If this is your belief then I don't see why you'd even bother with a relationship, I wouldn't.There is no such thing as a keeper man.
Half truth. Keep in mind that several conditions and circumstances are within your control and are your responsibility. If you're an inadequate man it shouldn't come as a surprise if she leaves. I would correct this to "NO woman will remain faithful through ALL conditions and circumstances", they also have boundaries.ALL woman are suseptable to cheating, monkey branching, given the right conditions & circumstances.
Literally TONS of men have poor judgement. I have no doubt a lot of men think they found a keeper and wholeheartedly believe so, but many didn't do their due diligence of challenging their beliefs adequately to make sure it's true.Literally TONS of men have been with chicks who they felt where a KEEPER & got screwed over by her monkey branching
One or both of them weren't good, otherwise there wouldn't be a divorce. While they may believe so about themselves, at least one of them made at least one bad decision at some point leading up to that result. It's a lot more complex than you're making it out to be, what you're presenting is just a small sliver of a lot of different reasons people go for divorce. It's more often tied to poor choices in the past than temptations in the future.Good woman are divorcing good men at unprecedented rates in the West
The temptation to "slip onto Tyrone's d!ck" is symptom, the causes of said symptom would kill the relationship either way. Typically the problems that causes cheating have very often built up over a long time without being properly resolved. It typically doesn't just happen out of the blue.
Boundaries are not enough. You can set all the boundaries in the world, but if you don't proactively maintain a good relationship and bond then she is going to leave your ass whether that's through cheating, branch swinging or simply just leaving because being alone is better than being with you.We can never stop a woman from cheating, all we can do as men is, to minimize the risk of it happening by setting firm boundaries.
Too strict boundaries will work against your interests as well as it can hurt the bond, she'll feel too restricted and ultimately unhappy being with you. Thus INCREASING the chance she'll cheat, swing or leave. You gotta be mindful of what boundaries you put up. Restricting others social contact is generally regarded as a red flag for a controlling/jealous type person, is a sign of mistrust and disliked by most people.