I'll put it more simple just like it was in the original
No amount of confidence is gonna help you if you lack value...and here the metaphor that you didnt like that much explained:
A homeless guy with no citizenship therefore no documents (illegal immigrant therefore no insurance for the bank), with no house or property (nothing the bank could take from him) will never get a mortgage no matter the amount of confidence he will show while asking the money in his dirty stinky clothes...everyone got it but you, you precious star had to turn it into a social justice crusade.
The illegal immigrant part was necessary cause a citizen would still be more accountable toward a bank compared to someone that could disappear the same day.
Thats the line which many other users agreed on, confidence without any value of past success to back it up is purely delusional, unless you think whoever else posted in this thread is wrong.
The way you lack to understand basic points while trying to prove others by showing off with eye-catching formulas and such plus a hint of social justice warrior makes me think you are one of those mama boys who are told they are special for simple fact of pissing inside the toilet.
As I told you many times there was no political meaning, I used the illegal immigrant for the simple fact that unlike a poor local citizen, he cant be traced in case the banks needs him....fkn simple as that as anyone else understood.
Next time I will call him Erik instead of Abdul so your social justice warrior sense wont get triggered.