Is most men becoming pussies actually starting to make it HARDER for US?


Jun 23, 2014
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That's fine. I don't want that girl. I have no time or desire to be an orbiter. Caking on the phone is a waste of time.

I'm speaking from experience my man. The chicks I'm smashing all bring up that they want me to text them. But they're still coming over, taking me out, or buying me gifts.
Well, that's fine.....don't text then. But for me, I'm going to need to text. The phone portion is one of the ways I build my attraction/connection with the girl, but every guy is different. The girl is already "pre-sold" from the texting/phone convos we've done by the time we meet up for the "first date", versus me going on the first date and looking to establish all of this with a chick I've barely spoken to.

Plus again, if I've done very little to no communication via phone or text, a lot of the chicks drop off.

The principles of human mating don't change. The intricacies may (how you meet, etc.) change, but women are still attracted to dominate masculine strength qualities. It's never going to change.
I don't know bruh I said, I'm seeing a lot of straight GAY MEN get mass pvssy today as well. I'm talking gay, out of the closet gay. If you can be gay and still call yourself "dominant masculine" then I guess the concept of being a dominant masculine guy has fallen through the floor.

Your whole philosophy is backwards. That's why you call things like frame "cartoonish." Good looks, finances, etc increase the amount of woman you can attract, but do nothing to keep the woman interested.
I've already detailed what keeps a woman "interested" for a relationship, it's the concept of "eating shyt and liking it". Learning how to handle her flaws and being see as useful to her in some form or fashion.

Frame is completely cartoonish, I've already broken that down earlier on in this thread here.

Bruh no disrespect but your entire outlook on women on this forum is negative.......I don't think that helps your credibility on these sort of topics.
- But bruh, my outlook on the job market is negative but I have a well paying job.

- My outlook on the education market is negative, but I still have multiple degrees.

- My outlook on the fitness community is negative, but I'm still in shape.

- My outlook on the trading markets is negative, but I'm still making money.

Just because I provide critical analysis over something (which might mainly paint a negative slant) does not mean my experience nor credibility is lacking in it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
Well, that's fine.....don't text then. But for me, I'm going to need to text. The phone portion is one of the ways I build my attraction/connection with the girl, but every guy is different. The girl is already "pre-sold" from the texting/phone convos we've done by the time we meet up for the "first date", versus me going on the first date and looking to establish all of this with a chick I've barely spoken to.
Where does this need come from? Why are you building connection with a girl? She's supposed to be doing that with you.

Plus again, if I've done very little to no communication via phone or text, a lot of the chicks drop off.
Good. Only the strong (high interest) survive.

I don't know bruh I said, I'm seeing a lot of straight GAY MEN get mass pvssy today as well. I'm talking gay, out of the closet gay. If you can be gay and still call yourself "dominant masculine" then I guess the concept of being a dominant masculine guy has fallen through the floor.

I've already detailed what keeps a woman "interested" for a relationship, it's the concept of "eating shyt and liking it". Learning how to handle her flaws and being see as useful to her in some form or fashion.
Nah. Keeping a woman interested is about being a dominant man to a woman that decided when she first saw you that she wanted your **** inside of her.

A woman that doesn't like you can never like you. She can merely tolerate you if her other options dry up. (These women cheat)

I'll have to look at that.

- But bruh, my outlook on the job market is negative but I have a well paying job.

- My outlook on the education market is negative, but I still have multiple degrees.

- My outlook on the fitness community is negative, but I'm still in shape.

- My outlook on the trading markets is negative, but I'm still making money.

Just because I provide critical analysis over something (which might mainly paint a negative slant) does not mean my experience nor credibility is lacking in it.
Fair enough. Ha.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Where does this need come from? Why are you building connection with a girl? She's supposed to be doing that with you.
Because here's the thing......and I know this goes against all of the touchy feely shyt on this website, but like I keep saying we are NOT the prize dude lol. We are not.

- I don't have 100 messages in my inbox from the opposite sex trying to get into my pants that I didn't initiate the conversation.

- I don't have 40 of the same in my social media inbox.

- I don't have 20 of the same at the local church.

- I don't have 20 of the same at the local bar I attend every other Saturday.

- I don't have 10 of the same at the gym I attend 3 times a week

HB6+ women have this shyt on a rotational basis. I don't have this, the plates I get aren't RUNNING up to me, I have to go up to THEM, stand out from the other 20 - 100 guys, and get her into my plate rotation. How I could be considered "THE PRIZE" in that situation, is beyond me.

It's compared to a stand out high school basketball prospect that is sooooo good, folks believe he might be the next big thing. He will have all sorts of people coming up to him, trying to sell him on coming to their school or even sports agents trying to sell him on going straight to the Pros. It's the high school basketball prospect that's "THE PRIZE" in this situation, not the people trying to recruit him.

Similar to the women situation, it's us men who are trying to RECRUIT THEM, they aren't running up to us trying to seduce/recruit us. Again, I know that goes against the touchy feely, cartoonish shyt on here about being "The Prize"......but unless you're Chris Brown with scores of women lined up trying to seduce/recruit YOU, then you aren't the fvcking Prize.

NOW, just because you aren't "The Prize", doesn't mean you don't have VALUE, you just have to go sell that Value.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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Because here's the thing......and I know this goes against all of the touchy feely shyt on this website, but like I keep saying we are NOT the prize dude lol. We are not.
I'm the prize. I'm the center of my world.

- I don't have 100 messages in my inbox from the opposite sex trying to get into my pants that I didn't initiate the conversation.

- I don't have 40 of the same in my social media inbox.

- I don't have 20 of the same at the local church.

- I don't have 20 of the same at the local bar I attend every other Saturday.

- I don't have 10 of the same at the gym I attend 3 times a week

I don't have 100, but I usually have 6-10 on rotation calling me / texting me every few days or so. I don't initiate. I have about 3-5 full dates lined up per week, but it balloons to dates 2-3 per day if I'm doing an OLD blitz of first dates. You'd have the same if you gave these women a chance to chase you.

HB6+ women have this shyt on a rotational basis. I don't have this, the plates I get aren't RUNNING up to me, I have to go up to THEM, stand out from the other 20 - 100 guys, and get her into my plate rotation. How I could be considered "THE PRIZE" in that situation, is beyond me.

It's compared to a stand out high school basketball prospect that is sooooo good, folks believe he might be the next big thing. He will have all sorts of people coming up to him, trying to sell him on coming to their school or even sports agents trying to sell him on going straight to the Pros. It's the high school basketball prospect that's "THE PRIZE" in this situation, not the people trying to recruit him.

Similar to the women situation, it's us men who are trying to RECRUIT THEM, they aren't running up to us trying to seduce/recruit us. Again, I know that goes against the touchy feely, cartoonish shyt on here about being "The Prize"......but unless you're Chris Brown with scores of women lined up trying to seduce/recruit YOU, then you aren't the fvcking Prize.

NOW, just because you aren't "The Prize", doesn't mean you don't have VALUE, you just have to go sell that Value.
You aren't the prize because you're chasing them. When you back off and stop texting, they get unsure of themselves and it reverses the chase. I had a chick ask me out last night for our second date. I didn't initiate after the first date. I don't text her. I waited 8 days after I met her to call this chick. She picks up the phone wondering why I haven't called. They can't wonder about you if you're texting them.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
I'm the prize. I'm the center of my world.

I don't have 100, but I usually have 6-10 on rotation calling me / texting me every few days or so. I don't initiate. I have about 3-5 full dates lined up per week, but it balloons to dates 2-3 per day if I'm doing an OLD blitz of first dates. You'd have the same if you gave these women a chance to chase you.

You aren't the prize because you're chasing them. When you back off and stop texting, they get unsure of themselves and it reverses the chase. I had a chick ask me out last night for our second date. I didn't initiate after the first date. I don't text her. I waited 8 days after I met her to call this chick. She picks up the phone wondering why I haven't called. They can't wonder about you if you're texting them.
@EyeBRollin, when you meet these women..........who initiates the conversation? Who does the approach? Are you saying these women are ALL approaching you, initiating the conversation, and trying to seduce you with you cherry-picking who you give your "number to", who you "call back", and who you "fvck"?


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
@EyeBRollin, when you meet these women..........who initiates the conversation? Who does the approach? Are you saying these women are ALL approaching you, initiating the conversation, and trying to seduce you with you cherry-picking who you give your "number to", who you "call back", and who you "fvck"?
I approach. I get the number, I close. I call them at least 5 days after and ask them out. I don't text or confirm the date after I set it. Everything is a test of her interest. The interested women show up every time. Most of them text before the date to confirm. They text me to confirm.

I get some flakes with chicks from online dating, but almost never from chicks met through conventional game. They usually respect my time enough to not answer, don't call back, or make some excuse about why they can't go out. I consider myself lucky in that regard. It's all a numbers game.


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2016
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Tenacity is right, a woman's dream man is somebody with the free time of an unemployed person but the finances and no shvts given attitude of some young Saudi prince raging in Dubai. This is what Ray Ray and Pookie and bros are like. Daddy, drugs, or the government are financing them so they have all the free time and responsibilities of some rich Saudi prince.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
Tenacity is right, a woman's dream man is somebody with the free time of an unemployed person but the finances and no shvts given attitude of some young Saudi prince raging in Dubai. This is what Ray Ray and Pookie and bros are like. Daddy, drugs, or the government are financing them so they have all the free time and responsibilities of some rich Saudi prince.
This. Trust. I got more pvssy in one month last year when I was being paid to sit at home (gardening leave) than I have in the last 6 months since I started working full time on two businesses.

In fact, that kind of freedom is what keeps me motivated. The freedom and money to do whatever you want.

This is where theory and reality deviate massively. There's also a different standard depending on what end of the market you're in. Maybe EyeB is dating HB6s. Who knows.

I'm actually in the "text more" camp on this one. I've found the hotter, younger women require far more time texting to develop the comfort needed to date you. They also want to know a lot more about you too. Makes sense given the astronomical number of suitors they have. I also think this is because if you're hotter guy, they will assume you are a player and so will want you to show more of an "investment" in them.

This isn't 1990. If you only text a girl when you want to arrange a date she will assume you only care about fvcking her and will act accordingly. I've lost a lot decent plates with this ultra passivity. And there's always a time cost (one I'd rather not incur) to replacing plates no matter how high value you are.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Texting only to set up dates doesn't work anymore. Its an outdated concept.
My own rule is 'respond only.' If a girl wants to text, we'll text, and sometimes a lot, if that's what she wants. But she starts it, or else she's never hearing from me. They pick up on that, too. I've heard more than once, "I can't believe you were just never going to talk to me again."


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Not sure anything has really changed. I've said it before and I'll say it again (as I always do); it's all relative, not black and white. A woman's texting behaviour, and your own texting behaviour, is purely a reflection of interest level.

In the last 12 months or so, I've had super-hot 8/9's 'respond' (sic) very well to minimal contact from my end. I've even had some tell me outright that they like it. Equally, I've had lesser women paying little or no attention right back.

In evolutionary terms, electronic communication is a brand new concept; as in turn is this inst-gratification, hyper-electronic attention-seeking environment we find ourselves. Texting or any other singular behaviour is always outweighed by general behaviour. A girl might text you every day, but if she's not meeting and engaging as well as texting, the interest level simply isn't high enough.

-Whomever texts more, is more invested.
-Whomever is more invested has more to lose.
-Whomever has more to lose is the least unstable.

This is about as universal black and white truth as exists. You can usually tell how much interest and power you hold (and will continue to hold) over someone the very first time you meet them. If at any point they seem at all disinterested, say the first two or three times of meeting, it's probably going to fizzle at some point. Gut instinct is a thing and should be acted upon. And being more honest with oneself saves a lot of time, effort and analysis paralysis.

Lastly we can consider less how much or little we text, but more the weight of emotional investment behind it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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I spoke of a situation with a recent plate which i have started to encounter more and more often, especially in the younger (18-25) bracket

You play the game tight, minimal muck ups but something still going wrong, IL level seems to cap at about an 8/10 but not increase....

Then i noticed it.

These girls are so USED to AFC behaviour, and now consider that the norm, that DJ'ing actually confuses them

Quote from a mutual friend of said plate:

"She says she thinks you are playing her because you ignore her and only ever talk to her if it's to go out or hook up"

For a minute this blew my mind because.. i followed the rules

but it makes sense. Since then i dropped a few little texts here and there, had a few convos etc and things are going a lot smoother.

It's not only this girl either, i have found many of them just seem to get confused and weird when you work typical game on them.

Is it time to re look at "the rules" for the year 2017?
As most things in life require constant adaptation to remain up to date, this should be no different.

Rules are guidelines and when things change, the rules necessarily must change also.

In simpler terms, it's referred to "Adapt or Die."

Many large well known companies no longer exist due to their unwillingness to Adapt to changing business climates, this is no different.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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This. Trust. I got more pvssy in one month last year when I was being paid to sit at home (gardening leave) than I have in the last 6 months since I started working full time on two businesses.
Gardening leave? That got my attention. What is gardening leave? And what country gives it out?


Don Juan
Nov 19, 2015
Reaction score
My own rule is 'respond only.' If a girl wants to text, we'll text, and sometimes a lot, if that's what she wants. But she starts it, or else she's never hearing from me. They pick up on that, too. I've heard more than once, "I can't believe you were just never going to talk to me again."
I have a similar policy for girls after I've been sleeping with them for a while. But that shit doesn't work before you've had sex. I'm older (31) and I fucking hate texting. I really do. But these girls who are under 25 are so used to texting non-stop that if you don't text them for a day, they assume you either don't like them, or are playing games.

The concept of "I just don't like texting" is as foreign as saying "When I see a dog, I just have to stick my finger up it's asshole :)". It's not only bizarre to them, it's downright creepy. Girls born since 1995 literally consider blowing up her phone with stuff like "OMG, you're so pretty. Just wanted to tell you that" and texting her 40 more times per day is far more normal than a guy who doesn't text for even ONE day.

I was just talking to a girl that I'm not into who's at best a 6 with a very masculine jaw. She was telling me there's a guy from one of her classes that she thought she liked and they were texting, snapping, and Facetiming for 3 days. And then yesterday, he said he was super busy and *only* texted her about a dozen times and then wanted to Facetime around midnight.
She says "I wonder if he's just messing with me or a serial killer or something, you know? Or has a wife or something. He's been texting and snapping me all day, but I just don't trust he's okay now". So she's ignoring him.
From ONE day of *only* texting and ONLY Facetiming once. He's either a serial killer or married.

I fucking hate it, but Tenacity is right. Girls under 25 absolutely expect constant attention, and if you don't do it, she legitimately thinks there is something wrong with you or you don't like her. Once you've fucked her, you can put up more distance, but I've played the "Don't text her for 3 days" side of things for a lot longer than I should have, because I legitimately don't fucking feel like hearing about what goddamn snacks she's buying at the gas station. But guess what? If I don't do that, virtually every one of these girls will drop me flat.

I can still get away with rarely texting women closer to my own age, and once a woman has a full time job, the amount of texting and snapping you have to do decreases. Casper saved me a lot of time when I learned I can just make a dozen snaps and reuse them for different girls even months later.

The one area that's old school that I guess I've resurrected is "Routines". I just have like 25 things I text every new woman I meet so I don't have to waste my time coming up with new shit.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
The one area that's old school that I guess I've resurrected is "Routines". I just have like 25 things I text every new woman I meet so I don't have to waste my time coming up with new shit.
lol, what things?


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
@GetSwifty... wow... for real man? I got a DJ life to work on lol. I couldn't imagine sitting there all day with text game trying to raise or maintain interest level... o_O

Dat entitlement. Dear Lord Almighty.

I would venture to say this also applies to plates older than 25 who have a phone full of OLD, social media, and other orbiter options to hand pick through. Wow.

Whatever happened to mystery and giving them the gift up absence? I just can't imagine a guy with abundance or of much value applying all this texting to all plates. Again, too much work.

Routines, heh... reminds of the canned routines I used to use in my early 20s approaching sets with DHV stories. Now, apparently, guys use canned text routines to get a plate to invest.

I guess that's no different than the hoops guys have to jump through with OLD when casting a line in the water waiting for a fish to take the bait and latch onto.
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Don Juan
Nov 19, 2015
Reaction score
@GetSwifty... wow... for real man? I got a DJ life to work on lol. I couldn't imagine sitting there all day with text game trying to raise or maintain interest level... o_O.
You're so cool. You're better than me.
I worship you.

Has anyone built you an altar so I can offer a sacrifice, or do I need build one so that I and others can do so?


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
Lol. Did you just put me up on a pedestal? ;) Lol, not poking fun at you, bro. Really, honestly shocked at how much texting a plate needs these days.