Back in 2022, I joined an online pickup group where you can find wingmen and I have long learned in going out and winging with various guys that most men cannot come close to cultivating an abundance mindset. Most men are not emotionally and mentally made for this lifestyle of spinning plates and going from women to women, it takes a special kind of guy (borderline psychopath or just straight out psychopath) to actually pull this off and not be miserable in life. It is also why in the world of men, very few are made to lead and most are made to be followers. Here are some things I have witnessed when seeing men out in action running game.
Most men have such god awful game and do not even realize it.
80% of the dudes I have winged with in my time doing daygame literally go up to girls, say "hi ur cute", spam that line about 20x times, get no results, and then complain about how awful a city or culture is for meeting women. Like at no point was there any thought or anything put into the approach, just straight up garbage spamming. It is not that these dudes suck so bad which is the tragedy, it is the fact that they are by definition insane. They do the same thing week in and week out, get flaky numbers, and then wonder years later when they still suck with women.
These are guys that are actually reading about game and practicing it, imagine how bad the guys who have never heard about game are most of the times. Ironically, I have found the best players to be guys who are just naturals and great at relating with people. It is like the PUA types have such a massive ego to go with their awful results, it is quite a sight to behold.
Most men these days have toxic behaviors and do not even notice it.
They are clingy, desperate, and tend to overwhelm you with attention. They need someone to talk to and cannot stand to be independent or by themselves. Most of them need someone and are too emotionally weak to have any solitude in their life. You talk to them and it is a depressing mess about how screwed their life is because they cannot find a wife at 30. They are negative, bitter, spiteful, and don't even realize how these emotions are offputting to most people. You feel drained as a guy who is normal speaking to them, can you imagine how women with options feel?
Most men feel entitled to quality women and a quality family life but do not realize how they have little to offer.
Even the "red pilled" guys are desperate for family and a wife. These men are bitter, spiteful, draining, clingy, and a mess to be around but feel like they are entitled to a decent wife and kids. Women with a choice, which they have these days, are not going to want to spend a minute around that when they can have a guy that gives them the high life, fun parties, and incites the fun and great emotions in them. Gone are the days where she has to settle down with some bitter drunk who lives an average life because the town told her to. Now she sees what is out there on social media and knows she can have it so she goes for that.
Most men just didn't adjust and live in wishful thinking, especially guys who follow the red pill and manosphere.
The 1950s are not coming back. The stone ages are not coming back. Things are going to get worse for the average loser and he better adjust or be like those herbivores in Japan. Women are not going to change for the better and no amount of coping, clinging to religion, or any of that is going to change it. Women will keep having more options as time goes on.
All of this stuff of she will turn 30 and starve is cope. With the recent cougar and MILF fetish going on, even women in their 50s that look good will have wealthy men with thirst and good looking guys piping them up. It isn't going to go well for the average guy.
The gap between the haves and the have nots gets bigger every year.
The market is getting more competitive, standards are rising, and more men are being left behind. The gap between the haves and the have nots when it comes to game, sex, and dating is getting massive. If a man has no value to offer, he is getting left behind and rotting. It will only get worse year over year and nothing is going to stop it. Maybe sex robots and legalizing prostitution would help ease things but the man who never grew up from being a child who clings to the emotional love from a woman better get a dog or turn to religion. That's life son.