Is it true very few men in the world are "naturals" with women? It's like these guys, men, never had to learn "game", it was always second nature

Learning Curve

Senior Don Juan
Feb 7, 2023
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Its like these guys, men, they never needed to seek help from a dating coach or pick up artist, they never needed a mentor or a wingman, guidance on this, they likely never had to read a single book or blog post, forum, on seduction, "game", dating advice in their whole lives, they just knew how to successfully interact with and approach, talk to, attract, court, seduce, and take the lead from day one.

I get more angry and upset whenever people say "comparison is the thief of joy, or don't compare yourself to others", that only adds fuel to fire in terms of resentment, because i'm sure tons of people have always wondered the why or cause of mysteries. Another reason, and i'm sure tons of guys, men in the world, have feelings of envy and resentment towards these type of guys, men, is because they never had to struggle or never had to go through any pain or adversity, never dealt with any awkwardness or never got labeled creepy or weird, never once made a woman feel uncomfortable when approaching or interacting with them, never had to put in any blood sweat and tears, they got to grow up having a normal youth, got to experience being sexually active or being in love very young, in the prime of their lives

I'm referring to guys, men, who got to experience having a girlfriend and losing their virginity in their teenage years, they just seemed to figure it out very early in life, its like as if, knowing how to talk to and interact with girls, flirting with them, getting a girlfriend, has always been common sense for them, or they just somehow learned it right away, i don't know how else to describe it or put it into words, i guess thats what people describe or refer to as "naturals".

Meanwhile, tons of guys, men, go into their 20s or more, and are either still virgins or never had GF's before, and still just don't have the game or attracting women figured out yet, getting a girlfriend is still hard for them, they feel they still lack the correct and proper social skills or flirting and social behaviors, courting skills, guys need to know or learn in order to attract women, get a girlfriend, etc.

To sum it up, why do you think some or many guys are naturals at this, as in, they either learn or figure it out very early in life like i described or many guys, men, not until much later in life or never at all? Are guys supposed to learn this stuff from family members or friends, etc.?

Are very few men in the world naturals? did most guys have to go through a journey or training, practice, trial and error, or get help from a mentor or help from people in some way or form?

I'm sure for many people, such as this article by Girls Chase, its like for these guys, i'm assuming some, not most, they never had to learn it, they just knew how to ever since they started liking or being attracted to women:

Or do you think a guys childhood has an effect on his his "game", ability to relate and connect with women has an affect on this too? This article states that its amazing what a healthy childhood can do.

Overall, would you say Naturals are a very few percentage of men in the world, very few men in the world are like that?
I don't believe in naturals.

I believe in experience, persuasion and adaptability.

If you can be a chameleon and adapt your personality to the changes you find your self in with different people or women then you can be a master persuader.

Some people might have natural skills and be more natural with women but in my experience all of this people either had a ton of failures or experiments as I like to call them as I don't like the word "failure".

Don't always look at one side of things and think that that's it and they are "Natural" there is always the second side of things to any circumstance.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2024
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I don't believe in naturals.

I believe in experience, persuasion and adaptability.

If you can be a chameleon and adapt your personality to the changes you find your self in with different people or women then you can be a master persuader.

Some people might have natural skills and be more natural with women but in my experience all of this people either had a ton of failures or experiments as I like to call them as I don't like the word "failure".

Don't always look at one side of things and think that that's it and they are "Natural" there is always the second side of things to any circumstance.
i've also heard that, guys who grow up having a lot of female siblings, sisters, or a lot of female cousins, that also has a positive impact on their interactions with women growing up, got him to be able to be comfortable around women very early in life, and probably contributes a lot to the making of a natural, guys, men. Or the guy, man, had a extroverted charismatic Father or brothers.

Also why jocks or athletes in high school, not all, that required them to be very social, had them involved in huge social circles, gave them a ton of early social experience.

Thats my guess as to why a lot of guys, or just some guys, never needed coaching or never needed a mentor for seduction, courtship, dating, etc.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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I have a question out of curiosity. In high school I was largely amogged by rich boys who drove cars my teachers likely couldn’t afford and reckless dirtbags (some violent), two powerful types. I do not believe they were naturals; they simply had characteristics for which young women lust and that I could not acquire. That is, women threw themselves at them, and not me.

Recently I’ve read several posts in which it’s said that with the right behaviors and lines of sh-t, a man can be swimmin’ hoes. If I recall correctly one poster even wrote “behavior is all that matters”. So according to that line of thought, my lonely, reserved self, driving a used Ford Escort, could’ve competed with the aforesaid men so long as I had “upped my game”. Is that so?


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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The implication of this thread. Which I believe is wrong. Is that women are passive participants in the process. In fact. Women are often active collaborators and even the primary actors on occasion.
The upshot being that ‘naturals’ have this success not necessarily because of innate/learned ‘game’ or social skills…. But. Because women want them. Maybe simply because they find the guy physically attractive. And women will act.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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The implication of this thread. Which I believe is wrong. Is that women are passive participants in the process. In fact. Women are often active collaborators and even the primary actors on occasion.
The upshot being that ‘naturals’ have this success not necessarily because of innate/learned ‘game’ or social skills…. But. Because women want them. Maybe simply because they find the guy physically attractive. And women will act.
Spot on. See my post above yours. The notion of game being something that can be learned or copied that results in anything consequential implies it can be used to out-alpha more attractive men. Supposedly we can all out game powerful men.

I’ve had a modest amount of women and I’ve never gamed any or laid on slick lines of sh-t.

This is my personal take, which is obviously at odds with others here.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
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I'm going to try this thought experiment.

In thinking about a man's general lifestyle in Dallas, it would be possible but difficult to exist without a car in the Dallas area. This is a man who would need to live close to a light rail station (DART) or some Dallas bus stops in order to get to some job 5 days a week. That doesn't sound pleasant. He would have to be walkable to certain grocery stores too. There are some Central Dallas areas where this could happen.

Riding a bicycle to work in Dallas also sounds like a bad idea. Dallas is hot for a good portion of the year. I can imagine some unpleasant bus rides.

I found some Reddit threads about carless life in Dallas.

I haven't even gotten to the topic of finding dates yet or going on dates as a carless man in the Dallas area.

I don't know how that would work. Getting to date venues carless would be difficult. A lot of Dallas area women would negatively judge a man for not having a car.
I think that you could argue by the time you add up the cost of all those Ubers, Instacarts/Walmart+ orders(because sometimes you need stuff that isn't near your local grocery), and any public transit, that it would be equal to or greater than the cost of a car note, even from one of those sh!tty "buy here pay here" lenders. This doesn't even account for the opportunity cost of waiting around for the public transit.

If you run the numbers in your budget, I think you'd be shocked.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2024
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The implication of this thread. Which I believe is wrong. Is that women are passive participants in the process. In fact. Women are often active collaborators and even the primary actors on occasion.
The upshot being that ‘naturals’ have this success not necessarily because of innate/learned ‘game’ or social skills…. But. Because women want them. Maybe simply because they find the guy physically attractive. And women will act.
well thats how its always been for all time, women have always played a passive role in human mating, interactions between the 2 sexes, if women were not passive partipants, then women would approach men often or ask guys out often, women be the initiators, but we all know that normally never happens and normally never will.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Women throw themselves at high-status men. Some men have to fight them off.
Well, I wouldn't call it 'fighting'. It's more like 'pushing away'.

Even dark gentlemen don't hit girls.

Spanking is not hitting. Spanking is their reward for being a good girl.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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well thats how its always been for all time, women have always played a passive role in human mating, interactions between the 2 sexes, if women were not passive partipants, then women would approach men often or ask guys out often, women be the initiators, but we all know that normally never happens and normally never will.
Women do approach. While it may not be the 'norm'. It certainly does happen. I can attest.

What I love about this clip, is that this kind of stuff DOES happen in real life. Yes. I know it's a TV show and Don is a gigachad. But. This kind of stuff absolutely does happen. MadMen is a legit show.



Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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probably even more rare for a woman to ask a guy out or be the one to number close a guy.
I give them my Telegram. I don't want them to call me on my phone. Groupies call at impossible hours.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
The implication of this thread. Which I believe is wrong. Is that women are passive participants in the process. In fact. Women are often active collaborators and even the primary actors on occasion.
The upshot being that ‘naturals’ have this success not necessarily because of innate/learned ‘game’ or social skills…. But. Because women want them. Maybe simply because they find the guy physically attractive. And women will act.
Agreed. This is a big part of it. But a boy, that grows up around men that are successful with women, will develop attractive traits.

If you had older brothers that were good with the ladies... it was because they were fit, socially successful, and had attractive characteristics.... you are much more likely to emulate the men around you.

In contrast, if you grew up with a hen-pecked dad... whose philosophy with women was "happy wife: happy life" and just supplicated to her in the interest of avoiding conflict was a coach potato, with bad habits... well that will be your future unless you pull yourself out of that mid-set.

If when you are growing up around men with attractive characteristics, you are much more likely to develop attractive habits... thus, by default the man will be more attractive.
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Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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reason why a lot of people think naturals do exist, is because, those are the guys, men, who never had to seek help from a dating coach or pick up artist, seduction coach, or never had to go on a forum like this or never had to read a book on seduction, dating, in their whole lives, they just always knew how to successfully attract women, get girlfriends easily.
You simply never knows what one does to reach whatever goal. For all you know your " natural friends " bought DVDs about the subject but hide it from anyone else like it was leprechaun pron.

I agree that there's ALWAYS a price to pay: you might attract women, but that will indeed make you "lazy" and also keep you in your " default bluepilled factory settings ".

The latter is the perfect bridge to use this analogy; you can see a dude, jacked and broad shoulders. You see him for the first time and think" he looks strong". Little you know he wakes up every day at 5 and goes to the gym to work his azz off. He might LOOK like a natural bog strong guy. But. Despite this he might still FEEL like the chubby nerdy kid he used to be.

If you want to be a natural, then you gotta ACT and conduct yourself like one. One thing imo all " naturals" have in common is that they BELIEVE that they will get the woman one way or another. That she ain't more special than the last one.

Always remember: a NEW woman knows NOTHING about your past life. Especially when it comes to game you can easily fake it till you make it.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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I'd even say that on sosauve the main goal should be to BECOME a ",natural ". A don Juan. A ladies man.

You think mike Tyson didn't train like a maniac despite his God given talents? He was a student of the game.

You can meet a new woman and tell her ( and especially SHOW her) whatever you like. By simply saying HI and smiling at women you are already more like a natural than 75% of men. Now add some cojones to this which enables a man to make moves and close the gap and voila, you come across as a natural.

Practice makes perfect.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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I don’t think one really needs to train to do fine with women. Remember. Women actually do want men. They want sex. They want a relationship.
Just don’t be a weirdo and be reasonably attractive.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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My Hapacel friend was trying to game a woman. He asked me for advice. I told him his interactions with her appeared flat & robotic. He didn’t seem happy with my critique. He arraigned a hiking date with her, but she ghosted him.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
My Hapacel friend was trying to game a woman. He asked me for advice. I told him his interactions with her appeared flat & robotic. He didn’t seem happy with my critique. He arraigned a hiking date with her, but she ghosted him.
I hear ya.

I believe in looks like you do.

I don’t so much believe in “game” per se. I think vibe or more properly “energy” as Joy talks about is a better way to think about it.

But obviously looks and vibe/energy are things that are hard to fix by advice alone no matter how constructive and well intended the advice is.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2024
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yeah, videos like this, or even i've seen other dating/seduction coaches say, regarding how guys, men, are meant to or should have a mentor if they suck with women, suck at interacting/attracting them, that men should not feel embarassed or ashamed for seeking help: