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She’s got herpes (AJ’s I told you so thread)


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Certainly possible, but I've never tried it nor has a doc told me about it. I am only basing my suggestions on personal experience, doc rec's from New York Presbyterian / Columbia University infectious disease dept, and the reports I've read from NIH and from other Eur-Asian health agencies such as the one's in Great Britain, Israel and Germany.
If you are waiting for a doc to tell you something you are really missing the boat...most only know about drugs that they are brainwashed by in medical school.

Some theorize that if you were to take sambucol on a daily basis you would vietually never get sick from a virus ever because it would inhibit their ability to replicate and infect cells in the body.



Apr 21, 2018
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Bridgeport, CT
If you are waiting for a doc to tell you something you are really missing the boat...most only know about drugs that they are brainwashed by in medical school.

Some theorize that if you were to take sambucol on a daily basis you would vietually never get sick from a virus ever because it would inhibit their ability to replicate and infect cells in the body.

Perhaps, but the infectious disease docs seem to open to non RX remedies unlike GPs. As for your theory, that might be true as well. The theory is the same with monolaurin. Maybe people should take both. Much better then the RX alternatives w/ side effects.

Certainly promising from the above links.


May 4, 2019
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This form of the herpes virus you could catch from kissing your grandmother on the mouth


May 4, 2019
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If you are waiting for a doc to tell you something you are really missing the boat...most only know about drugs that they are brainwashed by in medical school.

Some theorize that if you were to take sambucol on a daily basis you would vietually never get sick from a virus ever because it would inhibit their ability to replicate and infect cells in the body.

Elderberries have been used in traditional Chinese medicine since ancient times.


Nov 2, 2011
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@Murkserious All those unprotected blow jobs catching up with you, and not only blow jobs. I once had an uncle he died of AIDS, he got it because he used to shoot himself with heroin and share needles. My grandma died and he was direct air for her property, in fact she made a will to him. Guy's a junkie since age 18 and he was then 52 and all his life he didn't held a solid job, spend half his life in prison, and shot himself up with heroin, made hell of a life for grandma and the rest of family, she had two daughters in the U.S. and a grandson, me. She chose to leave it all to him. He had this young wife age 22, and she's a hoe quite literally. So I end up fcking her unprotected. It was a scare more than one way. But I did not get HIV- that is what she had. Because apparently it's hard to get transmission through vaginal sex. It wasn't too long ago, around year 2015. Anyway, guess what, I learned my lesson hard, I'm bagging it. There are these Japanese condoms they are really thin, I'm using Okamoto 003, and there are now 001, even though I haven't seen them in drug stores yet. Always bag it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 17, 2017
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Getting mixed responses here.

So basically:

1. 85% of the population have this non sexually transmitted strain of da herp

2. It causes cold sores and you can catch it from kissing or sharing drinks

So what do I do with the girl???

Are simple cold sores a reason to next? My ex used to get them sporadically and she never passed it to me.


Jan 14, 2018
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More like 50% but I rather be in the category of non-infected then infected just for a pvssy.

If it ain't profitable then I ain't doing it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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@Murkserious All those unprotected blow jobs catching up with you, and not only blow jobs. I once had an uncle he died of AIDS, he got it because he used to shoot himself with heroin and share needles. My grandma died and he was direct air for her property, in fact she made a will to him. Guy's a junkie since age 18 and he was then 52 and all his life he didn't held a solid job, spend half his life in prison, and shot himself up with heroin, made hell of a life for grandma and the rest of family, she had two daughters in the U.S. and a grandson, me. She chose to leave it all to him. He had this young wife age 22, and she's a hoe quite literally. So I end up fcking her unprotected. It was a scare more than one way. But I did not get HIV- that is what she had. Because apparently it's hard to get transmission through vaginal sex. It wasn't too long ago, around year 2015. Anyway, guess what, I learned my lesson hard, I'm bagging it. There are these Japanese condoms they are really thin, I'm using Okamoto 003, and there are now 001, even though I haven't seen them in drug stores yet. Always bag it.
Noticeably better than magnum thins? What about conpared to lambskins?

Black Magic

Don Juan
Apr 20, 2019
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85% of the population have this non sexually transmitted strain of da herp
I'm not a doctor but I'll share what I know.

HSV-1 has been growing rapidly as sexually transmitted, because, as was stated earlier, HSV-1 and 2 can occur either genitally or orally depending on site of first contact. Oral sex has led to an increase in HSV-1 occurring genitally. I'd ask her if she's had any symptoms in a particular area, because it she could have it orally (the common cold sore) or genitally.

HSV-1 prefers the mouth area while HSV-2 prefers the genital area. They stay in the nerves in that particular area forever, which is why outbreaks occur during times of stress, immune weakness, or in the case of oral, sun exposure, as well as other reasons. An HSV-1 infection in the genital area tends to break out less, and is less likely to be asymptomatically shed (can be transmitted WITHOUT showing any visible symptoms), because again, it's not the preferred site of infection. Same with HSV-2 orally. It is believed that having HSV-2 offers a high level of immunity to contracting HSV-1, but not the other way around.

In The Rational Male, Rollo talks about STDs and several stats that I'm not gonna attempt to quote here, but you can be an incorrigible Casanova and not contract anything, and marry your high school sweetheart and get herp. 85% of the people with herp show little to no symptoms and don't know they have it. Furthermore, standard STD screens DO NOT include a herp test because doctors widely view it as benign, and the social stigma and psychological distress outweigh the need to test.

Herp used to not be a big deal until drug manufacturers decided it was profitable to make it a stigma, so they could sell medication. That said, I understand your predicament, and it really depends on how big of a deal it is to YOU.

So what do I do with the girl???
What does your gut tell you to do? Do you think she acted honestly and with integrity? Are all the girls you're sleeping with aware of their HSV status? Are you gonna ask each girl who goes down on you in the heat of passion whether she has oral herp? And if so, is it HSV-1 or 2?

What about kissing? Are you gonna ask every girl you make out with if she has HSV-1 or 2 orally? Has she ever had an outbreak of any kind? I'm just bringing this up because here you're dealing with a girl who knows and can take measures to prevent passing it on to you, as opposed to the 85% of those who have it and don't know. Most HSV transmissions occur from asymptomatic shedding.

This is meant to be informative only, and not to give advice. I recommend however, to meditate on it and do what feels right. Just don't be beta about it ;)


Master Don Juan
Aug 17, 2017
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Just spoke to her, she had a sore on her vagina, apparently it must have been must by someone with a cold sore going down on her.

It’s still hsv1 but it’s not on her mouth it’s her vag. Is that even possible? She said it could have been passed to her before her 7 year relationship.

She said it’s highly unlikely to transmit when not showing symptoms.

I told her I need more time to think, she wants to see me today, too soon?

Edit: basically what @Black Magic has just said! @Black Magic knowing it’s hsv1 on genitals what you think u should do?

I commended her on the phone just now for letting me know immediately, she’s a great girl and hasn’t had many sexual partners and has been totally understanding and still offering me an out for this, kinda like her more for that.

Black Magic

Don Juan
Apr 20, 2019
Reaction score
It’s still hsv1 but it’s not on her mouth it’s her vag. Is that even possible?
100% possible. As I said, both HSV-1 and 2 can occur in both places, it's just a matter of preference.

She said it’s highly unlikely to transmit when not showing symptoms.
Unlikely but possible. More possible if it was HSV-2 genitally, but if she wants to reduce the likelihood of transmission significantly, she can take daily Valtrex. And on your part...don't raw dog her. At that point the possibility of transmission is near zero. Again, I'm not a doctor and don't take responsibility here. Do your own research.

I told her I need more time to think, she wants to see me today, too soon?
You told her you need time to think, so take the time to think. Don't take care of her, take care of you.

I commended her on the phone just now for letting me know immediately, she’s a great girl and hasn’t had many sexual partners and has been totally understanding and still offering me an out for this, kinda like her more for that.
Do what your gut tells you to do, and yes, she deserves consideration if you think she acted with integrity. It's HSV, not HIV, and knowing she has it, both you and her can take measures to prevent you from contracting it. Knowing sucks cause it spoils the fantasy that everyone's clean and pristine, but the reality is that a great many people are not.


Don Juan
Jan 19, 2019
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Bro, i mean sure respect to her for letting you know, just thank her and wish her well and move on. You slept with her with a couple times, there really is nothing to think about, she's not your girlfriend or she aint special. Find someone who does NOT have an STD. I mean why is this even up to consideration, its a no brainer.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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What is the way to be hpv checked for a man? is there a cure? is it true that the body can flash away the virus after few months?

I banged dozens of girls rawdog and I'm afraid I got something too, fvcking education that doesnt teach about such virus.


Nov 2, 2011
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Just spoke to her, she had a sore on her vagina, apparently it must have been must by someone with a cold sore going down on her.
I remember your post from some time ago this year, it was I think Sara. Well whatever, the point is, you are reckless as fck. True alpha males are not like you, I have a friend here who don't know what game is, he is natural born slayer, he always bags it.


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
Just spoke to her, she had a sore on her vagina, apparently it must have been must by someone with a cold sore going down on her.
This is the most likely way she got it.

It’s still hsv1 but it’s not on her mouth it’s her vag. Is that even possible? She said it could have been passed to her before her 7 year relationship.
HSV-1 can infect genitalia. It's less likely, but totally possible.

She said it’s highly unlikely to transmit when not showing symptoms.
This is correct.

I have HPV-1 on my lips, I get an outbreak every other year. No big deal, lasts a week and goes back to normal. It's an annoying disease, but not dangerous. You could say the common cold is worse and I get that way more often.

She sounds like a good girl, her honesty about it is definitely commendable. Personally I wouldn't mind this specific STD, just don't fvck when there's an outbreak. Being type 1 it's also much less common to get an outbreak so it really shouldn't be much of an issue.


Master Don Juan
Aug 17, 2017
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Thanks for all the responses, will keep you posted

17 shots

Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2016
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when I mentioned just straight up asking her about if she was sure she just had a water infection, you said you would bring it up at dinner, why didn't you?... you instead had sex with her raw. You have to be smarter. She outplayed you, she distracted you with that lovey dovey stuff, and you forgot about it

she knew she had something bro. She either already knew she had herpes, or she didn't, but was waiting on an std test to come back. Either way she's wrong, she should have never had sex with you, knowing shes waiting on lab results.
especially raw. That's irresponsible af

If you're showing symptoms of ANYTHING, they tell you not to have sex while you're waiting on the lab results