Lets talk about Money

Oct 6, 2016
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If you find any kind of success here.. most of the guys are quick to downplay your success or tell you something is still wrong with you. Such as "She sees you as a beta provider" or "She only likes you because you have money". Yet, these same guys would be glad to have what you have. Both the money and the hot women.
not really that, they will try to stop you from having success and being a playboy by trying to talk you out of it


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Again, one would have to ask what are they compensating or what are they running from.
It's now over-compensation when you discuss your SUCCESS on a MALE SELF IMPROVEMENT forum? That's like saying I was show-boating for posting my Ab pics in the Health and Fitness section for goodness sakes.

Why don't you guys just come out and admit the following:

"I'm a failure and thus, everybody around me needs to be a fvcking failure as well or else, it will make me feel uncomfortable to hear/see them display/discuss their success."

I can understand one poster is running from poverty (fear motivated). The fear motivated poster is a very unhappy individual and when other posters try to offer him advice such as "money is not everything" he tries to shame them by saying "I bet you'll struggle to pay your rent this month".
I guess I'm the fear motivated poster who is very unhappy. :rofl:

It's fvcking obvious that money makes the world go around and financial intelligence is fundamental to the thinking man's survival.
I don't think it's so fvcking obvious because:

- The Wealth section of this forum gets very little traffic

- The vast majority of you guys keep talking about MONEY doesn't mean shyt


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
I look on this thread and even on this forum, what I see are a sizable number of men with sour grapes and envy in them which comes out as pure cope.

Having a lifestyle of hot girls and parties is overrated.

Money is overrated, being rich sucks.

These are guys who cannot be honest with themselves, they spend their days on a forum designed to make men into the kinds of men hot women want to sleep with yet they cannot even admit to themselves that they want that. I find that these men are the male versions of the feminists that claim looks don't matter, the beauty standard should be abolished, but will jump on the first hot guy that gives them attention. The amount of dishonesty on here is appalling at times and I see through it.

A lot of these are the same guys who will tell you that hot girls who sleep around are sluts and you shouldn't chase hot girls but when you bring your hot girlfriend around, if given the opportunity, these guys will pounce!

These men lie and try to take the moral high ground but these are also some of the nastiest people on the planet who will backstab you in a heart beat.

Be weary of the guys who claim that getting hot girls and making money is overrated or try to talk you out of it, most of the times they are trying to limit the competition in a very under-handed sort of way.
^^^ 100% Agree ;)

If you find any kind of success here.. most of the guys are quick to downplay your success or tell you something is still wrong with you. Such as "She sees you as a beta provider" or "She only likes you because you have money". Yet, these same guys would be glad to have what you have. Both the money and the hot women.
Yes, they aren't shyt but loser a.ss haters man. The vast majority of the Manosphere (honestly) are broke losers, who make less than $30,000 a year with either NEGATIVE net worths or a net worth under $5,000.

This is why the majority of the bootcamp material that PUAs promote to these guys, talk about how they can be broke, ugly, out of shape, and without a lot of money.......and STILL score HB8 women like hot cakes!

It's comparable to the fitness industry promoting fvcking fat burners and ab belts. They are promoting the shyt because they are just looking to sell products and they KNOW, motherfvckers are lazy as fvck to do the REAL WORK, so here.....let me sell you this bullshyt ab belt and it will do the work for you :confused:

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score
Some of us were going out with attractive women before we even had our first proper job. Therefore, gaining positive reference points that money wasn't our primary value.
So much this.

I feel like guys that get hot girls after they have success in life through money and fame are often the ones who have an easy time seeing through it all, they don't fall for women as easily and they know what women are truly like having not gotten any attention growing up.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Some of us were going out with attractive women before we even had our first proper job. Therefore, gaining positive reference points that money wasn't our primary value.
Lol were you 16 - 21? That's completely different than being 27 - 40 without a job.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
Yes, they aren't shyt but loser a.ss haters man. The vast majority of the Manosphere (honestly) are broke losers, who make less than $30,000 a year with either NEGATIVE net worths or a net worth under $5,000.

This is why the majority of the bootcamp material that PUAs promote to these guys, talk about how they can be broke, ugly, out of shape, and without a lot of money.......and STILL score HB8 women like hot cakes!

It's comparable to the fitness industry promoting fvcking fat burners and ab belts. They are promoting the shyt because they are just looking to sell products and they KNOW, motherfvckers are lazy as fvck to do the REAL WORK, so here.....let me sell you this bullshyt ab belt and it will do the work for you :confused:
This is another thing people who are not successful or business minded don't understand. The entire world runs on MONEY and growth. Selling self-help books is more about money than helping people improve their lives. They teach people how to put a band-aid on bullet wound with "positive thinking" or whatever. It doesn't fix the underlying problem of LOW VALUE, but it provides enough of a temporary mood boost to keep people interested. Telling low value people they are "superior" is an easy way to make money. You basically tell them: I'll teach you how to date supermodels while being a total loser if you PAY ME. And I will use that money to raise my value and date supermodels" lol.

What the world cares about is value. The best advice to people is to become someone who has a lot to offer others. Money is one way to become that person. People are kidding themselves when they deny how this world works.

There is money in the treatment, but not in the cure. When you cure (fix the problem) the money dries up. You need to treat the problem to keep people coming back so you can keep making money. I can have people PAY ME to tell them money doesn't matter in a self-help book, while I line my pockets with their money lol. People get rich this way all the time. Why not sell the books for free? Because money matters. That's why.


New Member
Apr 17, 2017
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So much this.

I feel like guys that get hot girls after they have success in life through money and fame are often the ones who have an easy time seeing through it all, they don't fall for women as easily and they know what women are truly like having not gotten any attention growing up.
I'm confused are you saying, that if a guy gets rich and successful before any women pay him any attention, he'll have a better chance filtering out the dimes from the trash? I'd assume he'd be more susceptible to **** like one-itis, because he doesn't have any previous experience with women, and chances are he's living in some sorta blue-pill world. A guy doesn't have to be some kinda mega-millionaire to command attention from the opposite sex. They say its AFBB for a reason...


Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score
It's now over-compensation when you discuss your SUCCESS on a MALE SELF IMPROVEMENT forum? That's like saying I was show-boating for posting my Ab pics in the Health and Fitness section for goodness sakes.

Why don't you guys just come out and admit the following:

"I'm a failure and thus, everybody around me needs to be a fvcking failure as well or else, it will make me feel uncomfortable to hear/see them display/discuss their success."

I guess I'm the fear motivated poster who is very unhappy. :rofl:

I don't think it's so fvcking obvious because:

- The Wealth section of this forum gets very little traffic

- The vast majority of you guys keep talking about MONEY doesn't mean shyt
Ok man, if it makes you feel better....here you go...I'm a failure in life and a broke loser.....there you go fella. It must be a fairy god mother
or the elves or something who are taking care of me....

If the manosphere is so full of broke losers.........why do you come here and associate with such people? What does that say about you a beacon of financial and personal success lowering himself to come here, and degenerate himself in the company of a bunch of broke losers. Are you a sadist or something?

You've been crying on here for at least a year about how you're leaving the manosphere......and yet here you are, still posting away, dissecting piece by piece any post that disagrees with you or threatens your view of the world.....hugely ego invested in your own limited view of the world you are becoming the very laughable cartoon character that you claim to disdain...

I'll tell you what's clear:
1. You are so thirsty for attention it's palpable
2. You are a hypocrite

"I'm a failure and thus, everybody around me needs to be a fvcking failure as well or else, it will make me feel uncomfortable to hear/see them display/discuss their success."

Aren't you the very person who is lambasting woman as attention seeking *****s because they are not only on OLD but they are on Facebook too......and what are they doing according to you? Attention seeking. And what are you doing? Criticizing them for it. And what are you doing? Displaying your wares and your three degrees and your little photo with your little abs. And what are you doing? Attention seeking. You crave attention. You are as thirsty or even more thirsty than your *****s on POF.

Read your sentence again above. If you cannot see the hypocrisy in it there's no help for you.

But it's okay for you because your on a (what did you put in caps again?) a MALE SELF IMPROVEMENT SITE. But it's not okay for women because they are.....? And no, I'm not here defending women....I'm simply pointing out your hypocritical, thirsty behavior.

Personally, I wasn't a loser with women when I came to this site. I believe you were, right? Unsuccessful with women until you found the manosphere, right? So you were told go to the gym .I assume you never exercised or did sport before so I can understand that you relate the fitness section to the manosphere.

....I came to this site after having read The Rational Male. I can assure you it was not my first read on behavioral psychology nor was it my first read in relation to "game". My interest in coming here was to do with expanding and sharing intergender relations knowledge. Nothing more.

I suspect that's why the vast majority of men are here and the vast majority probably do not have the time nor the inclination to write diary sized posts in the wealth, health or anything else sections. But if you want to equate that to mean that everybody else here apart from you and your new boyfriend are broke losers, then be my guest.

Where's there's perception there's deception, and you my friend have my permission to remain deluded.

You are someone who is clearly incapable of self-reflection. It's never you, it has to be everyone else, right?

Stay deluded.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
If the manosphere is so full of broke losers.........why do you come here and associate with such people?
Because it's one of the very few places in this world where I can come and discuss issues with this market of women that I'm dating/fvcking/managing/considering making a CHILD with......I don't have another credible outlet to discuss these things with other than the typical, blue pill, beta male bullshyt advice the world spits out.

What does that say about you a beacon of financial and personal success lowering himself to come here, and degenerate himself in the company of a bunch of broke losers. Are you a sadist or something?
Listen, I'm just pointing out why PUAs market their material using lines that all it takes is INNER GAME/Personality to get women, and you can be broke, ugly, and out of shape.

That advice is bullshyt but the reason they are promoting the material that way, is because MOST of the Manosphere are broke, out of shape, lazy, and don't have the ambition to improve their looks or financial status, which I would say is one of the MAIN reasons why they are struggling to get dates/sex.

I'll tell you what's clear:
1. You are so thirsty for attention it's palpable
2. You are a hypocrite
I admit, I'm an attention wh0re lol.....the hypocrite thing isn't true though.

Aren't you the very person who is lambasting woman as attention seeking *****s because they are not only on OLD but they are on Facebook too......and what are they doing according to you? Attention seeking. And what are you doing? Criticizing them for it. And what are you doing? Displaying your wares and your three degrees and your little photo with your little abs. And what are you doing? Attention seeking. You crave attention. You are as thirsty or even more thirsty than your *****s on POF.
I'm discussing how the market is trash and that there's no difference between an OLD site like POF and Facebook. Also I haven't had my abs pic up in months. I haven't mentioned anything about my degrees in this thread either. So WHY are you bringing them up, other than if there's some level of jealousy there?

If a guy discussing his SUCCESSES in life gets him attention, then that's a good thing.....people should strive to be like said guy. Just because a guy gets attention, doesn't mean it's bad attention.

For as much of an attention-wh0re on Sosuave and in REAL LIFE that I am, you can't find one person who has been negatively "influenced" by Tenacity. Tenacity inspires people to:

- Get out of poverty
- Get their finances together
- Build a career
- Build their retirement
- A REAL path to become a Millionaire
- A REAL path to get in shape with a 6 pack
- Fix their looks, personality, and finances to become attractive
- Play the numbers game and build up plates of women
- Zone in on if they want a legal relationship and the risks they must mitigate if doing so

Yes, I'm an attention wh0re but at least I'm doing something productive with the attention I get.

Personally, I wasn't a loser with women when I came to this site. I believe you were, right?
Not at all. I came in here Summer 2014, this was WELL in the middle of my financial surge and dating/fvcking a lot of women period that's still going on today.

My purpose here has always been to network with and meet other guys who understand the issues/challenges of dealing with today's market of women. It's why I always promoted us not being anonymous, because we can build a very strong network nationally and be a very GOOD assistance to each other going forward.

It would be a very large brotherhood, a fraternity of sorts.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
Ok man, if it makes you feel better....here you go...I'm a failure in life and a broke loser.....there you go fella. It must be a fairy god mother
or the elves or something who are taking care of me....

If the manosphere is so full of broke losers.........why do you come here and associate with such people? What does that say about you a beacon of financial and personal success lowering himself to come here, and degenerate himself in the company of a bunch of broke losers. Are you a sadist or something?

You've been crying on here for at least a year about how you're leaving the manosphere......and yet here you are, still posting away, dissecting piece by piece any post that disagrees with you or threatens your view of the world.....hugely ego invested in your own limited view of the world you are becoming the very laughable cartoon character that you claim to disdain...

I'll tell you what's clear:
1. You are so thirsty for attention it's palpable
2. You are a hypocrite

"I'm a failure and thus, everybody around me needs to be a fvcking failure as well or else, it will make me feel uncomfortable to hear/see them display/discuss their success."

Aren't you the very person who is lambasting woman as attention seeking *****s because they are not only on OLD but they are on Facebook too......and what are they doing according to you? Attention seeking. And what are you doing? Criticizing them for it. And what are you doing? Displaying your wares and your three degrees and your little photo with your little abs. And what are you doing? Attention seeking. You crave attention. You are as thirsty or even more thirsty than your *****s on POF.

Read your sentence again above. If you cannot see the hypocrisy in it there's no help for you.

But it's okay for you because your on a (what did you put in caps again?) a MALE SELF IMPROVEMENT SITE. But it's not okay for women because they are.....? And no, I'm not here defending women....I'm simply pointing out your hypocritical, thirsty behavior.

Personally, I wasn't a loser with women when I came to this site. I believe you were, right? Unsuccessful with women until you found the manosphere, right? So you were told go to the gym .I assume you never exercised or did sport before so I can understand that you relate the fitness section to the manosphere.

....I came to this site after having read The Rational Male. I can assure you it was not my first read on behavioral psychology nor was it my first read in relation to "game". My interest in coming here was to do with expanding and sharing intergender relations knowledge. Nothing more.

I suspect that's why the vast majority of men are here and the vast majority probably do not have the time nor the inclination to write diary sized posts in the wealth, health or anything else sections. But if you want to equate that to mean that everybody else here apart from you and your new boyfriend are broke losers, then be my guest.

Where's there's perception there's deception, and you my friend have my permission to remain deluded.

You are someone who is clearly incapable of self-reflection. It's never you, it has to be everyone else, right?

Stay deluded.
Mate, Tenacity is a broken record and a lost cause. Best to just leave him to his pyschosis.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Mate, Tenacity is a broken record and a lost cause. Best to just leave him to his pyschosis.
Lol so I guess BeTheSame and Reykhel are buddies now? Wasn't it just last week that Reykhel was calling BeTheSame's character into question? And I thought that BeTheSame was focused on his "goals" and didn't have "time" to deal with Tenacity's BPD? Yet, he's still commenting on Tenacity and following me around from thread-to-thread, "liking" the comments of literally any poster who says something negative against Tenacity?

Man, you anonymous Manosphere folks are something else :rofl:


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
Lol so I guess BeTheSame and Reykhel are buddies now? Wasn't it just last week that Reykhel was calling BeTheSame's character into question? And I thought that BeTheSame was focused on his "goals" and didn't have "time" to deal with Tenacity's BPD? Yet, he's still commenting on Tenacity and following me around from thread-to-thread, "liking" the comments of literally any poster who says something negative against Tenacity?

Man, you anonymous Manosphere folks are something else :rofl:
My enemy's enemy is my friend.

Guys on this site like anyone who tells them the rhetoric they want to hear.

I think a lot of them have this dream of being a beach bum and having models lined up to date them. Truth is you cannot just charm and game your way into being high value. You need some level of worldly success.. otherwise you are relying on luck, timing and location. Very hit and miss. Therefore, very frustrating.

Being a DJ is supposed to be about having as many options as possible. Its supposed to be about being the best man you can be. When a DJ chooses to ignore a major factor like money, it shows he is not really a DJ. He is a dreamer and an idealist.

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score
I'm confused are you saying, that if a guy gets rich and successful before any women pay him any attention, he'll have a better chance filtering out the dimes from the trash? I'd assume he'd be more susceptible to **** like one-itis, because he doesn't have any previous experience with women, and chances are he's living in some sorta blue-pill world. A guy doesn't have to be some kinda mega-millionaire to command attention from the opposite sex. They say its AFBB for a reason...
My bad, I been in so deep I think every guy is uncucked.

Guess it comes down to the guy but I have found that guys who missed out on love growing up tend to have an easier time accepting the reality for what it is with women and are often the ones who spend their 20s and 30s trying to get laid, often doing so, instead of committing to an LTR.


New Member
Apr 17, 2017
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My bad, I been in so deep I think every guy is uncucked.

Guess it comes down to the guy but I have found that guys who missed out on love growing up tend to have an easier time accepting the reality for what it is with women and are often the ones who spend their 20s and 30s trying to get laid, often doing so, instead of committing to an LTR.
True, like an edge over everyone else. Maybe also the single male would have more of a nothing to lose attitude compared to someone in a LTR. If love and kitty were just given to us on some kinda silver-platter, we'd have no reason to play.

But yeah, keep making your monies, its 2017, you won't be able to afford any kinda lifestyle without it.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
My enemy's enemy is my friend.

Guys on this site like anyone who tells them the rhetoric they want to hear.

I think a lot of them have this dream of being a beach bum and having models lined up to date them. Truth is you cannot just charm and game your way into being high value. You need some level of worldly success.. otherwise you are relying on luck, timing and location. Very hit and miss. Therefore, very frustrating.

Being a DJ is supposed to be about having as many options as possible. Its supposed to be about being the best man you can be. When a DJ chooses to ignore a major factor like money, it shows he is not really a DJ. He is a dreamer and an idealist.
Indeed, a huge number of men here are looking for a "get laid quick" scheme.


Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score
Lol so I guess BeTheSame and Reykhel are buddies now? Wasn't it just last week that Reykhel was calling BeTheSame's character into question? And I thought that BeTheSame was focused on his "goals" and didn't have "time" to deal with Tenacity's BPD? Yet, he's still commenting on Tenacity and following me around from thread-to-thread, "liking" the comments of literally any poster who says something negative against Tenacity?

Man, you anonymous Manosphere folks are something else :rofl:
Okay......so firstly this one.

The irony of "Man, you anonymous Manosphere folks are something else :rofl:" ........and then along comes your little
friend @Urbanyst who is also anonymous on a manosphere site and likes your comment........

.....but I don't see you calling him out.

So if you are not a hypocrite why don't you call your little pal out. Let's see, the little pal who is writing boring thread after thread under the guise of "how money is important", but most people are seeing through his gloating (the real motive here) and classless behavior......the little pal who is reporting threads and getting them deleted, the little pal who is starting threads questioning the moderators decisions........What arrogance from a fairly new poster....yes except we all know that he's a previously banned poster.

We not show some consistency? Here's an anonymous poster who is claiming he is mister money bags and that anyone who questions him must be broke and living at home with their parents. For all you know, he could be some kid sitting in his mother's basement having fun with you pretending to be mr money bags and having the time of his life that you are all believing his gloating horse****e.....

We don't you prove that your not a hypocrite by showing some consistency and question this anonymous poster?

I wait .....I know the answer.....it's because he likes all of your posts. It's because he agrees with you. He doesn't question what you say and he inflates your already overgrown ego.

.....You'll only every question this anonymous kid (previously banned poster) if he ever disagrees with you.

Which makes you an inconsistent hypocrite.

....oh and by the way, as far as I can remember (as it was weeks ago) I didn't call @BeTheChange 's character into question. It was his manner of communicating that I highlighted. He was using invalidation tactics (possibly unaware) and I pointed that out.

Shady is you.


Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score
My enemy's enemy is my friend.

Guys on this site like anyone who tells them the rhetoric they want to hear.

I think a lot of them have this dream of being a beach bum and having models lined up to date them. Truth is you cannot just charm and game your way into being high value. You need some level of worldly success.. otherwise you are relying on luck, timing and location. Very hit and miss. Therefore, very frustrating.

Being a DJ is supposed to be about having as many options as possible. Its supposed to be about being the best man you can be. When a DJ chooses to ignore a major factor like money, it shows he is not really a DJ. He is a dreamer and an idealist.
No matter how much money you have.......you'll always be poor.

It's seeping from your pores, stinking, rancid noxious energy keeping people at bay.

The classless can never be high value.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
No matter how much money you have.......you'll always be poor.

It's seeping from your pores, stinking, rancid noxious energy keeping people at bay.

The classless can never be high value.
And you have class? LOL.

Since when?

You don't know me. You're talking about yourself. And you sound jealous on top of that.


Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score
And you have class? LOL.

Since when?

You don't know me. You're talking about yourself. And you sound jealous on top of that.
I don't know you, yet I'm jealous of you. Right, that's logical.

So you sound like a buffoon on top of that.

I know why you have the chip on your shoulder, but obviously we can't go there....

....you should learn to accept yourself and love yourself for who you are. It's not your fault (although neither is
it you know who's fault...)

....the crybaby that you are, you report any thread that hurts your feelings. That's what the liberal left do isn't it.....if you crititzise mass immigration......you're a xenophobe and need to be censored......if you critizise black lives matter.....

You get it. You don't matter. You're a bore.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
I don't know you, yet I'm jealous of you. Right, that's logical.

So you sound like a buffoon on top of that.

I know why you have the chip on your shoulder, but obviously we can't go there....

....you should learn to accept yourself and love yourself for who you are. It's not your fault (although neither is
it you know who's fault...)

....the crybaby that you are, you report any thread that hurts your feelings. That's what the liberal left do isn't it.....if you crititzise mass immigration......you're a xenophobe and need to be censored......if you critizise black lives matter.....

You get it. You don't matter. You're a bore.
LOL.. so this is about me reporting you for trolling?

You're still mad about that? You need to let it go at some point and stop crying.