Does it really get better for men with age?


Don Juan
May 20, 2021
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It's not even gold diggers who expect men to make money. It's the women who got bachelor's degrees and have been climbing the corporate ladder, working in law, working in medicine, etc.
*Edit: Reread your post, you're saying these type of women are paving the standard for a successful 35 yo man right?

I'd highly suggest my brothers not to go for these lawyer/doctor/corporate women. These type of women to me are niche and really unattractive. Lawyers/doctors/corporate workers are usually late 20s-early 30s. These type of women have worked harder, are more ambitious and are more goal driven than any other average man, they probably have more masculinity than your next door Bob. Also their idea of status and success is grossly unrealistic after being exposed to their workforce.

Personality-wise I have not met a lawyer/doctor/corporate worker I found genuinely down to earth. No normal person chooses these kind of jobs, and these jobs I believe changes you as a person.

Low six figures means nothing in expensive cities like New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle. It doesn't even mean anything in a less expensive city like Atlanta or Dallas.

A man making $100,000 a year at age 35 isn't that impressive when a woman is making $80,000 a year at age 33.
Makes sense, I agree.
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Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I'd highly suggest my brothers not to go for these lawyer/doctor/corporate women. These type of women to me are niche and really unattractive. Lawyers/doctors/corporate workers are usually late 20s-early 30s. These type of women have worked harder, are more ambitious and are more goal driven than any other average man, they probably have more masculinity than your next door Bob. Also their idea of status and success is grossly unrealistic after being exposed to their workforce.

Personality-wise I have not met a lawyer/doctor/corporate worker I found genuinely down to earth. No normal person chooses these kind of jobs, and these jobs I believe changes you as a person.
Men should avoid women with corporate careers, lawyers, and doctors. Men should avoid women with advanced degrees for the most part. Very few women with advanced degrees will make good girlfriends, let alone good wives.

These women are commonly ages 27-28+ and commonly found on swipe apps.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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You should avoid anyone who takes a calculator to see if you have a match. :cool:


Don Juan
May 5, 2018
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Don Juan
May 23, 2017
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One online article said a mens sexual desirability peaks at 50
This sort of meme has been pushed in the past decades. It's blatant anti-natalist population reduction psyop. Any ****head who thinks women want a man 20 or even 10 years older is straight up delusional. Women want men around their same age. Older women prefer younger men, just like men prefer younger women. Even Elon ****ing Musk is less desirable at 50 then he was at 40 or 30. It's downright moronic that men actually believe this ****. The key is to be very successful while still young, and stay that way. Getting old doesn't make you better, and certainly not more attractive.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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As has been said repeatedly and proven in some cases on this forum in the past, men in their 50s who have their shyte together aren't raging arseholes, have some game and are in good shape and handsome, and can and do bed 20-somethings. Not everyone can, especially if the man is delusional about his own SMV, and is a raging arsehole, etc.

I understand that your experience does not allow you to accept this and that there's some cognitive dissonance at work here. And that's OK.


This sort of meme has been pushed in the past decades. It's blatant anti-natalist population reduction psyop. Any ****head who thinks women want a man 20 or even 10 years older is straight up delusional. Women want men around their same age. Older women prefer younger men, just like men prefer younger women. Even Elon ****ing Musk is less desirable at 50 then he was at 40 or 30. It's downright moronic that men actually believe this ****. The key is to be very successful while still young, and stay that way. Getting old doesn't make you better, and certainly not more attractive.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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As has been said repeatedly and proven in some cases on this forum in the past, men in their 50s who have their shyte together aren't raging arseholes, have some game and are in good shape and handsome, and can and do bed 20-somethings. Not everyone can, especially if the man is delusional about his own SMV, and is a raging arsehole, etc.

I understand that your experience does not allow you to accept this and that there's some cognitive dissonance at work here. And that's OK.

That picture lol


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2020
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My best years in terms of women were my mid to late 20s. That is the age a lot of women are looking for a partner to settle with, it was so easy to score or to even get in a relationship.

Don’t know why so many people say ”a man’s best years in his 30s”. I never got 1/10 of the action in my 30s than I had in my 20s.


Don Juan
May 20, 2021
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My best years in terms of women were my mid to late 20s. That is the age a lot of women are looking for a partner to settle with, it was so easy to score or to even get in a relationship.

Don’t know why so many people say ”a man’s best years in his 30s”. I never got 1/10 of the action in my 30s than I had in my 20s.
How would you compare yourself in your 20s vs your 30s?


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2022
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My best years in terms of women were my mid to late 20s. That is the age a lot of women are looking for a partner to settle with, it was so easy to score or to even get in a relationship.

Don’t know why so many people say ”a man’s best years in his 30s”. I never got 1/10 of the action in my 30s than I had in my 20s.

Times change. I agree, 20 years ago, when divorces weren't common and women mostly dated within their own social circle; mid to late 20's was the perfect time to settle down. Now, with dating apps, women going on the c0cck carousel, older people in the dating pool, etc. that is not the case.

We must change with the times, Ask a senior citizen when his best years were, he would probably say late teens to earlier 20's. During his life where life was hard, people wanted to settle down quicker and pool their resources and have their families work together to bring up kids, etc.


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2022
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How would you compare yourself in your 20s vs your 30s?

My 30 year old version of myself would completely humiliate my 20 year old version of myself. Seducing my younger version of my self's girlfriend wouldn't even be an issue.

I think this is the case for most men who are in their 30's. However, in the past, the older selves wouldn't be able to seduce the younger version because these older guys would already be married w/ kids, and have other things to worry about (they wouldn't want to). But now times are different. There are a lot more older men who are not married.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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Getting old doesn't make you better, and certainly not more attractive.
Oh really? I'm guessing you're speaking from experience. Left pic I was 27, right pic I'm 34. If a man takes care of himself (by any means necessary), he will become more attractive.



Don Juan
May 23, 2017
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Yes, taking care of yourself makes you more attractive. This has nothing to do with age. A 25 year old who takes care of himself is more attractive then a 35 year old who takes care of himself. A rich ripped 35 year old may be more attractive to a 25 year old girl then poor skinny 25 year old guy. But a rich ripped 25 year old guy is even more attractive. Why is this difficult for men to understand? It's a psychological coping mechanism. All things being equal, younger is always better.


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2013
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If you know the ever changing "game", life essentially gets easier. As long as you can provide for yourself, not in debt, healthy, and have a steady future plan.


Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
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Yes, taking care of yourself makes you more attractive. This has nothing to do with age. A 25 year old who takes care of himself is more attractive then a 35 year old who takes care of himself. A rich ripped 35 year old may be more attractive to a 25 year old girl then poor skinny 25 year old guy. But a rich ripped 25 year old guy is even more attractive. Why is this difficult for men to understand? It's a psychological coping mechanism.
Considering that women are hard wired to look for masculine traits (leadership, ability to provide, protect) in a mate, why is 25yrs old ripped rich guy more attractive than the 35yrs old rich ripped guy? It doesn't make sense.
All things being equal, younger is always better.
That's true regarding women. Again, you can't argue with biology ... men are hard wired to look for feminine traits in a mate (fertility - which is very strongly connected to age, loyalty).


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2013
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Yes, taking care of yourself makes you more attractive. This has nothing to do with age. A 25 year old who takes care of himself is more attractive then a 35 year old who takes care of himself. A rich ripped 35 year old may be more attractive to a 25 year old girl then poor skinny 25 year old guy. But a rich ripped 25 year old guy is even more attractive. Why is this difficult for men to understand? It's a psychological coping mechanism. All things being equal, younger is always better.
Yes and no.

Money, Muscle and Status, don't necessarily make you a Man.

I agree If I was a 18 and knew the things I know now with the muscle, money and whatever, yeah I wouldn't be able to compete with my current self. But this is not how the world works and IS FANTASY.

The same thing can be said about women put a mind of a 60 year old into a 18 year old girl and women would probably be running this world. The biggest difference in women and men is women aren't fertile after 40, men are until the day they die if they take care of themselves.

Even in a perfect world your logic isn't even accurate. Considering you take the same person, at 18 that same person will have more muscle, money, ect BS 10 years later. Your logic would only work if the man literately did nothing for 10 years accept age.

Your logic is a coping mechanism for women and beta men.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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Yes, taking care of yourself makes you more attractive. This has nothing to do with age. A 25 year old who takes care of himself is more attractive then a 35 year old who takes care of himself. A rich ripped 35 year old may be more attractive to a 25 year old girl then poor skinny 25 year old guy. But a rich ripped 25 year old guy is even more attractive. Why is this difficult for men to understand? It's a psychological coping mechanism. All things being equal, younger is always better.
You're the one coping in here with the defeatist mindset that you're old and look like $hit probably, but come in here like "oh of you're old, you're done, you're not attractive" we are not women, we age like fine wine if we put in the work.


Don Juan
May 20, 2021
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A rich ripped 35 year old may be more attractive to a 25 year old girl then poor skinny 25 year old guy. But a rich ripped 25 year old guy is even more attractive. Why is this difficult for men to understand? It's a psychological coping mechanism. All things being equal, younger is always better.
I thought about this last night. I think you're probably right that a 25 year old self has a better chance than a 35 year old self.

But isn't this all subjective? Theoretically, a 25 year old with the aesthetics of their 20s but the mindset and skills of a 35 year old self will probably do better, but this doesn't seem realistic.

I know the traits that girls find attractive takes time: self assurance, confidence in yourself, and experience with dealing and handling challenges in life. I don't believe you can fake that, girls have good bull **** detectors, they see right through that, which is why older men do have certain advantages (along w/ cons).

I see so many young 20s in my college campus and older people of varying ages in my school and I can see right through people who are still "discovering themselves." It looks cringe but then I also remember that's what most of us have gone through.

I don't think these traits are inherently acquired for most men at 25, I just haven't seen ANY 25 whose embodied the soul of an older man, even the "I'm an old soul/mature" guy type.

I won't argue with your merit that 25 year old chad > 35 year old chad. But I don't think the points made on this forum are COPE. I've seen a lot of what they're saying anecdotally, go out there yourself and you will probably recognize some of what these guys are saying.

Who knows, maybe a top 1% 35 year old chad > 25 year old chad? I might be naive but I won't give up till I've reached there.


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2013
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The problem is most dudes get stuck in there OG game and think thats it. Like the 40 year old in the club still rocking baggy jeans and a durag like its 2005 vs the guy who kept in shape advanced his life has changed with the "game".

And their is alot more to game, then the basics of big muscle, clothes and money.

TBH I would say the big muscle look of the early 2000s is going out of style like afros in the 70s. Women with tattoos are starting to fade out of fashion along with the Kim K look. A man who can adapt to whats next will be winning.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Age is irrelevant if a woman thinks you're attractive. Most young women think men up to 10 years older are attractive; some young women think a more substantial age gap is attractive. Funny, these women often don't find men around their own age attractive, so it's not like these women are 'stolen' by older men. Women have different tastes, no attractive man has the market covered.