I had my first date in ages. Here's the good and the bad.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
Reaction score
This past Saturday, I had my first date in ages.

Everything was going well. We chatted quite a bit on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday (She reached out to me first on all 3 of those days). On Monday, she even asked me about getting dinner again this coming weekend (I said yeah). Then on Tuesday, she mentioned the topic again (she was wondering where exactly I wanted to go for dinner).

Yesterday, everything changed. She acted more and more annoyed as the day I went on. So around 6:30 pm, I finally told her "Maybe getting to know each other was a bad idea. I say this because it feels like we're not getting along as well today."

There was some back and forth afterwards (I can elaborate if anyone wants to know). Long story short, she wants nothing to do with me anymore.

This goes to show why I've relied mainly on escorts for the past 8 years. With escorts, there's no drama, nor is there any guesswork of whether you'll get laid (and no, I never even so much as kissed the woman this thread is about).


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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We chatted quite a bit on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday (She reached out to me first on all 3 of those days).
Too much chatting, chatting should be done in person, cellphones are for logistics only.

On Monday, she even asked me about getting dinner again this coming weekend (I said yeah). Then on Tuesday, she mentioned the topic again (she was wondering where exactly I wanted to go for dinner).
Pretty much she made plans, she invited you, she was the man, you didn't even suggested anyhting different, she held the frame of the interaction, maybe she was super interested in you, but, dinner is the most boring and unoriginal date there is, also it should be a reward for good behavior.

You should have done a fun date where drinks are involved, where you can touch her, tease her, play with her and escalate. How are you gonna escalate during dinner? touch her hand awkwardly while she's sitting on the other side? Giving her a kiss at the end of the night walking to her car?

Yesterday, everything changed. She acted more and more annoyed as the day I went on.
She was just reflecting the lack of masculinity from your part onto you, bro. Too much talking, boring date, I'm assuming no escalation from your part, no putting you balls on the chopping block to try to kiss her, just more chatting.

o around 6:30 pm, I finally told her "Maybe getting to know each other was a bad idea. I say this because it feels like we're not getting along as well today."
Does this sound like a confident guy? You pretty much said, "Hey I'm sorry your highness for your emotions, but you getting annoyed is killing me inside, please forgive me for taking you on a dinner date, I shouldn't have done that, I should've known better that I'm out of your league"

There was some back and forth afterwards (I can elaborate if anyone wants to know)
No need, it continued like something like this: Hey, its not you, you're very nice, its just I'm going through $hit right now or my ex is stalking me, making my life a living hell, or my family is going through hard stuff, or I need to get my life in order, or I'm going through a hard stage in my life, but it was really nice meeting you, I'm not in a place of having a relationship right now, but we can still be friends.


Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
Reaction score
How did you meet her? What's her age?


Yesterday, everything changed. She acted more and more annoyed as the day I went on
Yeah she was annoyed but not for the reason you think. She was annoyed by your apparent lack of interest, lack of escalation and her doing all the heavy lifting. All the reaching out and initiating all the dates, including the dinner date.

So around 6:30 pm, I finally told her "Maybe getting to know each other was a bad idea. I say this because it feels like we're not getting along as well today
This was the final nail in the coffin. Confirming her suspicion that you lack the masculine frame she desires and needs to remain interested and attracted or you don't give a crap.

It was an emotional reaction. Learn the difference between that and a reaction based on non-interest.

Sorry man.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2019
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If you go out with a woman you should know when it's over if you want to see her again. She gave you a few days of conversation to make plans and even tried to make them for you but, you for whatever reason, flaked on her and then acted weird.

If I go out with a woman and ask her out for another date anything other than a clear and definitive acceptance of my offer means they get nexted as there's no clearer sign of low interest.


Why do people need to get a long? Conflict is not the end of the world
Agree. In fact in some cases, it can be a positive, it means something's happening.

Sadly some people can't hang with it so they bail prematurely due to fear, anxiety and insecurity like the OP did here.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2022
Reaction score
Yeah she was annoyed but not for the reason you think. She was annoyed by your apparent lack of interest, lack of escalation and her doing all the heavy lifting. All the reaching out and initiating all the dates, including the dinner date.
if the OP was a chad, she would have thought he was mysterious, silent and respectful. She would be creaming her pants.

If the OP was "masculine", she would have thought he was borish and self centered.

At the end of the day, women make excuses for people they do not want to date and overlook the faults of those they like. This is just another example.


If the OP was a chad, she would have thought he was mysterious, silent and respectful. She would be creaming her pants.
Totally agree. OP was no chad, he made no effort, no escalation, requiring her to take the lead and chase. Then whimpered out at the end by saying, "maybe getting to know each other was a bad idea. I say this because it feels like we're not getting along as well today."

Come on man, no attractive self-respecting quality woman with abundance is gonna be attracted to that.


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2022
Reaction score
Come on man, no attractive self-respecting quality woman with abundance is gonna be attracted to that.
everyone is sold on a dream. You must get nice house in the suburbs, a nice 9 to 5 job, a nice car, etc.. etc.. tell the lie enough times and people will start believing it. However, a lot of people are content doing their own thing.. living the poor artist life.. being a nomad, or climbing the ladder of a startup. They wouldn't know it until their mind is at least open to the idea.

You could be right: No self-respecting quality woman with abundance is gonna be attracted to that. But is that a good thing? Not all women should be going out with Chads or Chadlites.. or those that even aspire to be chads. For a lot of women, being with a simple unassuming guy throughout her life is a lot better than chasing "the dream" - the chad, but always getting dumped.


For a lot of women, being with a simple unassuming guy throughout her life is a lot better than chasing "the dream" - the chad, but always getting dumped.
You get no argument from me.

But is that what the OP was in this sitch? A *simple unassuming guy*? Is being lazy, making no effort, no escalation, bailing out at the first sign of conflict the definition of simple and unassuming?

It's not to me, but we can agree to disagree.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
Reaction score
everyone is sold on a dream. You must get nice house in the suburbs, a nice 9 to 5 job, a nice car, etc.. etc.. tell the lie enough times and people will start believing it. However, a lot of people are content doing their own thing.. living the poor artist life.. being a nomad, or climbing the ladder of a startup. They wouldn't know it until their mind is at least open to the idea.

You could be right: No self-respecting quality woman with abundance is gonna be attracted to that. But is that a good thing? Not all women should be going out with Chads or Chadlites.. or those that even aspire to be chads. For a lot of women, being with a simple unassuming guy throughout her life is a lot better than chasing "the dream" - the chad, but always getting dumped.
Instead of whinnying why didn't you become a chad?


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Are you planning to visit an escort again as this girl didn't work out? Is that normally how you do that if you get dumped or get blue balls?
Do you date in order to validate your justification for using escorts knowing they are going to go badly for you? This is like a social safety net for you?


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
You may be seeking too deep of a connection too quickly. Less talking is probably better.
You can’t do that wjth attention seeking when you meet online though. I know you aren’t supposed to text all the time or everyday, it’s common knowledge, but these women don’t play that game. They need to talk about meaningless crap everyday and if you don’t they’ll drop you anyways saying “guess you aren’t interested”.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
If you chat like a woman, she's going to treat you like a gf. Use chat/text to set logistics only.
Doesn’t work in 2023. You better learn to text often or you’ll get ghosted fast. That’s outdated **** from 2008.


Mar 6, 2017
Reaction score
She was leading the interactions and that dried her poozy, bro. You are the man, you lead, she follows. Comply or bye.


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2022
Reaction score
Instead of whinnying why didn't you become a chad?

Because I would be stealing all the womez... :) and I ain't got time for chasing tail. Time is more important to me.

Regardless, the pendulum will swing back the other direction. It always does and it will be a lot sooner then most people realize. The way things are heading is not sustainable.

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Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
Sounds like you simply don't understand that women are emotional creatures and get all butt hurt when they don't respond the way you want.

For her, you showed you don't understand women meaning you likely don't spend much time around them, meaning her attraction shriveled up faster than a man's balls from walking in a cold pool.

You handled this situation poorly. The proper response is to just go on about your day and take some attention away and let her sort it out herself.

Either learn this or you will have trouble with every woman.