The RANT Thread (Let It Out Here)


Senior Don Juan
Jun 15, 2009
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Okay so then let me see you acknowledge that the "mind" of the people in the Charleston Church attracted Dylann Roof to the church that day to kill them.......because if the Law of Attraction theory is true, then that would be what happened.

Let me see you acknowledge that....or are you not going to acknowledge that? Are you going to just cherry pick the "good stuff"?
I don't even follow this law of attraction stuff and I personally believe happiness is a choice. Either you choose to be happy or be negative and miserable as you have been. Your current world view is ridiculous, how is an unexpected tragedy supposed to be a consequence of negative thinking? Bad **** will happen to some people no matter what their personal philosophy doesn't change what you as an individual should be doing.

I am happy all the time and its very simple I choose to focus on the good things, think positively and focus on the things I can control. The people you are bringing as examples have no control in such scenarios and no one in such a situation would have it. They are justified to have negative emotions in such a situation but the big difference between them and you is you have total control over yours but you like to claim you're a realist and that you have too many stressful things going on.

You can literally drop every plate you have and start dating white, latino and asian women. You can MGTOW. You can get a new job. You can choose to change your perspective on the things around you and search for the positive aspects of it. I also have had a history of women and men spending money on me without me even requesting it and it's not cause I was broke at the time either. They just enjoy hanging out with me and I have no idea why they do it.

Things have been really bad for me but having a positive outlook and smiling all the time, cracking jokes and being a genuinely happy and fun person to be around costs nothing. These silly theories and counter arguments haven't helped you all these years. Just try to focus on the good things in your life and in yourself and **** everything else, work towards your goals and don't let people or situations affect your emotions, only you have that power.


Jun 23, 2014
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I don't even follow this law of attraction stuff and I personally believe happiness is a choice. Either you choose to be happy or be negative and miserable as you have been. Your current world view is ridiculous, how is an unexpected tragedy supposed to be a consequence of negative thinking? Bad **** will happen to some people no matter what their personal philosophy doesn't change what you as an individual should be doing.

I am happy all the time and its very simple I choose to focus on the good things, think positively and focus on the things I can control. The people you are bringing as examples have no control in such scenarios and no one in such a situation would have it. They are justified to have negative emotions in such a situation but the big difference between them and you is you have total control over yours but you like to claim you're a realist and that you have too many stressful things going on.

You can literally drop every plate you have and start dating white, latino and asian women. You can MGTOW. You can get a new job. You can choose to change your perspective on the things around you and search for the positive aspects of it. I also have had a history of women and men spending money on me without me even requesting it and it's not cause I was broke at the time either. They just enjoy hanging out with me and I have no idea why they do it.

Things have been really bad for me but having a positive outlook and smiling all the time, cracking jokes and being a genuinely happy and fun person to be around costs nothing. These silly theories and counter arguments haven't helped you all these years. Just try to focus on the good things in your life and in yourself and **** everything else, work towards your goals and don't let people or situations affect your emotions, only you have that power.
It's amazing to me how you guys keep repeating that I'm this overly negative person........when I'm one of the hardest working and one of the most successful (based on looks/abs, money, and women/dates) on this gawd damn forum lol.

I'm a CRITICAL thinker. That's just what it is. I believe the Law of Attraction is B.S. and I believe Positive Thinking AND Negative Thinking are both B.S. as whether something is "positive" or "negative" is based on the eyes of the beholder.

You guys are just going to have to get used to it lol. If you want to walk around on fluffy clouds, repeating your positive affirmations, and listening to your "motivational sermons" then FINE.....all power to you.

Tenacity is a thinking person. A rational person. I'm a hard data, numbers, market analysis, technical/analytical motherfvcker lol. You will NEVER get me to subscribe to the Law of Attraction NOR this notion that a guy can just BECOME whatever he BELIEVES/THINKS/DREAMS about. That's straight cartoonish bullshyt :cry::rofl::cry:


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
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Help me understand how because I do not see any direct links.

- Some of the most successful, richest, and most popular people on the PLANET, are known to have problems dealing with all sorts of issues such as dealing with depression, alcohol dependency, etc. If thinking positive is the requirement for success, why are these people (with these underlying negative emotional traits) thriving?

- This argument that thinking positive is a direct correlation to "success", is not proven, not backed by any scientific studies, and not measurable by any standards. It's literally just some "feel good" stuff that the Self-Improvement Industry, Sales Industry, and Prosperity Gospel community promotes in order to SELL their material, books, seminars, etc.

Becoming a millionaire or making 6 figures for example, has always and will always be about you providing unique skills, products, services, etc., to a market that is in DEMAND of said unique talents/services and pays a profitable premium for said unique talents/services. That's what drives business and that's what creates wealth. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with how "positive" you feel on the inside.

Now please, explain to me how I'm wrong.......because I would really love to know.
Strawman arguments as usual.

Will you likely be more successful with a positive attitude? "Some of the most..." Come on man, re-read that statement and come back to me... You can apply "some of the most..." to any type, race, gender, etc etc of people. Your arguments are like walking on water. I am not going to pretend (as you shouldn't) to talk about others success and their attitudes based on their drug or alcohol dependency.

I did not say there is a direct correlation to success. Most people are positive without spending a dime on it. Some need help with it because they can't seem to figure it out themselves. I usually recommend books because I have a hard time relating to those who struggle maintaining a positive attitude.

Millionaires and 6-figure salaries should be a floor of goals. Anyone who is reasonably intelligent in investing and ambitious should have at least one of those by 40. Business is about relationships. If you have a crappy attitude, people will not want your services. That is, assuming you are not offering some groundbreaking technology or service. It is much more difficult to build those relationships if you do not have a positive attitude. Can it be done? Sure! I did not say it can't. Once again, another strawman argument.

Being controlled by your emotions is very feminine, which is why I think most logic presented to you is completely discarded. It is like your issues with women. You know the problem or have been told many times, but still keep doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting a different result... that, my friend, is the definition of insanity...

Just curious, what do you do for work?


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
What to rant about? ****, my life and my family lmao. By where the hell do I start? Eh, I have a better idea: I won't.



Jun 23, 2014
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I did not say there is a direct correlation to success.
Sir come on now, don't start with the semantics game, I hate when you guys do this lol. Your stance is that a guy's thoughts, beliefs, and dreams determines HIS WORLD.....that's your stance and I'm slicing that argument apart to see if it LOGICALLY has any merit to it (and it doesn't).

Why is it that no major University, Scientist, or anybody in a similar research role, is looking into the notion of positive thoughts creating success? Why is that?

If you have a crappy attitude, people will not want your services.
That's called having BAD customer service and being unprofessional. That has nothing to do with The Law Of Attraction, Positive thinking, or any of the other cartoonish stuff you guys are promoting. I can service my clients/customers and be very professional, without subscribing to any of the Law Of Attraction/Positive Thinking shyt.

Being controlled by your emotions is very feminine,
Do you also tell that to the drug dealers, thugs, and criminals who will SHOOT YOU in the neck for stepping on their Jordans?

..........which is why I think most logic presented to you is completely discarded.
Sir I'm waiting for you, Bible Belt, or one of you Law of Attraction/Positive Thinking promoters to present ANY form of logic, ration, or scientific research in your assertions.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I'm not one of these Law of Attraction guys, but I do think that thinking positively gives you your best chance to succeed.

That's only generally speaking though because I know I've gone out to play golf or tennis feeling pretty down on my game, and then had one of my best days. And I've gone out feeling positive and played like absolute sh!t. So there's more at work here. Sometimes when you expect the worst, it helps you focus on the bad habits and avoiding them.

I know you're a successful guy, Tenacity ( well Guru wouldn't say so lol), so you must be doing something right. But what good is your success doing you if you're miserable? You can learn to be happy, I firmly believe that.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score
Sir come on now, don't start with the semantics game, I hate when you guys do this lol. Your stance is that a guy's thoughts, beliefs, and dreams determines HIS WORLD.....that's your stance and I'm slicing that argument apart to see if it LOGICALLY has any merit to it (and it doesn't).

Why is it that no major University, Scientist, or anybody in a similar research role, is looking into the notion of positive thoughts creating success? Why is that?

That's called having BAD customer service and being unprofessional. That has nothing to do with The Law Of Attraction, Positive thinking, or any of the other cartoonish stuff you guys are promoting. I can service my clients/customers and be very professional, without subscribing to any of the Law Of Attraction/Positive Thinking shyt.

Do you also tell that to the drug dealers, thugs, and criminals who will SHOOT YOU in the neck for stepping oans?

Sir I'm waiting for you, Bible Belt, or one of you Law of Attraction/Positive Thinking promoters to present ANY form of logic, ration, or scientific research in your assertions.
I've never even heard of this laws of attraction crap you keep ranting about, not sure why you even brought that into the discussion. That video was pointless and common sense. More straw man arguments...

I have attempted to stay on topic, but you talked about the laws of attraction, thugs shooting me, success is due to happiness, customer service(which does need a positive attitude), "some of the most...", and bunches of other common sense nonsense. It may be better just to listen and say... "Okay honey" because I really think your just looking for a Soapbox.

Still curious what you do for work?


Jun 23, 2014
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But what good is your success doing you if you're miserable? You can learn to be happy, I firmly believe that.
I wouldn't say I'm miserable though, I'm just constantly focused on conquering new goals. I have goals for one quarter, I hit them, and immediately start planning for the next quarter's goals. In the process, I never really STOP and smell the roses so to speak.

To give you a good analogy, I'm like a guy running on a treadmill that never stops. I'm head first on achieving the goals that I have (which is why I keep running on the treadmill) but the process of continually running on the treadmill makes you tired, weary, your legs begin to cramp, your back hurts, you're sweaty, etc. Those "conditions" makes one in a bad mood a good chunk of the time, EVEN THOUGH, he's focused on hitting goals.

To break it down further Zekko:

- I'm doing work related stuff at least 60 - 70 hours a week. Includes direct stuff for work and indirect stuff like research, education, etc. Quotas have to be hit which adds to the level of pressure/stress.

- I have to maintain a workout schedule.

- I have to maintain an eating schedule.

- I have to manage my own financial planning, retirement, investments, etc.

- I have to create my own business plans, career plans, etc.

This will stress anybody out, don't you agree? Not to blow my own horn, but I think I'm pretty strong to be able to handle/manage all of this shyt the way I do. MOST people would have been had a nervous breakdown.
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Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
I've never even heard of this laws of attraction crap you keep ranting about, not sure why you even brought that into the discussion. That video was pointless and common sense.
Then if the video is common sense, we don't have a debate....because you AGREE with me. Smh, you guys don't even know what stances you hold.