Back on the prowl after 14 month monogamy. Seeking the missing keys


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
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had a third sexless date with the fit 7.5...
We definitely tried to have sex but I couldn’t get hard. I did at one point but then when I went to put the condom on, I lost the erection, never to return.

It was embarrassing to say the least especially since on Saturday I had hot sex 3 times with a 6 as usual. She was A new girl too and I went at it like crazy.

this hot girl? I dunno, I just don’t get hard.

more puzzling from her was she asked if I’d be willing to be monogamous with her if things kept going well. I’m thinking “they aren’t going well at all what is she talking about?” But I’m out of my element with this girl and have no idea what to make of it.

all I can do is keep trying to **** her.

I meet with my doctor on Wednesday for results of my blood tests and I fully assume I’ll be getting viagra.

weigh in if you have insight alphas. Thanks.


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
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I had ed problems with both women I was with.... 12 years apart. With the second chick, I told her all about the problems with the first. So it would relieve some of the mental pressure I was putting on myself. I ate her out and made her *** twice before I attempted penetration. Low and behold it happened again. Though since I made her *** the pressure to become erect was not as prevalent.

I have an a$$ fetish, so I had her lay on her stomach and grinded my d!ck against her a$$ until I became erect enough to penetrate. Then when I did, I went to pound town. I think the problem for me was a scarcity mindset (this was before I was red pilled). I was so worried that if I didn't rock her world, she would toss me aside. That happened anyways. I had the same mindset with the first chick also. Maybe you have a subconscious scarcity mindset with ms. 7.5? When you try again with her, maybe focus on whatever your fetish is.
Very insightful, thank you.

I no longer have a desire to "perform" for a girl as if I'm her sexual slave. More and more I'm going towards the "she is there for MY pleasure" paradigm, so for this whole ED thing, I'm coming at it from the angle of "I want my **** to work so I can enjoy a girl sexually. It's not about her.

Having said that, I definitely think you are right about the scarcity mindset. This is the second 7.5 I've ever had, and the other 7.5 was done with me immediately since of a PE issue I had at the time. That was a few years ago. They are few and far between. That is one of the reasons I'm on here: to learn how to get hotter girls within my unique style. I personally believe it's about the fundamentals but I digress.


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
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Your welcome.

I also had a PE issue with the first chick. When I was finally able to become erect with her, I'd *** after a minute or two. Which compounded the pressure I put on myself. She ended up becoming frustrated with me after a few times of having one or the other or both problems and cast me aside for mr. alpha when I was mister beta orbiter to her(which was why I had the mindset that caused the problems in the first place).

You already bagged two 7.5s you'll only get better and more 7.5s will be there.
Thank you again. I know I’m only getting better but the erection and pe issues are annoying.
I do believe if that was solved I would gain 10x the confidence. I will in time. I’m still looking into diet solutions for that and so far things are improving in that area at least as far as nocturnal boners are concerned.

I also may be seeing my one 6.5 fwb this weekend and so I’ll know if the diet changes have helped


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
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So the weekend didn't work for my fwb but I'm not worried as she offered the following weekend. I told her I'd let her know.

Something I want to talk about today is something I imagine most alpha Chads don't experience, but it's been an interesting occurrence for me, and that is these "waves" of interest from women.

As far as I know, I'm being the same day to day, yet there are times when interest is high and times when there is no interest at all. I've learned to just accept it as it is and assume things will improve with time.

But this even goes to responses online. When interest is high in women across the board, my standard opener is received well and things move forward, but when interest is low, the same opener gets either no or rude responses.

Thought I'd share in case anyone has insight into this phenomenon. It's like all of women kind (online or off), are either into me or not. No matter where I go. Very bizarre when you think about it.


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
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Recent online interaction that shows my game. Likely I tried to move to text too fast but I figured "Make the ho say no" and not beat around the bush. Critique if you want, but PLEASE don't tell me what I should have said. I'm well versed in the usual "****y funny" BS and it doesn't work for me:

*** On Bumble:

Her: Helloooo

Me: Hey trouble, how's it going?

Her: I'm better now for sure! How're you doing

Me: You're gonna make me blush ;) I'm doing well. Enjoying a chill night. What brings you here?

Her Hahaha I'm glad to hear that! Not too much, just bored and usually end up here when that happens

Me: Lol I'm actually looking for another fwb

Her: Is that so

Me: It is. How do you feel about that?

Her: Something I'm definitely interested in

Me: Sweet. How about I pick you up later andwe fool around in my car?

Her: I'm on my period :(

Me: Lucky you

Her: Unlucky me

Me: Well we can sext and talk kinks in the meantime. Text me ###-###-####


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
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Tonight a girl texted me who I had given up on. We had been emailing and I finally told her she had my number and should text. It's been weeks and out of the blue she's like "Hey there it's Name, do you remember me?

I'm like: Remind me

So she tells me and I said "I told you I only looking for fwb

and she goes "I'll think about it, whats in it for me? Whats your picture?"

So I'm like "Access to my genes. You first" and she goes "Your genes? Here are my latest. Now show me yours"

But she never sent any pictures so I ghosted. She sent one more "?" message then nothing.

This has happened to me before, women who are not interested at all contact me out of nowhere. No idea why unless she was hoping I'd play her game.

In other news, I got a STRONG fear of death tonight. Not the feeling that I'll die tonight more like the fear of the FACT that I will die someday and then that will be it. I wonder if it has anything to do with me trying to boost my testosterone. It feels like my back's against the wall because of this and I imagine I'll make more of life when feeling this way. It's not a good feeling tho.

Anyhow that's all I got rn.


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
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That girl from the above post texted me this morning. Good lord. Like I don't get this it's like they curious but not interested. It pisses me off and wastes my time. I ghosted her AGAIN. If she texts again I'm gonna add her to contacts so I can block her number. Just useless.

Also, in general, feeling very agitated and angry. I'm thinking it's the T. I added some new foods yesterday as mentioned. Had the hardest longest lasting boner this morning and it actually hurt there was so much pressure. Hope I'm getting close to an on-demand erection via diet alone. I believe it's possible.


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
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So you're increasing your T levels by diet alone? What did you change?
Yes. I’m not where I want to be yet but I’m noticing significant changes.

my diet changes as I tweak things. This is what I ate yesterday according to my food log:

breakfast at 12:30pm
Sausage and e with regular bun at a&w
Medium coffee
2 hard boiled eggs

lunch at about 3 or 4pm
1 and a half cup vanilla kefir
1 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 cup frozen watermelon
2 scoops egg white protein
1 cup pomegranate juice
2/3 cup steel cut oats
1/2 cup frozen avocado
1/2 cup frozen mango

supper around 8:30pm
1 1/4 cup egg noodles
1/2 cup broccoli
1/4 cup kale
2/3 cup squid rings
8 pre-cooked shrimp
1 teaspoon coconut oil

bed time: fish oil capsule

Like I said it’s different day to day. I don’t normally have the a&w breakfast.

the majorthings are in the last two meals. All of those things are good for either testosterone boosting OR they are good for keeping your body from changing testosterone into estrogen. It’s a combined effort.

my erections a night when I wake up and the morning are getting ridiculous but I’ve yet to test it in a girl sinceI’ve made these changes since I had the ED issues

merit: the mango I haven’t researched actually I just have it in there for flavour


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
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I must have always sustained my T levels then. I pretty much eat a bodybuilder diet. I take vitamin c and d, with 8 capsules of fish oil, plus pre workout, AAKG, and joint support supplements. I lift in a fasted state. Then it's oatmeal with a scoop of protein powder, creatine, LCLT, a scoop of peanut butter powder with probiotics, a cup of fruit half of which is blueberries and then either pineapple or mixed fruit for the other half. A chicken breast sandwich with pickles, broccoli, onions ( onions which also helps increase LH (luteinizing hormone) production which leads to more total testosterone), and sugar free dressing. Then it's a yogurt with another half cup of blueberries, and special k buds for fiber, then final meal is chicken breast with steamed broccoli. I have never noticed an increase in effects like you are.
Nice. Yeah I also added vitamin D.

try adding squid and removing chicken.

reason Is because chicken is usually fed soy which is estrogenic, and squid has magnesium crucial for T. Try small changes like this at first to see if you respond.

I get my squid rings in a bag of frozen andcook them with my pasta


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
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I eat about 6-7lbs of chicken a week. I don't think I would be able to afford that much squid.
Damn. Well maybe replace it with grass fed beef or free range chicken. The soy in regular chicken and corn in regular beef can definitely cause issues with T and excess estrogen. I had a burger yesterday and my morning wood was affected for sure. So much so that I think for myself I’d rather eat less and get good nutrients than try to get enough calories and protein using junk.

money is an issue for me as well but on 2300 calories and 125g of protein of quality ingredients I was getting the stronger erections.


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
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Quick update: a girl I ****ed who had scheduled with me for this week just told me she found another guy. I genuinely don’t care but I imagine it has to do with the sex. It was good for me. Lasted long, shot two loads in her. But she had a chest full of sex toys. I didn’t attempt to use any.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2017
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Yes. I’m not where I want to be yet but I’m noticing significant changes.

my diet changes as I tweak things.
Skip breakfast and try intermittent fasting(at least 14 hours without food, best done overnight). This will raise your T levels and make you lose weight but also try to work out in the morning when you haven't eaten anything. Logically, I used to think I'll pass out not having any food in me but that's not the case and it could actually help your workout. Try to eat at least two eggs a day as well though.

If you're not on a ZMA supplement(Zinc, Magnesium, B), try that. Zinc is good for boners and recovery after ejaculation. But take it at night and don't take it with other vitamins as to not block the absorption of it. You may find that Zinc helps you sleep better too.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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Damn. Well maybe replace it with grass fed beef or free range chicken. The soy in regular chicken and corn in regular beef can definitely cause issues with T and excess estrogen. I had a burger yesterday and my morning wood was affected for sure. So much so that I think for myself I’d rather eat less and get good nutrients than try to get enough calories and protein using junk.

money is an issue for me as well but on 2300 calories and 125g of protein of quality ingredients I was getting the stronger erections.
So your saying its a fact that regular packaged chicken is going to be somewhat estrogenic due to what they were fed and chemicals?


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
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That's probably what did it. This was ms.6.5?
This was a new girl. She was a 6.5 but not my regular 6.5.

my regular 6.5 still seems interested just dealing with her mother staying over lately.


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
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So your saying its a fact that regular packaged chicken is going to be somewhat estrogenic due to what they were fed and chemicals?
Yes. You are what you eat. And so are the chickens. Also, I know when I personally eat regular ground beef I get splitting headaches but grass fed beef I do not.


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
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Skip breakfast and try intermittent fasting(at least 14 hours without food, best done overnight). This will raise your T levels and make you lose weight but also try to work out in the morning when you haven't eaten anything. Logically, I used to think I'll pass out not having any food in me but that's not the case and it could actually help your workout. Try to eat at least two eggs a day as well though.

If you're not on a ZMA supplement(Zinc, Magnesium, B), try that. Zinc is good for boners and recovery after ejaculation. But take it at night and don't take it with other vitamins as to not block the absorption of it. You may find that Zinc helps you sleep better too.
I already account for all this in my diet:

2 hardboiled eggs most days for breakfast
avocados for zinc
Squid for magnesium.

I also go
To bed at 10:30pm and don’t eat till at least 12:30pm the next day
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Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
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I'll have to keep that in mind versus buying the lowest priced chicken.
Yeah. I totally get wanting to save money. I’m the same. But for what I eat I spend on average maybe $70 CAD a week. It took some doing but I figured it out. I also buy bulk egg white protein powder from an online store that is pretty cheap.

if you live in Canada I’ll share the site with you. If not I can share what I buy and maybe give you some ideas on how to eat cheap but healthy.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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Yeah. I totally get wanting to save money. I’m the same. But for what I eat I spend on average maybe $70 CAD a week. It took some doing but I figured it out. I also buy bulk egg white protein powder from an online store that is pretty cheap.

if you live in Canada I’ll share the site with you. If not I can share what I buy and maybe give you some ideas on how to eat cheap but healthy.
Over here in the states I get most of my protein from actual food sources. I find the absorption is better to me, and most of the "powders" cause bloat and have extra calories.

On me it's usually something like 2lb of chicken a day and 50grams worth of protein from eggs. I get additional protein from peanuts, and the small amounts of proteins in oats. I also throw in one 50Grams of protein shake occasionally.

My target is usually 220-250 grams of protein. When I eat less like 150 grams, I notice muscular soreness after hard training. By upping my protein intake closer to 1:1 with my body weight, I can kill it and not have excessive soreness.


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
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Over here in the states I get most of my protein from actual food sources. I find the absorption is better to me, and most of the "powders" cause bloat and have extra calories.

On me it's usually something like 2lb of chicken a day and 50grams worth of protein from eggs. I get additional protein from peanuts, and the small amounts of proteins in oats. I also throw in one 50Grams of protein shake occasionally.

My target is usually 220-250 grams of protein. When I eat less like 150 grams, I notice muscular soreness after hard training. By upping my protein intake closer to 1:1 with my body weight, I can kill it and not have excessive soreness.
Fair enough. I just can’t eat that much. I need smoothies itherwise I don’t get as much as I do with it otherwise I’d be eating all day. Ectomorph here and it’s a nightmare