Interesting point on looks. Good looking guys / chads simply appeal to a broader range of girls, while average or sub-average looking guys may just appeal to a niche category who is into that type. So you had to find a niche girl which comes from shifting through all of the rejections, etc.... and struck gold because someone liked your looks.exactly!! And it's how I explain the fact that i've banged some girls way out of my league despite not being good looking.
People think i'm gonna pat myself on the back and claim it was my super advanced 'game', but that's bull****. Game isn't black magic. We can't make girls sexually attracted too us with pushpull and dhv's and an understanding of female psychology etc. Just marketing BS. Watch infields from coaches and how they get rejected so much. Her mind is basically made up after 'hi'.
I banged them girls beacause for whatever reason, they thought I was fairly hot (physically). They maybe had unusual taste lol. And form there I had enough 'game' to escalate without sperging out
As you say, I used to work for a logistics company and the offices was mainly all young girls. Some very hot. These lasy cows would spend all day on insta and stuff DMing random guys who they thought were hot and stuff whilst they were supposed to be working, and whilst there was a general consensus, there was always one girl who seemed to have VERY different taste to the rest and would get teased like ''You think HE's hot!!? He's so skinny!! His nose is big!!'' etc etc, but she found him hot. She was also probably the hottest of the group lol
In my mind I think your looks changes if you also cold-approach or run game. Your face is more animated and there is more positive energy as a net, so being out and about socially has to add to your overall looks too.