I think, first off, we need to dispel this idea that every woman is looking for the same exact thing; you are far more of a social object than anything else.
We are objectified by women in a way that is difficult to articulate because it is difficult to question a deadly man, a man who can kill, understands the objectification of men because he himself is also looking through that lens and there in lay the view point of women.
You dont need to be masculine, you just need to be able to communicate to other men that you have the skill, money or otherwise to make their lives difficult if they are going against your wishes and by extension the wishes of their women.
You are an object of death first and if you are not that, then you are disposable. We give women societal privilege because otherwise we would of hurt them just like anyone else in history.... Without a wave of men coming down onto a criminal, what is stopping him? Threats only go so far.
The problem today is that women have embraced every angle of masculinity BUT taking life or to a certain extent being a provider, so if your anything but, your viewed as akin to a woman, men that need to say "If you say this or that, your not a man" are not inherently threatening men, thus they rely on the illusion of being threatening.
Bottom line, we are in a time where the ILLUSIONS surrounding men are being dispelled and yet I see more and more men on here embracing the illusion as if its going to save them... Avoiding saying lol is not going to save you.