6/17/23 - The Return
This is for you all
@Gamisch @SW15 and
I was supposed to have a date planned for this day but it ended up going sideways. Had a few drinks but then realized that if I stay in, I am going to be bored. Decide to hit up a venue I usually go to on Saturdays for nightgame and got there somewhere around midnight. First few minutes, I walk around looking for sets but then I said screw it, I need to do some approaches.
Approach these two girls at the bar. My opener was that they must be from DC by the way they are dressed. Both girls had a relatively chill vibe to them and were cute. One was kind of drunk but I felt super into me. They knew each other from high school and the one into me was originally from LA. The other friend was leaving the next morning to go back to the UK as she lives there now while the LA one now lives in Miami. We had a great time talking overall, the LA girl hates Miami a lot just like I do lol. However, I struggle to be loud enough in this venue where the music is turned up and I really need to work on projecting my voice more.
Get both of their contacts, one does not use IG so gives me her snapchat but the other (LA girl) volunteers to give me her snapchat too. LA girl also follows me back.
Two Latinas.
One Latina I see has her dress blending in with the environment so II approach her and her friend for it. They are living in Miami Beach but both of them are Colombian. It goes relatively well as a conversation and we have a great time chatting, they are chill but waiting on friends. I kind of let it go dry but still manage to get their IGs. After this approach I would mindlessly wander around a bit more but man, that was a much needed boost, two straight closes to start the night. Where was I the whole time lol, I should have been doing this more!
White girl lost her friends.
Make small talk with a white girl that lost her friends but she is not receptive. I only approached her because I needed to keep the momentum going.
Mexican girl with her friends.
Comment on a tattoo this blonde Mexican girl had, it went relatively alright but her friends were close by and she had to go. Nothing comes of this.
Hot girl with tattoo.
I go near a bar and see this hot dark haired girl with a tattoo and I comment on it. I tell her that the tattoo looks fancy on her and she is receptive to me. She is visiting from Minnesota and leaves next week but is also a tall Latin girl from there. I somehow do well with midwestern girls and really love their vibe so I keep talking to her as she orders the drinks. Tell her I will take her out somewhere fancier than where we are at and she agrees with it. Get her IG and then she has to walk away to her friends. Moments later some random dudes come up to me and fist bump me. I try not to do it too much because I don't want her to look back and see that she was being gamed lol but the dudes seemed cool.
This morning, she followed me back and we are DMing each other.
I ended the night with a bit of street game. Approached this hot blonde and hot Asian girl two set but kind of chickened out in the approach, could have made more of it.
All in all, not a bad night.