Will a Rolex Get You Laid? Will a Rolex Help You Get a Longer Term Girlfriend?


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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A high-end watch only gets the panties drenched and peeled off, IF it's attached to a man who's similarly electrifying
When you use the term electrifying, it seems to refer more towards personality traits. I think it could also be a part of looks. I don't think money/status alone would make a man electrifying.

You don't seem to think that a Rolex/high end watch would get the panties drenched and peeled off for a run of the mill, beta male with money. The gold Rolexes tend to attract more attention than the steel ones.

Most men are run of the mill beta males.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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You don't seem to think that a Rolex/high end watch would get the panties drenched and peeled off for a run of the mill, beta male with money. The gold Rolexes tend to attract more attention than the steel ones.

Most men are run of the mill beta males.
I don't encourage anyone to go overboard on all of that Alpha/Beta nonsense, nonetheless you've got my drift... A Rolex on the wrist of a nebbish Target manager won't make him any sexier to the ladies, or any less of a schmuck in the eyes of his fellow men


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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A Rolex on the wrist of a nebbish Target manager won't make him any sexier to the ladies, or any less of a schmuck in the eyes of his fellow men
A Target retail store level manager likely doesn't have the income or net worth to acquire a Rolex.

There are plenty of white collar office workers who are either non-management level or middle management level who are thinking about getting Rolexes to attract women. Their looks and personality factors will be relevant in thinking about how much the Rolex can help them with seduction. A middle manager with higher income might do better with the Rolex than the non-manager with lower income with the Rolex. The middle manager might also get a gold Rolex that stands out more as compared to the less expensive steel Rolexes that a non-manager would be more likely to get.

Plenty of men are also willing to go to into debt to look the part to try to attract women. When I was living in Phoenix, it was common to see men there use luxury brands (including Rolex) to try to appeal to women. A lot of these men had mediocre to slightly above average white collar jobs but they tried to peacock with Rolex, certain clothing brands, and certain car brands to attract women. While this happens in a lot of USA cities (and even globally), Phoenix was notable for this as the quality of jobs in that metro area was lacking for an area of its size. Phoenix has a strong reputation for being filled with debt ridden phonies, something that was exposed in the late 2000s/early 2010s housing crash/recession.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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A middle manager with higher income might do better with the Rolex than the non-manager with lower income with the Rolex
As the venerable Robert Glover has pointed out: Nice Guys don't finish last... They rot in middle management. The fellas loading trucks out in receiving, who exude far more of a masculine edge than said middle manager, are stirring the loins of women with much greater and more intense frequency than he and his Rolex are

Part of what exposes this Alpha/Beta notion as horse-hit, when we take it entirely too seriously: Aren't those dockworkers Betas, in a socioeconmic sense, and isn't the Rolex wearing middle manager an Alpha in comparison them? At least if we're now taking those terms as literally as much of The Manosphere does
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Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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When you use the term electrifying, it seems to refer more towards personality traits
Yep... Note that Douglas/Gekko isn't a conventionally handsome man in comparison to many of his contemporaries, like Rob Lowe and the like. His hair is even prematurely graying

A fella who knows how to accentuate/increase what's he got(Gekko keeps in shape physically + Uses his wardrobe to enhance the virility of his appearance*)inevitably fares more well than the Himbo who relies solely on his beefcake looks. Has Channing Tatum played one character who's been nearly as memorable as GG?

*Frankly, this is all just as true for women. As many have pointed out

Sydney Sweeney isn't a classic beauty in the mold of a young Grace Kelly. Thus, she's smoothed out(To the degree possible) her facial flaws with plastic surgery, learned to work what she has been blessed with (A stupendous set of bajongs), accentuated other assets (Her rear end has been toned and sculpted via intense exercise), and cultivated a Sweet Girl persona

Thus, like Douglas/Gekko during The 80s, she's triumphing while millions of other conventionally beautiful girls in Hollywood are floundering


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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As the venerable Robert Glover has pointed out: Nice Guys don't finish last... They rot in middle management. The fellas loading trucks out in receiving, who exude far more of a masculine edge than said middle manager, are stirring the loins of women with much greater and more intense frequency than he and his Rolex are
Various blue collar workers are better positioned to get pussie than a good portion of white collar workers.

Blue collar work is more masculine than white collar work. There's a certain masculinity in being an auto mechanic, plumber, dockworker, or other manual laborer.

In terms of real world approaching, blue collar workers and white collar workers tend to interact with different types of women. The manual laborer or skilled tradesman is often interacting with women who are retail or fast food workers and have less than a bachelor's degree. The white collar worker guy has a tendency to interact with women with bachelor's degrees or higher who also work white collar jobs. These are very different types of females. They go to different nightlife venues and different daygame venues too.

One of the best examples of this would be doing approaches at Walmart vs. doing approaches at Whole Foods. A plumber or construction worker might approach women at Walmart whereas some white collar guy might try to approach privileged White women at Whole Foods.

Blue collar and white collar men can overlap on swipe apps. Even swipe apps can be a bit targeted. Bumble has done better with the more educated, white collar audience and Tinder has declined over the years to be more of a mass market and less of a bougie market.

Nice guys (usually blue pill ideology beta males) might rot in the middle management when they are older. A lot of men who get bachelor's and advanced degrees don't even get to middle management until they are 35-40 or so. By then, a good portion of them have wives. Often times, they either got wives on the strength of a having good social circle (few relocations in life) or a willingness to dumpster dive on an app or in nightlife venues. If a beta lacks a good social circle and isn't dumpster diving, he's more likely to be in the mushy middle of the mating environment and overlooked/invisible. Even some game aware, red pill ideology men can have this happen too. There are also plenty of nice guy betas in non-managerial white collar jobs too. These men are nearly as plentiful as the middle manager beta males. When men feel like they are being overlooked or invisible, that's when they are considering purchases like Rolexes and other luxury brands.

Part of what exposes this Alpha/Beta notion as horse-hit, when we take it entirely too seriously: Aren't those dockworkers Betas, in a socioeconmic sense, and isn't the Rolex wearing middle manager an Alpha in comparison them? At least if we're now taking those terms as literally as much of The Manosphere does
The Alpha-Beta framework and the differences aren't solely on money. It's a combination of things, including attitude and physical appearance.

A blue collar worker might appear beta but they do have masculinity from doing physical labor. That has the potential to change their attitudes and physical appearances.

A white collar worker in middle management who buys a Rolex might appear to be more of an alpha male, but it often is a good disguise. The work environment in most white collar offices is sexually sterile. White collar workers are often concerned about getting accused of harrassment by female co-workers and concerned about having to talk to a Human Resource Associate or Human Resource Manager. That's not fun. Additionally, in most companies, middle managers have limited power. They are the pawns of upper management and often have no real input in major strategic initiatives for the company. They can also be layoff targets. None of what I've just described is particularly alpha.

For 40-50 hours a week, that middle manager male is not living the life of an alpha male. It's possible that a middle manager with a Rolex might have more of an alpha type attitude in his personal life and he might even play a sport/lift weights too. For 40-50 hours a week, he's a beta to upper management in his white collar job. Some of that subservience in the corporate world and the sexual sterility of a white collar working space might affect his overall attitudes and behaviors in life.


Apr 21, 2018
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Bridgeport, CT
Those watches are mostly 'serious bling' for successful businessmen like gangsta rappers with their diamond chains with dollar symbols, broadcasting to gold diggers that you have too much money and need help spending it on useless crap.
Gangsta rappers are not successful business men per se. Most of the stuff you see on them is fake or borrowed.


Apr 21, 2018
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Bridgeport, CT
Various blue collar workers are better positioned to get pussie than a good portion of white collar workers.

Blue collar work is more masculine than white collar work. There's a certain masculinity in being an auto mechanic, plumber, dockworker, or other manual laborer.

In terms of real world approaching, blue collar workers and white collar workers tend to interact with different types of women. The manual laborer or skilled tradesman is often interacting with women who are retail or fast food workers and have less than a bachelor's degree. The white collar worker guy has a tendency to interact with women with bachelor's degrees or higher who also work white collar jobs. These are very different types of females. They go to different nightlife venues and different daygame venues too.

One of the best examples of this would be doing approaches at Walmart vs. doing approaches at Whole Foods. A plumber or construction worker might approach women at Walmart whereas some white collar guy might try to approach privileged White women at Whole Foods.

Blue collar and white collar men can overlap on swipe apps. Even swipe apps can be a bit targeted. Bumble has done better with the more educated, white collar audience and Tinder has declined over the years to be more of a mass market and less of a bougie market.

Nice guys (usually blue pill ideology beta males) might rot in the middle management when they are older. A lot of men who get bachelor's and advanced degrees don't even get to middle management until they are 35-40 or so. By then, a good portion of them have wives. Often times, they either got wives on the strength of a having good social circle (few relocations in life) or a willingness to dumpster dive on an app or in nightlife venues. If a beta lacks a good social circle and isn't dumpster diving, he's more likely to be in the mushy middle of the mating environment and overlooked/invisible. Even some game aware, red pill ideology men can have this happen too. There are also plenty of nice guy betas in non-managerial white collar jobs too. These men are nearly as plentiful as the middle manager beta males. When men feel like they are being overlooked or invisible, that's when they are considering purchases like Rolexes and other luxury brands.

The Alpha-Beta framework and the differences aren't solely on money. It's a combination of things, including attitude and physical appearance.

A blue collar worker might appear beta but they do have masculinity from doing physical labor. That has the potential to change their attitudes and physical appearances.

A white collar worker in middle management who buys a Rolex might appear to be more of an alpha male, but it often is a good disguise. The work environment in most white collar offices is sexually sterile. White collar workers are often concerned about getting accused of harrassment by female co-workers and concerned about having to talk to a Human Resource Associate or Human Resource Manager. That's not fun. Additionally, in most companies, middle managers have limited power. They are the pawns of upper management and often have no real input in major strategic initiatives for the company. They can also be layoff targets. None of what I've just described is particularly alpha.

For 40-50 hours a week, that middle manager male is not living the life of an alpha male. It's possible that a middle manager with a Rolex might have more of an alpha type attitude in his personal life and he might even play a sport/lift weights too. For 40-50 hours a week, he's a beta to upper management in his white collar job. Some of that subservience in the corporate world and the sexual sterility of a white collar working space might affect his overall attitudes and behaviors in life.
What am I? I am a Physician's Assistant and I also own, manage and maintain my rental properties. Would I be half white collar and half blue collar since I also do a lot of the work on my properties (tenant's don't know that they are mine ;).

Not sure if a Rolex would make someone an Alpha or not. I had a Rolex once. After I graduated Physician Assistant school (and residency), I bought a Rolex sub-mariner as a gift to myself; I never wore it. I paid around 7k for it (cash, no finance bull sh*t), and I sold it a few years later for 22k. It just happened to be a rare flat 4 sub with complete box and papers. I have a Samsung watch; it works okay. I use it mostly for alerts when someone is trying to get in touch with me. The Apple watches are better with the text alerts, but I hate the square design. I feel the Apple ecosphere has become a hey me too type of fad.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Gangsta rappers are not successful business men per se. Most of the stuff you see on them is fake or borrowed.
Just like some middle management office workers sporting a Rolex in their Toyota.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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Various blue collar workers are better positioned to get pussie than a good portion of white collar workers.

Blue collar work is more masculine than white collar work. There's a certain masculinity in being an auto mechanic, plumber, dockworker, or other manual laborer.

In terms of real world approaching, blue collar workers and white collar workers tend to interact with different types of women
Something similar to what's said here 5:23-8:15

Is true of us men also. Fellas who are either nebbish and unmasculine, or fantasy football fixated blockheads, are undesirable. Dudes in both of those camps either end up with a village bike or a castrating shrew


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Just like some middle management office workers sporting a Rolex in their Toyota.
Rolex and Toyota is a mismatch. Rolex would match Lexus better. A few other luxury brand cars would be other matches for Rolex. A Porsche and a Rolex also makes sense.


Apr 21, 2018
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Bridgeport, CT
I agree, but their owners are mostly Citizens. ;)

View attachment 12743
I have a ten year old truck. In my 40's now, I no longer care what people think about what I drive, dress or spend my money on. I am a PA during the day, manage my rentals on the side. Every year or two, I buy another rental. Part of my rental income into my Roth 401k and within 22 years invested in VOOG I should have around 19 million in tax free money, plus my savings, a few dozen rentals, my work retirement and my regular roth. I have 750k in my retirement now, and about 5m in real estate. Not saying this to brag, as I don't really care. I am saying this to tell everyone, focus on the prize. $$$ and financial freedom. Stop worrying about what people think, do what you want to do, buy, within reason, what you want to buy and live your life. People (females) come and go. Worry about having F*ck You money. Twice a year I go to Italy and Cuba as a treat for myself all on travel points. THIS is how to live. Not some stupid watch, car or whatever.

If you want a Rolex, buy it. If you want a nice car, buy it. But, buy it for cash. I hold zero debt (outside of mortgages for my rental properties, and I own my home outright). This is my fortress of solitude. Get the money, and life will fall into line. Nothing like saying to someone, f*ck you, I don't need this sh!t.



Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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Took me quite a while to figure out this shyte. Wondering why all women in my life eventually happened to be low class. Because I AM LOW CLASS.

That whole ride or die shorty shyte sounds like fun until you get burned by women who are just plane stupid and you knew it.

The transition to a higher class is a tough one; you don't wanna remain a target for low class women while the better ones still look passed you. Thus I know many dudes who choose to remain lower-lowest class and only have p00sy as their main goal. Ya know..pookie rayray..

Now I'm aiming to become that dude with a Rolex. I am saving until I reach my first milestone; 100k. Then I'll reassess my (financial) goals. Along with that comes a morr strict vetting process that includes rejecting p00sy that will bring trouble.
Goes to conversations like these two

Attractive people earn more, get promoted more often, and have less scrapes with the criminal justice system. It's thus heartening to see that a growing number men are recognizing that once a fella reaches the age of majority, it's incumbent on him to prioritize his own self-care. Rather than (As both The Woke Left AND The Manosphere assert)waiting on society to change in some dramatic way, BEFORE we do the basics for ourselves

That's just a recipe for more men to remain in the lousy shape that so many of us are in today


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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In my 40's now, I no longer care what people think about what I drive, dress or spend my money on
Which is way too old to continue pretending that appearances aren't vital to both a man's self-concept and how receptive the rest humanity receives him. No disrespect intended, nonetheless the mindset you're espousing there is The Manosphere equivalent of Feminists asserting "We should be able to let our underarm and pubic hair grow like kudzu, fill our faces with piercings, dress in rags, and not have the rest of the world wrinkle their noses in disgust, each time they catch a glimpse of us"


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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Goes to conversations like these two

Attractive people earn more, get promoted more often, and have less scrapes with the criminal justice system. It's thus heartening to see that a growing number men are recognizing that once a fella reaches the age of majority, it's incumbent on him to prioritize his own self-care. Rather than (As both The Woke Left AND The Manosphere assert)waiting on society to change in some dramatic way, BEFORE we do the basics for ourselves

That's just a recipe for more men to remain in the lousy shape that so many of us are in today
Most of my life I've been able to scam and/or charm my way through life. Being somewhat good-looking definitely gives you an edge.

My problem was that I often times couldn't back it up. Now I'm learning a trade so I can combine my mouthpiece with actual knowledge. Sometimes people just want a certain personality around them.


Apr 21, 2018
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Bridgeport, CT
Which is way too old to continue pretending that appearances aren't vital to both a man's self-concept and how receptive the rest humanity receives him. No disrespect intended, nonetheless the mindset you're espousing there is The Manosphere equivalent of Feminists asserting "We should be able to let our underarm and pubic hair grow like kudzu, fill our faces with piercings, dress in rags, and not have the rest of the world wrinkle their noses in disgust, each time they catch a glimpse of us"
No one's pretending dude. I've never had a problem picking up females. A couple of years ago, I posted a picture of me and the females I'm dating. Didn't get them with a flashing car, watch, etc. But if it works for you, go for it.
