She doesn't want an illusion of courtship - this is a transactional, medieval mating strategy.
She wants 2 things:
1. She wants to feel highly attracted to you
2. She doesn't want to feel like a slvt for having fast sex with you (so you give her plausible deniability, as discussed).
High attraction isn't built by an illusion of courtship. That's supplicating to her frame.
I support this post.
OP, go on the second date. Have fun, unless you have a better offer for your time. No big deal.
For the overall discussion about girls interest level vs when she wants to or does fck. My experience for LTR from some that quickly wanted sex and others that I had to court or chase. Both types are interested in me. The ones that quickly wanted to fck, became more loyal LTR and only split because of my choice(by quick I mean same day as meeting). The ones that I chased, or waited for ended up not as good LTR and they ended up being the one to leave or do actions to cause a break. At the highest attraction level she does not feel like a slut, she feels like a winner and lucky. Will never see dual mate strat with this type, only the ones that have to be courted.
Apply red pill lense and it makes sense.
The entire topic of game maps directly into this. game is how to negotiate low interest.
If her interest level is super high, she will make it happen if you don't block her it will happen immediately or at the first opportunity. If her interest level is a little less you can game her and depending on skill and resources make it happen. gaming and courting are the exact same things. both are intentional actions to increase the interest level of the girl.
still have to be able to discern submission vs slut. slut is the one that will submit to others while transacting with you.