@Murkserious All those unprotected blow jobs catching up with you, and not only blow jobs. I once had an uncle he died of AIDS, he got it because he used to shoot himself with heroin and share needles. My grandma died and he was direct air for her property, in fact she made a will to him. Guy's a junkie since age 18 and he was then 52 and all his life he didn't held a solid job, spend half his life in prison, and shot himself up with heroin, made hell of a life for grandma and the rest of family, she had two daughters in the U.S. and a grandson, me. She chose to leave it all to him. He had this young wife age 22, and she's a hoe quite literally. So I end up fcking her unprotected. It was a scare more than one way. But I did not get HIV- that is what she had. Because apparently it's hard to get transmission through vaginal sex. It wasn't too long ago, around year 2015. Anyway, guess what, I learned my lesson hard, I'm bagging it. There are these Japanese condoms they are really thin, I'm using Okamoto 003, and there are now 001, even though I haven't seen them in drug stores yet. Always bag it.