The best option for men is definitely MGTOW, the dating game is a lose lose game


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
Half the Things you go on about, I created. So when you come at me, bring something original that I didn’t already create. I prefer not to argue with my thoughts 10 years ago.

The sexual market place doesn’t care about your man goals. It only cares about your SMV.

One does not go into any marketplace tending only to their own needs unless they are a fool.
Says the cuck with really low testosterone.

Created but talking about men trying to be pretty. Pathetic!

Yeah OK bud.

Continue trying to be pretty.

You call yourself a man?


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
@guru1000 @DEEZEDBRAH fellas please don't make me close a really good thread. Take your bickering offline. Thank you.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
I have some bad news for some of you fellas who think that making money will attract women. It won’t, at least not the kind of women you desire LT.

Make money for you, as it creates a greater life filled with freedom of choice, less stress, and greater resources.
I agree a person should make money for themselves. Fer sure. However:
Maybe money won't attract women. But money can bring power, and power can attract women.
Being a successful man can also attract women. Being a successful man can also increase your confidence, which I hear some women find appealing.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
I agree a person should make money for themselves. Fer sure. However:
Maybe money won't attract women. But money can bring power, and power can attract women.
Being a successful man can also attract women. Being a successful man can also increase your confidence, which I hear some women find appealing.
A girl doesn't know whether you have a net worth of 10k or 10 mil at first meet. She only goes by your style and presentation, both of which can be had by broke men. The question of wealth a/k/a security comes more into play in LTR evaluation.

Money can be used to attract using status symbols, but, again, the same can be finessed by insolvent men (see Richard's lambo).

What's relevant for the posters in this site is Looks come first. Though high status (e.g. yacht, lambo, mansions, frequent bottle service at the high-ends) can attract, but how many posters on this site will get to that echelon and even if they did, is that the type of women most here wish to attract?

Further, but most importantly, I have a long list of acquaintances of men 5mil+ net worths, who cannot find hot women to date. One or two of them are on this site!

Money in attraction is overrated. Fact.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
When I talk about seeing red flags in women, it is in the context of judging whether or not they would be relationship material. For a one night stand or short-term sexual relationship, red flags don't really matter, but at my age, I place low value on hook-ups due to the effort required to get them and what you receive in return. I would never get into an LTR with a girl without first being in a casual sexual type thing for many months, but my point is that I see the red flags in everyone which disqualify them to be worth anything beyond casual. And I've learned that with most women, they are love seekers and once they know they've locked you down, the game is over and they move on. There is just no point in that.

I haven't given up, I'm just not focused on it right now. It could change at some point - life is funny. I still casually flirt with women if the mood strikes me but I don't go out of my way to meet them or pursue them. If one wants to pursue me and make it easy, I'd go along so long as I was enjoying myself, but women generally won't do that. I'm having far too much fun investing my time, money, and energy into all my interests and friends.
I think you're on the right track bro. I would still just hit on girls a handful of times a day just for sport. Not playing into the female biological strategy is the only way to win this game. At thirty, I've been around the block before. It's not my first rodeo. I see female nature as it is not how I wish it were. I operate accordingly.

No live on gf. No wife. No women leaving **** at my place. Not in the mood means #nextset! This means time for her to call a Uber. It means, what is her hotter younger sister and friends saying tonight?

Hulses YouTube video is clutch.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
I have some bad news for some of you fellas who think that making money will attract women. It won’t, at least not the kind of women you desire LT.

Make money for you, as it creates a greater life filled with freedom of choice, less stress, and greater resources.

As to your first comment: Not doing anything not to get laid is beta. Hence, no matches on Bumble in 1.5 years for you. Do something about it.
True, but I only swipe right on very hot women. The women you match with I wouldn’t touch with a 10 foot pole.

Which goes back to the OP. A lot of guys here claim to have success with women when they really aren’t. They are settling for ugly women which is much worse than going without sex, in my opinion. Women are winning the dating game by having dudes bend over backwards to get a date with them. I respect men who have strong enough frame to not give women what they want.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2015
Reaction score
Downtown LA
You can add up to 2-3 pts onto your SMV with physique alone.

You can add up to 1-2 pts with proper grooming, skin care, style.

That’s up to 5 pts one can add to their “fighting weight.”

If you are a straight male, which means a man who goes after and desires women, and you are not maximizing your “fighting weight,” you are a fool.

First comes SMV, which opens the door. Then “game.”
@guru1000 what do you recommend that a man works on in the short-run while he's working on his SMV in the long-run? I'm curious if it's best to put my head down for a few months and solely work on myself or if I should continue to go out occasionally and approach women with my current SMV.

Adding points to SMV does take a long time as it's the future reward. I've been hitting the gym consistently on a modified StrongLifts program since beginning of April and disciplining myself to work on my goals consistently. It's not easy. The only thing that's easy is that it's easy to see why a huge majority of guys won't make it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
@guru1000 what do you recommend that a man works on in the short-run while he's working on his SMV in the long-run? I'm curious if it's best to put my head down for a few months and solely work on myself or if I should continue to go out occasionally and approach women with my current SMV.

Adding points to SMV does take a long time as it's the future reward. I've been hitting the gym consistently on a modified StrongLifts program since beginning of April and disciplining myself to work on my goals consistently. It's not easy. The only thing that's easy is that it's easy to see why a huge majority of guys won't make it.
Social acuity. Go on lots of dates and experiment. Push boundaries. See where your strengths and weaknesses lie. Capitalize on your strengths and be be bold and shameless in your weaknesses until they turn over. You will notice when your SMV increases, as women will be more forgiving of your "mistakes."

The other night I went on a first date, dropped her off, called her a few minutes later and told her I wanted to go out on a second date and picked her up five minutes later. And ...

This site wouldn't be needed in the context of attraction if most brought the physical goods to the table. All can get there, but most are lazy ... hence this thread.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
Reaction score
Rationalization to lose.

Belying your natural desire and opting out because it’s too competitive is unmanly (your favorite choice of a shaming word).

Don’t wish it were easier. Just get better.
It's not opting out at all... but more like maximizing your options.

There seems to be a default logic people are using today - either you chase women, or you don't and so opt out altogether. This is where logic, with its law of excluded middle, is so limiting. In practicality, I may or may not choose to pursue a woman.... dependent on the circumstances. And these circumstances can be about more than mere logistics - it's about where you are as a person, and where she might be. It's simply a more mature approach.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
It's not opting out at all... but more like maximizing your options.

There seems to be a default logic people are using today - either you chase women, or you don't and so opt out altogether. This is where logic, with its law of excluded middle, is so limiting. In practicality, I may or may not choose to pursue a woman.... dependent on the circumstances. And these circumstances can be about more than mere logistics - it's about where you are as a person, and where she might be. It's simply a more mature approach.
"I want to make money in a certain market, so I may or may not choose to make money in a certain market ... dependent on the circumstances. And these circumstances can be about more than mere logistics - it's about where you are as a person, and where the market might be. It's simply a more mature approach."

^^ This is exactly how you don't make money in a market. The sexual marketplace, like any other marketplace, is no different. This is what I mean by "opting out."


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
Reaction score
"I want to make money in a certain market, so I may or may not choose to make money in a certain market ... dependent on the circumstances. And these circumstances can be about more than mere logistics - it's about where you are as a person, and where the market might be. It's simply a more mature approach."

^^ This is exactly how you don't make money in a market. The sexual marketplace, like any other marketplace, is no different. This is what I mean by "opting out."
To me, this is feminine logic - it is how most women think.

Game is really the attempt to out-game women at their own game. To me, a man should perform something of an educational function on a women... where he leads her [education] out of the mass into a monogamous relationship [this is increasingly difficult today]. That is his leading role, which will be a mix of reason and romance. You could say that the definition of romance is reason refined by passion, or the other way round. Nor is this Disneyan sentimentalism, but good solid Greek metaphysics.

As for the tendency to reduce everything to the market, economics [oikos] in the Greek refers to the women's realm of home. But it is for men to strike out on adventure, and though erotic romance may be a part of adventure, it is in no way definitive of it. There are larger adventures open to us than sleeping with women.

So I'd say all this concern with women should be contextualized within a larger scheme of things. And then you are not obsessed with women …. one way or the other.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
True, but I only swipe right on very hot women. The women you match with I wouldn’t touch with a 10 foot pole.

Which goes back to the OP. A lot of guys here claim to have success with women when they really aren’t. They are settling for ugly women which is much worse than going without sex, in my opinion. Women are winning the dating game by having dudes bend over backwards to get a date with them. I respect men who have strong enough frame to not give women what they want.
I don't agree on ugly is better than no sex. Some "ugly" are great people. Also some of them have GREAT vagina! Some And uglies have banging bodies. Some are great at sex, willing to please and will let the man shine!


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Further, but most importantly, I have a long list of acquaintances of men 5mil+ net worths, who cannot find hot women to date. One or two of them are on this site!.
They can't find hot women to date in New frigging York? What's their issue, looks or personality?
Anyway, you didn't really address my points (which is that money can bring power and confidence, which can in itself be attractive). But I agree that looks are of more primal importance when it comes to attraction.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
They can't find hot women to date in New frigging York? What's their issue, looks or personality?

I was at a party a few weeks back, invited as a guest to the 9 I was with. I was sitting across two entrepreneurial doctors (large private practices) with net worths that I guesstimate to be between 5-10 mil. I ascertained their net worth as I normally qualify new potential investors in seemly innocuous casual convo (e.g. R/E, longevity of business, location, type of residence, etc.) which also supported what my date, the 9, had told me about them as they are in the same social circle.

Anyway, when my date went to the bathroom, the first question they asked was, "How did you do it?" They apparently knew my date through their social circle and have been trying to get with her for years (from what I gathered). Their personalities were great and socially acute, but they were average lookers. Despite their net worth, they never (according to them) find the type of women they desire (aka hot women). This story has also been corroborated by a dozen of my high net-worth acquaintances in regard to their finding or dating hot women.

I even asked my date afterwards, "Wealthy doctors, you never thought to give them a chance?" Her response, "They have been pursing me for years. No way!"

Money, in itself, does little in attraction.

Zekko said:
Anyway, you didn't really address my points (which is that money can bring power and confidence, which can in itself be attractive). But I agree that looks are of more primal importance when it comes to attraction.
Power as in freedom to do what you want to do, live where you want to live, and buy what you want to buy, but as demonstrated in the example above, does little in the way of attraction. Unless, of course, one takes the sugar-daddy role.

Confidence is broad. Confidence in making money does little in attraction. Differently, the confidence in being able to attain hot women at will, that is the sub-communication of "I'll have another 9 at my door tomorrow morning, so behave yourself," is what is magnetically attractive to most women.

Experientially, money has also done very little for me in attracting hot women. Although, it does enhance my LTR desirability to them as they figure it out.
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Jun 25, 2018
Reaction score

I was at a party a few weeks back, invited as a guest to the 9 I was with. I was sitting across two entrepreneurial doctors (large private practices) with net worths that I guesstimate to be between 5-10 mil. I ascertained their net worth as I normally qualify new potential investors in seemly innocuous casual convo (e.g. R/E, longevity of business, location, type of residence, etc.) which also supported what my date, the 9, had told me about them as they are in the same social circle.

Anyway, when my date went to the bathroom, the first question they asked was, "How did you do it?" They apparently knew my date through their social circle and have been trying to get with her for years (from what I gathered). Their personalities were great and socially acute, but they were average lookers. Despite their net worth, they never (according to them) find the type of women they desire (aka hot women). This story has also been corroborated by a dozen of my high net-worth acquaintances in regard to their finding or dating hot women.

I even asked my date afterwards, "Wealthy doctors, you never thought to give them a chance?" Her response, "They have been pursing me for years. No way!"

Money, in itself, does little in attraction.

Power as in freedom to do what you want to do, live where you want to live, and buy what you want to buy, but as demonstrated in the example above, does little in the way of attraction. Unless, of course, one takes the sugar-daddy role.

Confidence is broad. Confidence in making money does little in attraction. Differently, the confidence in being able to attain hot women at will, that is the sub-communication of "I'll have another 9 at my door tomorrow morning, so behave yourself," is what is magnetically attractive to most women.

Experientially, money has also done very little for me in attracting hot women. Although, it does enhance my LTR desirability to them as they figure it out.

Wait. This team of multi-millionaire Doctors that are your future clients couldn't tell you had cosmetic surgery, hair restoration etc? These doctors don't know that 9 female + 9 male = Attraction?

How did these doctors pass their medical exams, by playing a game of Operation? Did you at least teach them abundance mentality and the law of attraction?

I for one wouldn't go into business with doctors who are that ignorant. If you do make sure you get a surgical removal of your red bozo nose and oversized clown shoes.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
How did these doctors pass their medical exams, by playing a game of Operation? Did you at least teach them abundance mentality and the law of attraction?

I for one wouldn't go into business with doctors who are that ignorant. If you do make sure you get a surgical removal of your red bozo nose and oversized clown shoes.
lmao... is it Naughty Ninja?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Anyway, when my date went to the bathroom, the first question they asked was, "How did you do it?" They apparently knew my date through their social circle and have been trying to get with her for years
Since they are just average looking, I don't know why they acted so surprised. If you are as good looking as you say, it should have been self explanatory.

Power as in freedom to do what you want to do, live where you want to live, and buy what you want to buy, but as demonstrated in the example above, does little in the way of attraction. Unless, of course, one takes the sugar-daddy role.

Confidence is broad. Confidence in making money does little in attraction.
What you say is correct, but that is not what I mean. When I talk about confidence, I mean the confidence of being a capable man, of being able to handle situations, of being able to succeed at life. This may be a generational thing, because I was raised at a time when a man's self esteem was closely tied to his work.

I've talked about this before, but when I was a young man I struggled in many ways. I was keenly aware that most of my friends made more money than I did, they always seemed to be more successful. I had been raised alone basically, so I also had to battle a problem with shyness (which also held me back financially). As I said, maybe this is a generational thing, but this affected me to my core as a man. But I was obsessed with self improving, so eventually I reached the point where I had reversed it, and I was the one making more money. This was a life struggle that gave me all around confidence in a way that I never would have had if I hadn't been successful.

As for power, I was talking more about "power over other people". People might treat you like you are more important. If you look at 50 Shades of Gray, Christian is the billionaire CEO of a large company. He commands basically everyone around him. He has close "servants" around him that do his bidding and will even risk their life for him. Just like a famous rapper might have a bodyguard who will put themselves in danger to protect him. That's more what I was thinking of when I was saying that money can bring power, and power can be an aphrodisiac.

I've noticed a trend here lately on the forum, where posters are saying that money is no factor at all in attraction. I think the pendulum has swung too far in this direction at present. Money isn't the most important factor, and it can be a double edged sword, but it is a factor. I believe it's part of the "LMS" trifecta for a reason. The alpha in a tribe is not a guy who lacks resources.

This doesn't mean that women won't bang the broke pool boy. But it also doesn't mean that they can never be attracted to a successful man. That just seems like common sense.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
Reaction score
I've noticed a trend here lately on the forum, where posters are saying that money is no factor at all in attraction. I think the pendulum has swung too far in this direction at present. Money isn't the most important factor, and it can be a double edged sword, but it is a factor. I believe it's part of the "LMS" trifecta for a reason. The alpha in a tribe is not a guy who lacks resources.
But you can see why... when men have had continually hammered into them that money is the aphrodisiac. It then becomes much more of a challenge to seduce a woman without those trappings of wealth.... and we love a challenge.

As for money, I think we need a certain amount of material prosperity in order to live a 'flourishing' life. But that it is also something we need to overcome. It's only when we say 'enough' that we can transcend the monetary sphere and live a life of self-determined leisure if not pleasure.:rolleyes:
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