6 months dating her, no sex and she broke up with me


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2018
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No need to bring down Op any more.

Learn the lessons OP and move on.

Another firm lesson you need is you need to go after you want. You do need to present yourself as the sexual creature that you are. Not being thirsty, but just going after you want and then bowing out much earlier when the women isn’t reciprocating.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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Leave Karma out, she's just acting how a woman acts, stringing along weak guys? Accepting gifts without putting out? Having on dates while only giving kisses and hugs?

Women are a reflection of the men they with, she's just reflecting how weak and pathetic OP was with her. Don't blame the bee for stinging, that's what they do. And women are like that.

The only person in the wrong here is the one OP sees in the mirror.
Only immature low value women act like that. I’ve had plenty of women cut me loose when they weren’t interested instead of stringing me along and taking advantage of me.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
She’s just not attracted to you. She liked you as a person but didn’t want to F you. That’s friendzone in a nutshell. She’s just the wrong girl for you despite what “seemed” like a good connection to you on the surface.

You probably are reviewing the entire six months multiple times in your mind trying to think of that ONE thing you could have said or done differently. Don’t. Please don’t waste any more brain cells on it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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I’ve had plenty of women cut me loose when they weren’t interested instead of stringing me along and taking advantage of me.
Women act as $hitty as you let them. Keep blaming women for your failures and you'll be stuck in the same place with the victim mentality.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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BS, I've had women who went to the church religiously, her parents religiously, her dad is a pastor, and I was fvcking her even in her room after meeting for a couple of dates.

Women will fvck, you just have to be the right guy.
Wow. Did you steal from the offering plate too?


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
Women act as $hitty as you let them. Keep blaming women for your failures and you'll be stuck in the same place with the victim mentality.
Lol we aren’t talking about failures. At least I’m not. I was talking about taking advantage of someone who’s obviously interested in you and you aren’t in them but you use it to your advantage becsuse it’s convenient. That’s what mentally ill low value trash women do, like this woman. Not all women do this, most have the balls to tell you way beforehand they aren’t interested and you’re wasting your time, it doesn’t take them 6 months of mind games.


Master Don Juan
Aug 12, 2022
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A woman will absolutely string along a guy for months who showers her with gifts and great dates. She knew within a date or two if you gave her the tingles so everything after that was her taking advantage of your generosity and naivety for free stuff. Going forward, remember that if a woman isn't having sex with you within a few dates she's friend zoned you permanently and you need to move on. I especially like how she blamed your lack of discussion about your personal life for not wanting to have sex with you. This is total nonsense and just her way of making her taking advantage of you for months all your fault. You need to run in the opposite direction.
This is gold. She didn’t feel the tingles but wanted to see if they would develop over time…, I call bullish!t. This is some classic friendzone behavior. In the mean time, OP is putting in 150% while she gives 5%. She knew 5 minutes in that she didn’t want sex from him. But give up all his free attention and effort, that would be foolish. I love the how women roll like this. “He is an amazing guy. Kind and loving, very generous, treats me like gold, listens to me, he’s my rock….but”. But I really want to suck his buddy’s d!ck.

Live and learn. Forget going back and take it as a lesson. Regulate what you give to people. It should be a two-way exchange. She said you were a great guy, take that part and forget the rest. She just didn’t get the tingles. Find another woman that will appreciate you for more than free food.


Mar 6, 2017
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Been dating this girl (27 y/o) for 6 months. Haven't had sex with her, she had only one boyfriend and she told me she only has sex during serious relationship. We were pretty close to having sex couple of times, but she break it off in the last minute. Whenever i brougt the topic that we should start officially dating and become a couple, she told me "she is not sure yet, and need more time". But she also was messaging, calling me first a lot of times. So i think interest was there.

Recently, she broke up with me saying "You're a very cool, smart guy. You are very generous, knows how take care of a woman, you organized amazing dates, gifts. But spark is not there"
While on one hand its ideal to find a girl with less than 5 notches, on the other hand I always avoided girls that have only had exactly 1 boyfriend/notch as I always thought there was a high probability of them being alpha-widowed.

She really pair-bonded with the guy. Now its gonna be really hard to pair-bond with someone else. You have to rise to the top of her Desdinova´s High Score List if you want a chance but its not so simple to compete with the 1st and only guy in the world who has had his d1ck inside her.

Here´s how to get her back: Get over her. You cant fake it, it has to be the real deal. If you really get over her, there´s a good chance she will come back. Ironically, you wont want her then.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
This girl is for the streets, which is where she will end up. Just make sure you learn the lessons from this and use it to your advantage next time. I wouldn’t waste another second on this girl, now or in the future if she ever contacts you. Let the streets have her, like I said. You’re moving on to better things.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
Yeah I agree with that mindset things would end again sooner or later. But thats actually included in the plan to get her back. OP best thing you can do is go no contact and do some self-improvement. If she ever reaches out to you, tell her that you are busy and planned to focus on other things you go basically no contact.

If she asks what you are busy with be vague and say that you are working on a project and wanna focus on other things like fitness and health. Meanwhile you take the no contact as your time to self-improve and focus completely on yourself, use the time wisely otherwise things will end again. You want to get her to chase you

This is honestly your only best option to create attraction, get your self respect and confidence back all in all what you need to get her back. She may come or not come back, you turned her off a lot until she lost all attraction, but still your only best option
IMO, I don't think he ever even turned her on
A woman will absolutely string along a guy for months who showers her with gifts and great dates. She knew within a date or two if you gave her the tingles so everything after that was her taking advantage of your generosity and naivety for free stuff. Going forward, remember that if a woman isn't having sex with you within a few dates she's friend zoned you permanently and you need to move on. I especially like how she blamed your lack of discussion about your personal life for not wanting to have sex with you. This is total nonsense and just her way of making her taking advantage of you for months all your fault. You need to run in the opposite direction.
It was all his fault tho, to be fair.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
IMO, I don't think he ever even turned her on

It was all his fault tho, to be fair.
In all fairness, it’s hard to turn on an alpha widow or whatever she was. The girl just has issues and snakes in her head, it’s obvious. It’s going to take her ex or a psychopath to appeal to her.


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2023
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update: She messaged me saying "don't beat yourself up, it's life **** happens, just didn't work out" and also she told me that in the begining when i was taking her to the nice restaraunts, giving her gifts freaked her out. She said "you don't even know me but were showering me with all those nice things for no reason". She said you did it so well, that i had a thought it might worked out , thus gave you a chance , but it just didn't happen during such long time.

That's rough to hear, but i mean i was raised that way that i should take a good care of woman i'm dating. Thus, it's pretty much normal to me. In the end damn it, seems like deep down i don't know even how to treat woman in a right way to get them into romantic relationships.
Totally agree with @BlackInGame, that it was all my fault and low competience on what to do with women.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
update: She messaged me saying "don't beat yourself up, it's life **** happens, just didn't work out" and also she told me that in the begining when i was taking her to the nice restaraunts, giving her gifts freaked her out. She said "you don't even know me but were showering me with all those nice things for no reason". She said you did it so well, that i had a thought it might worked out , thus gave you a chance , but it just didn't happen during such long time.

That's rough to hear, but i mean i was raised that way that i should take a good care of woman i'm dating. Thus, it's pretty much normal to me. In the end damn it, seems like deep down i don't know even how to treat woman in a right way to get them into romantic relationships.
Totally agree with @BlackInGame, that it was all my fault and low competience on what to do with women.
This confirms it. She’s definitely for the streets after reading her text she sent you. She can’t handle someone being kind to her, like I said….she’s got mental issues. You still have many lessons to learn from this but just be glad you didn’t end up with this girl. You dodged a major bullet and don’t see it yet but you will. You go on living your life and becoming a better man, let her stay in the streets where she belongs.


Don Juan
Jul 28, 2020
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How to treat them you ask? It is very simple, treat them the same way you would like to be trated in every aspect of your life. Would you like your friends, neighbours, coworkers to treat you like sh.t and always use you as they see fit or you would like to be treated with respect ( if i want something from you i better deserve it in some way, shape or form ). So in conclusion treat them like you HAVE SPINE, and the second you see it's a one way street use that spine and run in the oposite direction.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
How to treat them you ask? It is very simple, treat them the same way you would like to be trated in every aspect of your life. Would you like your friends, neighbours, coworkers to treat you like sh.t and always use you as they see fit or you would like to be treated with respect ( if i want something from you i better deserve it in some way, shape or form ). So in conclusion treat them like you HAVE SPINE, and the second you see it's a one way street use that spine and run in the oposite direction.
My friends would never take advantage of my willingness to help out or my kindness though. They know if I do then a favor they do me one, it doesn’t even get spoken about, it just goes without saying. Women have this screwed up view of what real friendship and respect is, which is why so many women don’t have lifelong friends like men do.


update: She messaged me saying "don't beat yourself up, it's life **** happens, just didn't work out" and also she told me that in the begining when i was taking her to the nice restaraunts, giving her gifts freaked her out. She said "you don't even know me but were showering me with all those nice things for no reason". She said you did it so well, that i had a thought it might worked out , thus gave you a chance , but it just didn't happen during such long time.

That's rough to hear, but i mean i was raised that way that i should take a good care of woman i'm dating. Thus, it's pretty much normal to me. In the end damn it, seems like deep down i don't know even how to treat woman in a right way to get them into romantic relationships.
Totally agree with @BlackInGame, that it was all my fault and low competience on what to do with women.
We're all here to learn, brotha :up:


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
Reaction score
My friends would never take advantage of my willingness to help out or my kindness though. They know if I do then a favor they do me one, it doesn’t even get spoken about, it just goes without saying. Women have this screwed up view of what real friendship and respect is, which is why so many women don’t have lifelong friends like men do.
You don't what you're saying, humans take advantage of other humans if there are no boundaries in place. Its human nature.

update: She messaged me saying "don't beat yourself up, it's life **** happens, just didn't work out" and also she told me that in the begining when i was taking her to the nice restaraunts, giving her gifts freaked her out. She said "you don't even know me but were showering me with all those nice things for no reason". She said you did it so well, that i had a thought it might worked out , thus gave you a chance , but it just didn't happen during such long time.

That's rough to hear, but i mean i was raised that way that i should take a good care of woman i'm dating. Thus, it's pretty much normal to me. In the end damn it, seems like deep down i don't know even how to treat woman in a right way to get them into romantic relationships.
Totally agree with @BlackInGame, that it was all my fault and low competience on what to do with women.
Bro nobody wants everything for free, people have to earn it, specially women. She was conflicted cause you treated her super well, but she didn't earn it, she knew that was how she wanted to be treated but in her mind something was out of place, way too much way too soon. That shows trying to hard for her to like you, to fall for you, that shows lack of experience, of options, it shows you think she's more than you and woman wanna be with a giant, not somebody who thinks she's more than you

If you give everything to every woman all the time, you'll be thinking all women are bad for taking advantage of you and you'll never gonna learn.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2022
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You should have given her til the 4th or 5th date max and then sat her down and basically told her that if she isn't physically interested in you then you aren't able to date her and then she would have either fvcked you or moved on because she had low interest, which is what likely would have happened.

Naw bruh.

4th or 5th date my ass.

Why would you take a chance investing $100-$150 on a woman through 4-5 dates, when she knows whether she will fuk you or not within first date (or before).

If a woman isn't down to let you smash BEFORE or after the first date, then there is no need for a second date.

You guys don't have any self value or worth, so you let the woman run sh!t and set the tone.

It is disgusting, quite frankly.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score

Naw bruh.

4th or 5th date my ass.

Why would you take a chance investing $100-$150 on a woman through 4-5 dates, when she knows whether she will fuk you or not within first date (or before).

If a woman isn't down to let you smash BEFORE or after the first date, then there is no need for a second date.

You guys don't have any self value or worth, so you let the woman run sh!t and set the tone.

It is disgusting, quite frankly.
And it's hilarious when you complain there are no quality women but yet dump any that don't fvck on the first date. Not all women are skanks...I know it's hard to believe based on the type of women you normally go after tho.

There are no hard and fast rules. Only people applying them without context that fvck themselves over running around yelling about mode one and being alpha.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score

Naw bruh.

4th or 5th date my ass.

Why would you take a chance investing $100-$150 on a woman through 4-5 dates, when she knows whether she will fuk you or not within first date (or before).

If a woman isn't down to let you smash BEFORE or after the first date, then there is no need for a second date.

You guys don't have any self value or worth, so you let the woman run sh!t and set the tone.

It is disgusting, quite frankly.
The girls I banged on the 1st date left after a week or so for a new ride. The girls it took 2-4 dates to bang have continued to see me for many months. Which one is better? Which one leads to more sex (and more consistent sex too) with less effort? It seems pretty obvious to me.