Once another episode of "I wanna believe in monogamy so hard but everything in the world proves me it's unreal but I'll keep hoping for it"
Dude, you are fckin golden here man... you have your own place, she has her own... it's CLEAR what she wants. She wants YOU, but also other dudes! No biggie with that........ don't tell me you don't want other chicks.
Get out there, spin plates and let her be one of your plate! Simple as that..... You are slowly turning her off with all the insecurity and the neediness... I don't blame you. You clearly hoping for something serious with this chicks and I hate to say it won't happen so you got 2 choices. Keep her spinning or drop her. I'd keep her spinning and bang other chicks on the side... if she's not cool with that well at least you'll have some other chick lined up
Hell, she doesn't even need to know what you're doing and if she ever gives you **** for it, just put on big smile and tell her that she's got quite some balls to accuse you of exactly what she's doing too. Be nice, explain you enjoy spending time with her and understand she enjoys other dudes too and that you're cool with it, you just don't wanna know and hear about it? "Let's keep this on the downlow and just keep our relationship respectful and simple... if you don't wanna do that I'll understand and not hold grudges and we can just part ways"
Fact is... it doesn't seem like she's trying to suck money out of ya, or sperm jack you or anything malicious. It really seem like she's hoping for you to be a side plate for her and she's just completely oblivious how to proceed with that because open relationships are just frowned upon, too many guys with insecurities issues out there calling other dudes that do that, cucks.