True indifference means leaving this forum...eventually


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
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They say the opposite of love isn’t hate but indifference.
I believe true indifference is an attitude, a skill honed over time.
You can’t be indifferent if you like a chick because you “like” her. That’s internal. But you can give the exterior impression that you are “indifferent” to her or indifferent to the outcome whether she likes you or not .
If she doesn’t like you, then you shake it off and move on to the next one. If she likes you then your indifference gives you power because she will do the chasing.
True indifference means not being outcome dependent and not being affected by the negative or positive outcome. It means going with the flow.

Too many guys get invested with a chick at the beginning. If you were indifferent you would go along for the ride with no preconceived notions even though you like her. This is kind of holding two opposing ideas in your mind at the same time. Bruce Lee said “ What is true stillness?” “Stillness in movement “.
You learn to be indifferent and desensitized to outcomes. You focus more on the process.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 25, 2016
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One day, I want to stop posting, reading, and watching videos about women. Anytime we search content about seducing women, we tacitly acknowledge that women have a legitimate mating criteria. They do not. The reasons they pick or reject a guy are fluffy, trivial, and short sighted. Their criteria is flimsy and childlike.

It is ironic when men who claim they are MGTOW create videos about women. You cant go your own way and still be obsessed with the faults of women. If we really internalized how inferior women were ( at picking a mate, not in general) we would not even be discussing them. Do we discuss and obsess about how dysfunctional children are?

I understand that outlets like this are therapeutic. They are certainly therapy for me. It is okay for this to be a temporary crutch but one day we have to leave this stuff alone. This type of content only ensnares us deeper into the chaos of the feminine. Once we internalize their inferiority we will no longer need any dating advice. You will act in a manner that is already highly attractive to women. You will truly be indifferent to them. Only when you are indifferent to them can you attract them. This is the paradox.
This is a cope tbh. You don't need to be indifferent to get women. You don't need to see them as inferior to you. You don't even need to know the depths of female nature to get a woman. If you adopt those mindsets you might unnecessarily come off as a bitter a-hole.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2019
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The tradedy is the males who have the most access to women care little about them, which gives them access to more and more women

While the males with the least access to women (or oneitis) care the most about them, which gives them less and less access

The game is a cruel one and there are very few prizes for the runners up


Don Juan
May 16, 2020
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Go try and figure out why the modern woman picks one guy over the other. Good luck with that. Trying to figure out a woman's romantic choices will leave you sad, jaded and a little neurotic. They cant even figure their own romantic choices out. How in the heck is a man going to figure it out? Its best not to figure anything out and to just move on. If she likes you and it falls into your lap...then cool. But trying to analyze why she didn't choose you is like trying to figure out why a toddler didn't like a certain toy.

If women made such logical romantic decisions then they would not be the in predicament they are in now. Ive had chicks not even remember rejecting me when I brought it up years later. The average man has NO idea the amount of moods a women experiences in a day.

Many of you guys on SoSuave do not take the time to really ASK girls questions. Shut your mouth and interview a hot chick. Really shut up and listen. Ask her probing questions on her romantic life. Observe her actions. Most of you dudes dont have any hot female friends that open up to you. So you guys think I am wrong on this topic. Go research yourself. After interviewing that girl you will be terrified. You will see she is a ball of confusion. Her criteria is ever changing, contradictory, capricious and shallow. THEY DONT KNOW WHY THEY DO WHAT THEY DO. A girl can date 5 guys one year, then a few years later not know what she saw in those 5 guys. She is a different person from month to month, week to week.
It's like you are trying to put a nail on the wall with a screwdriver man...
Stop doing this to yourself and to the hot chicks, all the time and effort you invested into it could've been better directed at another more fulfilling purposes.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2018
Reaction score
I think you are partly right on your assumption, it all depends on your reason for being here.

Im actually not here because i got hurt or anything of the kind.
I got here because i got piss at myself for staying with a women that was clearly low quality.

I find reading thread and advice help me see deeper into what motivate and drive women and men alike. It also keep me sharp and it help me be on top of my game.

I was very clueless before coming here, now i know alot more on what drive ppl to do what they do.


Master Don Juan
Apr 28, 2018
Reaction score
I came here off and on throughout my last LTR and it always helped me to refocus if I was beginning to lose frame. Even if you aren't actively looking to spin plates you can glean a lot of wisdom here of how to handle women in almost in any situation. It is invaluable.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Talking here about the negative aspects or overanalyzing keeps you stuck in overanalyzing mode. Eventually it makes sense to leave and not talk about it. Enjoy your life. The guys doing good like Howiestern and glassguy, pretty much stay off the site, and drop in once or twice a month for a few comments, and offering wisdom. They are not complaining or talking about the negative aspect.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
This is a cope tbh. You don't need to be indifferent to get women. You don't need to see them as inferior to you. You don't even need to know the depths of female nature to get a woman. If you adopt those mindsets you might unnecessarily come off as a bitter a-hole.
No one who knows me in real life would ever describe me as bitter. I am however a realist. I am not going to walk around delusional.

The truth is that they ARE inferior. They need and want men to lead them. This is the definition of inferior. That doesn't mean that you treat them badly. Notice the cultures that treat them inferior do not have the same issues we "egalitarian' Western men have. We are looked at as the cucks of the world.

Dont ever treat a woman as equal. She will resent you for it and make you pay dearly for it. The men that do the best with women will tell you that they are inferior. No guy who has slept with a lot of women will ever tell you otherwise. That doesn't mean that you treat them badly.

And yes you should be indifferent to them. Indifference makes the difference. They want you to be indifferent. Women have even told me that there is nothing sexier than an indifferent man. They love it. They need that. They need to know that you will be a rock in the face of their emotional storms. But unless you have experienced a lot of women you would not understand.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
The tradedy is the males who have the most access to women care little about them, which gives them access to more and more women

While the males with the least access to women (or oneitis) care the most about them, which gives them less and less access

The game is a cruel one and there are very few prizes for the runners up
facts 100% man.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
It's like you are trying to put a nail on the wall with a screwdriver man...
Stop doing this to yourself and to the hot chicks, all the time and effort you invested into it could've been better directed at another more fulfilling purposes.
Thats my point. I am actually MGTOW now and I am the happiest I have ever been. I hardly post anymore. We are actually agreeing. I am saying pursuing a hobby that you love will make you indifferent to women. I have found hobbies I love which make me indifferent to women and paradoxically it is making some women more attracted to me.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
Thats my point. I am actually MGTOW now and I am the happiest I have ever been. I hardly post anymore. We are actually agreeing. I am saying pursuing a hobby that you love will make you indifferent to women. I have found hobbies I love which make me indifferent to women and paradoxically it is making some women more attracted to me.
You finally took the "step"? you'd been talking about it throughout the years. I remember this thread:

Your thread creation history is a treasure trove by the way, I gotta go through that shyt again.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
I think you are partly right on your assumption, it all depends on your reason for being here.

Im actually not here because i got hurt or anything of the kind.
I got here because i got piss at myself for staying with a women that was clearly low quality.

I find reading thread and advice help me see deeper into what motivate and drive women and men alike. It also keep me sharp and it help me be on top of my game.

I was very clueless before coming here, now i know alot more on what drive ppl to do what they do.
Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”

― Friedrich W. Nietzsche

I agree bro. This place has been a church for a me. A temple. It still is. All I am saying is that studying the female psyche is depressing. It makes you turn insane. The reason it is depressing is that your inevitable conclusion will be that women are chaos. There are no rules to their behavior. They were designed to be chaotic/ child like. The Creator designed them to be a complement to our orderly nature. This is a fact.

So when we delve too much into studying the monster we have to be careful not to become the monster. I am being hypocritical because I consume a lot of Redpill content so I totally agree with you. Its fascinating stuff. I just hope one day I can walk away from studying them all together. Its really not worth it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
You finally took the "step"? you'd been talking about it throughout the years. I remember this thread:

Your thread creation history is a treasure trove by the way, I gotta go through that shyt again.
Yoo Attack Formation good to hear from you bro! And thank you for the compliment I really appreciate it man. Dude I have really been out in these streets. I seen a lot man. Maybe too much. Thats where I get my post from. Real life not book stuff.

Yes I finally went mostly MGTOW. Got a couple potential girls but I am the happiest I have ever been. I found a couple hobbies and I pretty much live for them. I still want kids though so idk how that will work with MGTOW.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
They say the opposite of love isn’t hate but indifference.
I believe true indifference is an attitude, a skill honed over time.
You can’t be indifferent if you like a chick because you “like” her. That’s internal. But you can give the exterior impression that you are “indifferent” to her or indifferent to the outcome whether she likes you or not .
I agree man. Indifference is a skill honed over time. I am not 100% indifferent. I dont think it is possible to be 100% indifferent to a nice ass. But I am a lot closer than I was 5 yrs ago.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 25, 2016
Reaction score
No one who knows me in real life would ever describe me as bitter. I am however a realist. I am not going to walk around delusional.

The truth is that they ARE inferior. They need and want men to lead them. This is the definition of inferior. That doesn't mean that you treat them badly. Notice the cultures that treat them inferior do not have the same issues we "egalitarian' Western men have. We are looked at as the cucks of the world.

Dont ever treat a woman as equal. She will resent you for it and make you pay dearly for it. The men that do the best with women will tell you that they are inferior. No guy who has slept with a lot of women will ever tell you otherwise. That doesn't mean that you treat them badly.

And yes you should be indifferent to them. Indifference makes the difference. They want you to be indifferent. Women have even told me that there is nothing sexier than an indifferent man. They love it. They need that. They need to know that you will be a rock in the face of their emotional storms. But unless you have experienced a lot of women you would not understand.
It's fine to show care, attention, and empathy to the female as long you're not being a simp about it. Being indifferent could draw in those insecure women that are desperate for your validation but if you feel you need to go that route then you're lacking in other areas. Besides, the type of females that respond to that behavior will often bail out after they get your approval if there was nothing else to have been gained. Or find the validation elsewhere.

Whether women are inferior or not is moot. A man doesn't need to view them as inferior to get them. I treat women with the same respect and value as I'd like to receive and they do not resent me for it lol.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
got here because i got piss at myself for staying with a women that was clearly low quality.
When did you realize she was low quality ? If it was when you were still in the relationship that maybe because you had no other options or onitis .


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2018
Reaction score
When did you realize she was low quality ? If it was when you were still in the relationship that maybe because you had no other options or onitis .
Got fat, bad mood passive aggresive etc
Should have seen it but was lacking in experience and knowledge.

Was very good at making me feel guilty for things i should not.

Lynx nkaf

Nov 17, 2019
Reaction score
I think you are partly right on your assumption, it all depends on your reason for being here.

Im actually not here because i got hurt or anything of the kind.
I got here because i got piss at myself for staying with a women that was clearly low quality.

I find reading thread and advice help me see deeper into what motivate and drive women and men alike. It also keep me sharp and it help me be on top of my game.

I was very clueless before coming here, now i know alot more on what drive ppl to do what they do.
I think there is a saturation point where one learns enough for now and is strong enough to fly from the nest of gender knowledge. With sincere and humble gratitude to those that invested energy and time into her. :up::love:


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
There are "tribe"(s) today. Ho3's are in "clans". This is why they all do the same things.... Because they communicate and pass information lilke a flock of birds... The feminist have themselves and various sub groups. What is an afterthought today is of a woman working with her man, that's the minority of the situations.