Back on the prowl after 14 month monogamy. Seeking the missing keys

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
Because I do need to get laid. Anyhow you guys are obviously biased towards your own methods. I was hoping this forum could teach me how to grow in my natural style but it's just another seduction site telling me to do things YOUR way which I have already said hasn't ever worked for me.

I'm not about to do things that way again just because YOU say so. You don't seem to get that it hasn't worked for me.

Help me to develop what IS working for me, not what works for YOU. Please and thank you or I will be leaving because there is no value here if all you can tell me is to do things the way I've already tried for years and got nowhere with. I only lost my virginity and started having lots of sex by doing things MY way.

I'm not against learning how to have better lines and challenge women like you say but that has also always gotten me blocked.

I'm not against learning anything new or trying new things, as long as they ARE new things, not things I've tried already and ;proven not to work for me.

Obviously my game needs work or I wouldn't be here, I'm just not about to do the same things that haven't worked for me for the millionth time.

Since I'm not into being a dancing monkey and trying to entertain girls, it is hard to have a conversation with a girl for me. I'd love a solution but in the end the goal isn't to have conversations with girls, the goal is to have sex with them repeatedly.
Another guy coming to the forum and instantly telling everybody how wrong we all are. That's two in one day. Rinse, repeat.

The basics stay the same, today, tomorrow, forever. If your natural game is a simp, well, you need to change it. If you can't interact with people in real life, well, you need to change that. You obviously want some type of LTR because you had one with the girl that caused you to make this thread. You went AFC on her in some way. You're going to have to work on your life if you want to keep any type of decent woman around, else if you're just in it for the pvssy and offer nothing else, you'll keep getting what you got before.

First, what is it you want help with? Simply getting laid, or keeping a girlfriend?


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
Another guy coming to the forum and instantly telling everybody how wrong we all are. That's two in one day. Rinse, repeat.

The basics stay the same, today, tomorrow, forever. If your natural game is a simp, well, you need to change it. If you can't interact with people in real life, well, you need to change that. You obviously want some type of LTR because you had one with the girl that caused you to make this thread. You went AFC on her in some way. You're going to have to work on your life if you want to keep any type of decent woman around, else if you're just in it for the pvssy and offer nothing else, you'll keep getting what you got before.

First, what is it you want help with? Simply getting laid, or keeping a girlfriend?

Nicely said. Speed mate, most fellas are lazy as ****. Gym-cell till the first semi decent looking girl and than it's crushing ice cream and talking about feelers. Ghosting the boys and his balls in her purse. That is the majority of men who fall into the 80% category of the Pareto distribution. The women are not ****ing with these men or return after the carousel and hitting the wall.

In his defense, just like the rest of us, he is in a girl power echo chamber. Everything is Disney on ice. Women are ruthless about weeding a man's genes out of existence and wasting his time. It's then victimhood at 35 and where are the good men. It's conveniently around the time her interest level from top shelf men stop coming. Still, men need to go through the fire and see female nature. Then and only then they can proceed with WHAT IS.

As a die hard man in game and pickup, I understand that the common man doesn't approach and the few who do got trash game. The ROI is there but it's a **** load of energy. At this stage now, choosing signals, IOIs, and a handful of sets everyday just cause. That's a better way to proceed than a decade of pickup. The majority of men aren't sourcing women. Are low T. They are sifting through trash and got some women thirty plus with that million mile of cawk stare con jobs beta cuck into play house.

Forged in fire. It's the only way. Small cunk aporoaches everyday. Swipe. More importantly, be about legacy and chasing your purpose. Not women. Most married men say women are dream killers. Hah


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
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I think you guys got the wrong idea. I’m not monogamous. I realized going that way was a mistake last year (AFC?)

anyhow I ****ed my fwb today and going to **** an 18 year old tomorrow. I just want more and better girls. Not relationships, perpetual fwbs


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
Reaction score
didn’t **** the 18 year old after all. She had a massively hairy *****. Such a turn off. Feel kind of turned off of women after that lol


Sep 10, 2014
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Hey guys, hope everyone has had a good year despite the covid craziness.

My year was good, better now that my gf and I broke up. Long story short we hit it off amazingly. Sex more times than I could keep up with to the point where I had to tell her "no" repeatedly if only to save my **** from being destroyed. We moved in together in march and things immediately changed and went downhill. The situation got increasingly unhappy and finally fell apart. Now I'm free and feel great about it.

That said, I find myself craving more.

I've never been good at "game" and went my own way. Did my own thing that often flew in the face of what pua's would say. In short: I do what works for me, but I feel I'm not as effective as I could be. It's a catch 22 because doing pua has never worked for me while doing my own thing hasn't gotten me the full results I want.

I've come to this forum hoping I can learn how to increase my natural game more effectively and hopefully stop doing whatever is killing things for me sometimes.

Thanks for reading.
Increase your volume. Numbers game. The problem many guys make is they try and chat up 5 women and if it doesn't pan out they pack up their stuff and call it a day and say it doesn't work.

They should be messaging or chatting with 5-10 new women a week and keeping their pipeline flowing. Once they start building a pipeline and women they want to see again then they can start cutting back on the numbers a little bit.

Literally this is all that is required along with analyzing your actions if you keep having the same failures with multiple different women and making changes until it starts working.


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
Reaction score
Hey guys, wanted to stop by for an update since there is a lull in my sex life. Things were going great till lockdown hit in December last year. Now I only know 1 woman who lives alone. We've ****ed 3 times and the first two I honestly had premature ejaculation. I've always had it as an issue but usually after a few times I get used to the girl's ***** and can last longer with effort.

Well the third time we ****ed I was a machine. Came once but kept waking up throughout the night to **** her out of her sleep. At least 5 times and didn't *** at all after the first time.

The sex was long and intense, very hot and I enjoy how submissive she is.

We were both exhausted the week after.

Anyhow I haven't seen her for a while. Always has something on the go. We were supposed to meet tonight but she says she has a family issue coming up and her mother is spending a few nights with her. I do believe her but my other cynical PUA self says she's replacing me. Especially since she told me last week she was meeting a new **** buddy Saturday. We're both non-monogamous and open about it but the timing is convenient.

Anyhow she rescheduled for Wednesday this week on her own so that adds weight to my belief that she's sincere.

I'm just feeling a bit limited and mostly just venting here. I don't like only having one option for sex. I have a bunch of girls ready and willing to meet but they all have room mates and with the lockdown fines where I live I don't want to risk it. My mission (my money) after all is more important than sex.

Still it is frustrating.

I also find it interesting that she was eager to see me even after my premature ejaculation the first 2 times but after we have epic sex she suddenly gets scarce.

Anyhow mostly just venting.


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
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****ed a 21 year old asian 6/10 in my car today. Made her cvm twice but had premature ejaculation again. Regardless we have plans to **** again in my car thursday. Tomorrow night I visit the girl I was venting about in the post above. We'll see if I make it or if she reschedules again.


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
Reaction score
Gonna see the same 21 year old tomorrow. I had my appendix removed last week tho so no sex. I'm gonna see if I can handle a blow job because imo being the girls sex slave is submissive and not a good frame. I.E> I don't want to just meet up to get her off.

Likewise my one fwb I haven't seen since lockdowns started. I have plans to see her wednesday.

In other news I was out for a walk today and a complete stranger in an alley yelled (I assume at me) in the most angry and threatening tone "HEY YOU!" "I'M TALKING TO YOU! HEY!"

I just kept walking. No idea what that was about. Always happens tho the more I seem to "improve" the more people start to get violent towards me. Need a solution that doesn't involve fighting or getting assaulted.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Gonna see the same 21 year old tomorrow. I had my appendix removed last week tho so no sex. I'm gonna see if I can handle a blow job because imo being the girls sex slave is submissive and not a good frame. I.E> I don't want to just meet up to get her off.

Likewise my one fwb I haven't seen since lockdowns started. I have plans to see her wednesday.

In other news I was out for a walk today and a complete stranger in an alley yelled (I assume at me) in the most angry and threatening tone "HEY YOU!" "I'M TALKING TO YOU! HEY!"

I just kept walking. No idea what that was about. Always happens tho the more I seem to "improve" the more people start to get violent towards me. Need a solution that doesn't involve fighting or getting assaulted.
You're experiencing a very normal problem.

When we are in our best most focused self we will be hot. In that wavelength is alot of people who like to fight, bullies, crooks, controllers, etc. They can see you. Your image might threaten them thus they attack out of insecurities. You'll need to master handling yourself verbally. To avert 99% of the bull chit.

Krav maga trains for real world and street situations. I wonder if there's a verbal communication component to it.


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
Reaction score
You're experiencing a very normal problem.

When we are in our best most focused self we will be hot. In that wavelength is alot of people who like to fight, bullies, crooks, controllers, etc. They can see you. Your image might threaten them thus they attack out of insecurities. You'll need to master handling yourself verbally. To avert 99% of the bull chit.

Krav maga trains for real world and street situations. I wonder if there's a verbal communication component to it.
Yeah is it wrong (I.e. beta) to simply ignore and walk away? I’m in no condition to fight physically and don’t like verbally fighting either.

im a lover not a fighter


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Yeah is it wrong (I.e. beta) to simply ignore and walk away? I’m in no condition to fight physically and don’t like verbally fighting either.

im a lover not a fighter
You don't have to walk away or "retreat". You also don't have to get in it's face. Be aware and focus on what your doing and what your purpose is. Your going to have to learn to fight, verbally and physically it's a part of life. That's quite a few folks "main go to" and if they recognize you don't like fighting or don't have alot of strength they will come after you.


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
Reaction score
You don't have to walk away or "retreat". You also don't have to get in it's face. Be aware and focus on what your doing and what your purpose is. Your going to have to learn to fight, verbally and physically it's a part of life. That's quite a few folks "main go to" and if they recognize you don't like fighting or don't have alot of strength they will come after you.
That’s when I call the police ‍


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
That’s when I call the police ‍
You need at least a basic set of skills to maintain and manage your self-control. But escalation to the police is just fine if violence is issued towards you. If your strong enough and handle yourself well enough most violence won't come to you, because they'll be able to see that you can take care of yourself.


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
Reaction score
You need at least a basic set of skills to maintain and manage your self-control. But escalation to the police is just fine if violence is issued towards you. If your strong enough and handle yourself well enough most violence won't come to you, because they'll be able to see that you can take care of yourself.
No idea what you mean here. I’m not the one that needs self control. I don’t fight.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
No idea what you mean here. I’m not the one that needs self control. I don’t fight.
Some of us feel fighting skills ( verbal and physical ) give you MORE self control. You don't have to get into it with them. Knowing full well you can handle yourself and taking a proper escalation path, you will maintain MORE of your self control than if you cannot fight at all.