It's not even a question of laziness, we have created a culture of addictive eating and addictive overeating. We are so used to eating garbage and lots of garbage that it's almost an emotional addiction. I even struggle with it myself. I start eating and I don't want to stop until I'm completely fukking stuffed
IMO, if you want to get in shape, you just have to eat as little as possible and then completely forget about food when you're not eating. Remove the emotional addiction
If you eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, healthy meats, chicken, etc. and exercise moderately, there is no reason; barring a medical condition, why a person cannot be healthy and in relatively good shape. The lardos I see every day, men and women, is just disgusting. If it is due to a medical condition, that is one thing, but when I see them just always eating and walking, and eating, it's just disgusting. Plus, it's one of the main reasons why the world obesity issue is now at epidemic proportions.
I live in Bridgeport, CT, used to live in Hartford, CT. Both big cities. Fast food and bad food all around you. Do you know how hard it is to find fresh fruits, vegetables, and alike in walking distance to where I live? Miles. Yet, there's a McDonald's and bodaga selling processed foods on every corner.
It's how the parents have been taught, and the children emulate because they do not know any better. It's the domino effect.