Ok.......I'm just gonna be STRAIGHT UP honest with you about this text exchange.
When I read it......I
CRINGED. I wholeheartedly agree with what EyeBRollin said to you. With that said....
what are you doin' here with this girl? There's a couple of things you need to understand. For one,
You are A STRANGER to her. Just because you two connected and were in the process of trying to set up a date doesn't change that.
All those questions she asked....she
was trying to get to know you better...to get a better sense of who you are,but you wouldn't be serious. Like every question she asked,it seems like you kept trying to come up with some "zinger" or witty remark. It's hard to get to know someone when
every answer out of their mouth come off as a joke or a comedy routine.
Again....you're a STRANGER. She asked what you wanted to do Thursday,you sent her emojis WITHOUT a serious response. Then you mentioned going for a walk on a seawall,she said it'd have to be around 8pm,you said "Twilight walks are my favorite".
YOU ARE A STRANGER. You think she's gonna feel comfortable walking around ALONE........
A NIGHT with some guy she doesn't know? She was trying to get to know you,but you kept playing around. When you do that constantly,it can make someone suspicious of you. That's
NOT what you want. Look at this....
She asked about Thursday,you say twilight walks are your favorite.
She asked what it's like living where you live.....
You say that's like asking an angel what heaven is like...
She asks what you like to do for fun....you say go on dates with english women.
She asks how often you do that,you say only on Thursdays.......just one smart alek remark after another. Not only can she not get to know you,but she probably thought all the joking and kidding you do through text,that'd you'd likely be like that on
the date as well. Women want A MAN...not a comedian. You need to use the joking like a spice,like salt or pepper......just a dash here and there. You
just kept laying it on.
You kinda come off as if you've read too many cheesy novels,or seen too many romantic movies. You talk about "adventure".....talk about the weather being "pictureasque",twilight walks,say the town where you live is like "heaven"...tell her she should "experience it" with you.
the MAN at here? You find her attractive? You flirt with her? Ask her what she's gonna wear on the date
Ask her if she saw a quarter on the ground,would bend down and she pick it up. If she says yes,tell her if she wears a nice low-cut blouse on the date,you'll throw a whole round of quarters on the ground for her.
Act like A MAN who's attracted to a woman. You come off like you're trying to win a woman over like they do in
the movies,or like an episode of "The Bachelor"....with rose petals,moon light walks,etc,etc.
This ain't the movies...it's