone meme'd him instead of listening. But you can inject lobsters with serotonin and their body posture instantly becomes more dominant because serotonergic function is linked to social status/dominance. It's not like the lobsters didn't know how to be dominant.
Jordan Peterson? Lobsters with posture? Okay.

Peterson just wants men to be useful tools of religious conservatives. I went to one of his lectures on wisdom from the Old Testament it was hilarious.

FYI Social Conservatives and Liberal Feminists are two sides of the same coin. One wants men to sacrifice because it’s our manly responsibility: the other want men to sacrifice because we are supposedly ‘privileged’.

Until men are given authority I’m not taking responsibility of anyone but myself and my kids. So Dr. Peterson can keep selling books to moms for thier sons so they can be good little boys.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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These mindsets aren't that much different... Bottom line is, you're now thinking to yourself: "I'm creating a rich, vibrant life for myself, and bringing cool chicks into it"
No, it's not much different. Such subtleties are important to me, however. The "I am the prize" idea is basically there to stop guys from putting women on pedestals. I find it more of a "training wheels" exercise though. But then again, they say all PUA theory is basically training wheels.