The RANT Thread (Let It Out Here)


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2015
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New York, USA
Bitches ain't ****. You will never find true love.
The red pill is bitter, and you can't swallow it.
You have to chew a small dose every day.

I could go on and on. Although the things we speak about here make us jaded to a certain extent, in the long run it protects us from immense pain, suffering, and divorce rape. Am I happy to have had my eyes opened as a teenager? Although it is sad, yes. I definitely saved myself a world of trouble by stumbling upon SS.


Mar 12, 2011
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Tenacity its seems like some days you see the light, and other days you refuse because things don't go your way.

Remember the world owes you nothing. They don't care if you are dead or alive, married or divorced, been homeless growing up, abused as a child, lost money in a stock, or were the King of China. ALL people care about is to get as much work from as possible while giving as little as they can in return. People want to USE you for their own personal benefit. Even your buddies or your girlfriend, if they can't get good use out of you, they won't call you back or even go to your funeral.

I can't repeat this enough: NO ONE CARES, NO ONE CARES, NO ONE CARES. Once you realize no one cares and your best friends and girlfriend wouldn't mind if had a nervous breakdown and were wiped off the face of the earth, you will realize the only way it take it easy.


Jun 23, 2014
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It is amazing how positive thinking impacts just about everything with your life from your social interactions to your career and ambition. Now, I am naturally extremely positive to the point where people think I just don't care about anything (have been told by several people), so I have a real hard time relating to those who don't do as well with intense emotions... I tell them "it will all buff out" (as it always does), but they just want to punch me... To me, life is a journey, not a destination! Challenges and stresses are part of the adventure, you can't expect it to be easy. Maybe you need to work on your expectations? i.e. drop them altogether?

If you don't mind sharing, what do you do for work? I am in Training and Development, or as my buddies call me.. "the koolaid production manager", so having a positive outlook is a critical element to my job performance.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
- This argument that thinking positive is a direct correlation to "success", is not proven, not backed by any scientific studies, and not measurable by any standards.

Now please, explain to me how I'm wrong.......because I would really love to know.
It depends on how you define success. I think success is being happy. I would take that over rich and miserable.

And regarding your earlier comment, I don't have to live off women. But it's easy, because I am a happy, positive person. That's a lot more rare than a miserable woman with a job. Emotion is contagious, and that is my main appeal to women. If you can be happy with your life, then women will gravitate toward you. It does not matter at all how logically successful your life is; what matters is your attitude about that life.

And honestly, my friend, that is your problem. You're jaded about women because you are attracting women who have a worldview that is equally as negative as your own. I've told you this before, go and volunteer at an animal shelter to meet the women who work there. They don't care how much money you make, or what car you drive. You're going to ignore that advice, though, because it threatens your paradigm. Everyone gets what they want out of life, whether they realize it or not. What you have now is what you really have money, but no close relationships. Ask yourself why that is the case. I don't know the answer, only you know.


Jun 23, 2014
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It depends on how you define success. I think success is being happy. I would take that over rich and miserable.

And regarding your earlier comment, I don't have to live off women. But it's easy, because I am a happy, positive person. That's a lot more rare than a miserable woman with a job. Emotion is contagious, and that is my main appeal to women. If you can be happy with your life, then women will gravitate toward you. It does not matter at all how logically successful your life is; what matters is your attitude about that life.

And honestly, my friend, that is your problem. You're jaded about women because you are attracting women who have a worldview that is equally as negative as your own. I've told you this before, go and volunteer at an animal shelter to meet the women who work there. They don't care how much money you make, or what car you drive. You're going to ignore that advice, though, because it threatens your paradigm. Everyone gets what they want out of life, whether they realize it or not. What you have now is what you really have money, but no close relationships. Ask yourself why that is the case. I don't know the answer, only you know.
So Bible Belt, you are continuing to promote this law of attraction stuff.

Let me ask you a quick question.

- You used to do MMA, correct? Why do MMA fighters have weight classes?

- Is it NOT because it would be unfair (based upon things out of the fighter's control) for a Featherweight to go against a Heavyweight? Basically, no matter how POSITIVE the Featherweight thinks in their ability to defeat the Heavyweight, things outside of their control (like their opponent's size and power) would make it such that it would be an impossible feat.

Now correct me if I'm wrong on that. My entire point with the example is to pinpoint that if the Law of Attraction was real, and how a guy thought, felt, and imagined could literally create WHATEVER life he wanted.......then a Featherweight should be able to easily defeat a Heavyweight in MMA and there would be no need for weight classes.

  • Furthermore, I've been thinking, feeling, and imagining fvcking NIA LONG since I was 15. I've had visual images of her naked in my bed, with me pounding her back in. I'm now 33 and have been positively imagining and visualizing this shyt for now close to 20 years. And guess what? NIA LONG has never stepped foot in my bedroom.

  • Or, how about another example. Let's take those starving kids and families in those 3rd world countries. You know, the ones who all DREAM of coming to America so they can be free (which is why many of them are trying to get into this damn country, both legally and illegally). But only a small percentage of them are able to get to a free country (be it America or somewhere else). Why is it that only a small percentage of them are able to be free, if they have been thinking, feeling, and visualizing it for such a long period of time?

  • about another example. The Law Of Attraction/Self Help/Prosperity Gospel related industry is a booming industry. It's a BILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY. That means tens of millions of Americans are believing and practicing the power of positivity and the Law of Attraction. But then Bible Belt, if that's so, why is it that 80% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck (broke), why is it that 70% are overweight, and why is it that 40% are obese? Why are MOST Americans up to their eyeballs in debt? I mean with all of these people buying into this BILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY, how can this be so?

I'll await your reply.......
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Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Also Bible Belt and others who are promoting this Law of Attraction stuff, I have additional questions:

- The people who died on 9-11 from the terrorist attacks, were they all "thinking negative" up to that point and the vibrations in the universe caused them to be on the planes to die that day?

- To the innocent women who get raped throughout the year, were they all "thinking negative" up to that point and the vibrations in the universe caused them to be raped?

- To the innocent people who lost their life savings from the Madoff scam, were they all "thinking negative" up to that point and the vibrations in the universe caused them to be scammed by Madoff?

- To the innocent people who got shot up in the church by Dilan Roof, shot up by Elliot Rogers, shot up by the psycho in the movie theater, shot up by the psychos on the school/college campuses, were they all "thinking negative" up to that point and the vibrations in the universe caused them to be shot up?


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Aren't you in Michigan? Weed is almost legal there. I can tell that you don't smoke. If you tried it, then you would be a lot less upset about all of these things that are making you so angry.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Waa waa waa. I need to rant. Again.

Most babies have more masculinity than Tenacity.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Aren't you in Michigan? Weed is almost legal there. I can tell that you don't smoke. If you tried it, then you would be a lot less upset about all of these things that are making you so angry.
Okay so you aren't going to answer any question I laid out?


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
You asked about positive thinking. It's not that it gives you supernatural abilities, but it allows you to get 100% of your potential. Kirk Warner and Tim Tebow are two good examples. Kirk Warner went from bagging groceries to being a Super Bowl champion. He credits his faith. Tim Tebow is just a minor league baseball player right now, but I can tell you he's there because he believes God is with him at every at-bat. Maybe he's nuts, but he is one hell of an athlete, and a lot of it has to do with his beliefs. Your mind has the power to get you 100% of your potential.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
You asked about positive thinking. It's not that it gives you supernatural abilities, but it allows you to get 100% of your potential. Kirk Warner and Tim Tebow are two good examples. Kirk Warner went from bagging groceries to being a Super Bowl champion. He credits his faith. Tim Tebow is just a minor league baseball player right now, but I can tell you he's there because he believes God is with him at every at-bat. Maybe he's nuts, but he is one hell of an athlete, and a lot of it has to do with his beliefs. Your mind has the power to get you 100% of your potential.
But here's the thing Bible Belt, we can't cherry pick this stuff.

- If you are going to make the assertion that your mind/thoughts CREATE your world, you can't just cherry pick some "good examples" of someone "believing in themselves" and thus this awesome world was created.

- If you are going to go with the assertion that your mind/thoughts CREATE your world, you have to also make the proclamation that the innocent people shot up in the Charleston Church by Dylann Roof, CREATED that situation through thinking "negative" in some capacity and the universe drawing Dylann Roof into their church to kill them.

NOW, if you are going to say that the notion of the people dying in the Church being a result of them thinking "negative" and Dylann Roof being "drawn" into the church to kill them that day is ludicrous....then you are going to have to ALSO state that Kirk Warner going from bagging groceries to SuperBowl Champion on account of his "thoughts" is also ludicrous.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Belief doesn't create your world. It just gives you your full potential in that world.
Okay now you are doing what EVERYONE of these Law of Attraction folks do when I breakdown their argument and throw it RIGHT back in their start changing your definition.

- You specifically outlined earlier that my thoughts and views CREATED my situation in the world.

- Now you are trying to say my thoughts and views just limit my potential

So which is it lol? Don't try to change the definition sir. The Law of Attraction/The Secret specifically states that a person's present day reality is a DIRECT result of the thoughts, images, and visions that they have flowing within their head.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
You specifically outlined earlier that my thoughts and views CREATED my situation in the world.

- Now you are trying to say my thoughts and views just limit my potential

What is the difference? It's about your mind holding you back.

I double dog dare you to go volunteer at at animal charity, just to hit on the girls. They will have a positive attitude, and that will be good for you. Emotion is contagious,


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
What is the difference? It's about your mind holding you back.,
Okay so then let me see you acknowledge that the "mind" of the people in the Charleston Church attracted Dylann Roof to the church that day to kill them.......because if the Law of Attraction theory is true, then that would be what happened.

Let me see you acknowledge that....or are you not going to acknowledge that? Are you going to just cherry pick the "good stuff"?