how to communicate you are the prize?


Feb 14, 2024
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As far as dressing up for events... I completely agree with Dr. Peterson. I always wear suits at business events... even though I am frequently the only one in a suit. I like suits, I have a lot of suits. I never leave the house unless I look my very best based on whatever I am doing. The only time I dress like a slob is when I'm working on my car or cleaning my home. I like opera... and I know it isn't for everyone, but when I go... I wear a tux, and any woman I am with, I expect her to dress up as well.... even though nowadays I see many showing up in jeans and t-shirts at opera. IMO you should always dress appropriate for anything you are doing while looking the best you can... it is a sign of class and respect for the people you are around.

It is a bit stunning for me seeing what people wear when going to the grocery store. I wear comfortable casual clothes, but I've seen some weird @ss sh1t just visit this website and you'll see what I am talking about: Home - People Of Walmart
Yeah... As we were discussing here , no one's calling for everybody to start wearing Armani and Tom Ford to the grocery store... We'd all undoubtedly enjoy much more equanimity on a personal level and as a nation if we made the effort to look like inhabitants of an increasingly sophisticated civilization, rather than Dust Bowl dwellers during The 1930s. This becomes all the more inexplicable when one recognizes:

For all the problems which exist in our civilization, we live in a time wear access to finery has never been more plentiful. I've personally had salespeople at Nordstrom, Zara, Van Maur, and Bloomingdale's GIVE me clothes and cologne free. More than once. Yet for nearly a decade now, a substantial portion of folks in The Post-Industrial world have come to believe that it's "cool" to look impoverished

There is cause for cautious optimism, in that we've been through a cultural regression like this prior, and not all that long ago either By time the last years of The 20th Century rolled around though, we were prioritizing a polished look once again, and this became readily apparent in the popular culture of the time

Chances are thus strong that we're going through a similar cycle yet again
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Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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Work on yourself:

Be healthy with healthy habits.
Lift weights.
Get your career in gear.
Be a renaissance man, be curious, intriguing and funny.
Stand for something.
Dress well.
Learn to speak of things - you have to have the knowledge to back it all up.
I can firmly say I miss
Get your career in gear.
Stand for something

I cannot find those two things at my age
Oh yea for sure but that's why the smart women go for men within their immediate social circles or workplaces because it makes life easier

Attractive women have all types of men swooning over them from about 15+ ....the smart ones quickly figure out what men want and instantly disqualify ones who are desperate for it

Women are a lot better at selecting a partner than we give them credit for they often use criteria we are completely unaware of

Social security being a massive one

When I was a teenager working in a large local cafe there was a lot of young chicks working there too ....I was a bit naive and a virgin back then so I was quite wary of them none the less I was just myself and sure enough after a bit of time of us all getting used to each other the attraction and familiarity started to build

Often when we had work parties the girls would regularly sleep with guys working there it was just the done thing , the girls would also sometimes bring their freinds and again their freinds would usually end up doing stuff with the guys who worked at the cafe too

At the time it just seemed like your standard shenanigans but now at 30 I look back and realise just being in this sort of social work circle was a form of subtle pre selection

Strange I know but highlights the importance of familiarity and pre selection to women
This is what happen in any work field which put a man and a woman to see eachother everyday


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
Reaction score
Oh yea for sure but that's why the smart women go for men within their immediate social circles or workplaces because it makes life easier

Attractive women have all types of men swooning over them from about 15+ ....the smart ones quickly figure out what men want and instantly disqualify ones who are desperate for it

Women are a lot better at selecting a partner than we give them credit for they often use criteria we are completely unaware of

Social security being a massive one

When I was a teenager working in a large local cafe there was a lot of young chicks working there too ....I was a bit naive and a virgin back then so I was quite wary of them none the less I was just myself and sure enough after a bit of time of us all getting used to each other the attraction and familiarity started to build

Often when we had work parties the girls would regularly sleep with guys working there it was just the done thing , the girls would also sometimes bring their freinds and again their freinds would usually end up doing stuff with the guys who worked at the cafe too

At the time it just seemed like your standard shenanigans but now at 30 I look back and realise just being in this sort of social work circle was a form of subtle pre selection

Strange I know but highlights the importance of familiarity and pre selection to women
This is what happen in any work field which put a man and a woman to see eachother everyday


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
Body language is big. How you carry yourself is very important, but you CAN NOT fake it. Stand up straight, good posture, shoulders back. Walk with confidence.... take big steps, always look in the direction you are going and never look at your feet. Make eye contact.... smile.

Be in good shape, which means you have to work out.

Wear clothes you like and that fit you and you are comfortable in without looking sloppy. If you are comfortable in suits, these are the best... but if you don't like wearing suits... don't do it because your body language will reflect your mood.

Never get drunk... it's okay to have a couple of drinks but alcohol makes you stupid.

Put away your FVCKING smart phone... seriously never take that sh1t out unless you are making a call... if someone texts you and you MUST look at it like a trained monkey... excuse yourself and do it isn't private. Your life is what is around you... not in your godd@mn phone.

Last but not least, never chase women. Offer dates, ask for phone numbers, make an effort but if she declines, forget her... men that keep trying and trying chasing one woman is pathetic. And it totally fvcks up your mindset.
what a quality post so glad we have you here @RangerMIke