Lets talk about Money


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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I swear you guys act like women (any woman) is some irreplaceable creature :rofl:
99.99% of women are generic and replaceable, but every now and again you'll run into one who isn't like the others, and it's a breath of fresh air.... until she's gone and you've gotta go back to the grind of the generic and replaceable ones.

#1.) Log into your bank account online and let's setup a wire transfer of your entire bank balance over to my bank account. Remember, money doesn't matter, so then why do you need any in your bank account? Send that on over to me because I'm "foolish enough" to think that it matters, so you might as well give to a guy that values it...right?
sure thing, I don't have a bank account though so you're not getting anything :p

#2.) Furthermore, when you go out to a restaurant, to the gas station to get gas, the supermarket to make groceries, and to the department store to buy required clothing, when you get up to the cashier........tell her you would like to PAY for the items using your charisma, swag, and personality. Tell her that you can make her laugh and "feel good" using your internal game/personality, so thus, money wouldn't matter in the equation in terms of "paying" for the items you want to purchase.

#3.) Furthermore, when Comcast sends you the bill for cable and internet, tell them that you would like to PAY for the service using your charisma, swag, and personality.

#4.) Furthermore, when your Gas and Electric company sends you the bill for utilities, tell them that you would like to PAY for the service using your charisma, swag, and personality.
never met a dude who used his charisma to get things his wallet couldn't afford? it's actually not a foreign concept.

Call me a ****, but to me it sounds like the OP has nothing to offer besides his money, so he is stressing how important it is and almost calling it the most crucial factor which determines your dating success.
"when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail"


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
Call me a ****, but to me it sounds like the OP has nothing to offer besides his money, so he is stressing how important it is and almost calling it the most crucial factor which determines your dating success.
Lol you wish.

You would love that wouldn't you?

Why do you guys continue to say that everyone who disagrees with you says money doesn't matter at all? Everyone knows it matters. Just not to the extent you guys make it out to be when it comes to attracting women. In the same way you guys say you can be both high value and have lots of money, we can say that money is important but not AS important if you have other defining factors of value.
Most defining factors of value are based on money.

Good health? Money.
Good looks? Money (clothes, shower, haircut, etc.)
Game? Money (access to women who are not homeless to gain education)

Its all related to money. I can explain if you want.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
A girl today bought me drinks all afternoon and then blew me all evening. At one bar, we were hanging out with a guy who had a Lamborghini parked outside. He was a nice guy, but at no moment did I ever feel like my girl was going to run off with him just because he had money and a nice car. And she didn't. I never saw her display the slightest bit of interest in him, despite him being rich.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
A girl today bought me drinks all afternoon and then blew me all evening. At one bar, we were hanging out with a guy who had a Lamborghini parked outside. He was a nice guy, but at no moment did I ever feel like my girl was going to run off with him just because he had money and a nice car. And she didn't. I never saw her display the slightest bit of interest in him, despite him being rich.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Moot point.

The guy with the Lamborghini probably has more dating options than you do. And that's really all I'm saying. Am I saying a pile of money will magically makes every woman's vagina open? No. But being a dirty bum in a cardboard box will magically make most vaginas close.

Red pill!


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
The guy with the Lamborghini probably has more dating options than you do.
He was on a date with a beautiful young woman...who was his daughter. I talked to her for a while, while on a date myself, and told her to come see me at my work, which she seemed excited about. She looks like Cameron Diaz. Maybe after I fvck her, I will get to drive daddy's car.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
Some guys on here like to pretend like money doesn't matter that much. I think its one of the most important things in life and for getting laid. Any red pill person should see this clearly.

Pretending money is not important is like saying its all about your inner beauty crap you hear on Oprah. Total blue pill stuff.

Money is almost everything. Food, clothes, shelter, transportation, medicine, etc. Not possible without money. We all need it unless we want to live like a cave man. So can we keep it real and stop acting like money is not VERY important?

Money can't buy love, but love can't buy food, shelter, safety, clothes, weapons, etc. Come on people..
money does matter in order for you to live the life you want

money doesn't matter in the game , if your doing it right she wont care if you are loaded or broke



Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
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Men should care about money. As a minimum you want enough to cover your bills, have some stashed away & be able to save for retirement.

In a 'game' sense it really isn't that important. We aren't cavemen for fvcks sake It's starkly obvious that sleeping rough isn't going to attract any women.

It's also obvious that more money can be good as it is a manifestation of value, however, social acuity & looks are more important.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
Most defining factors of value are based on money.

Good health? Money.
Good looks? Money (clothes, shower, haircut, etc.)
Game? Money (access to women who are not homeless to gain education)

Its all related to money. I can explain if you want.
If you actually read the post, you'd see that I said money does matter several times but not to the extent you make it. Good health, looks, 'game', etc. can only be raised if you want to raise it. Women aren't attracted to ugly, lazy, fat peices of **** if they don't take care of themselves just because they have money. It's the fact that a man takes care of himself, his ABILITY to do so is what attracts women.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
I live in a town with highest medium income in the state of Michigan. Over 25% have a household income of over $200,000. In the downtown area, it is not uncommon to see Lamborghinis, a Lotus or two, and a wide variety of Italian sports cars rolling up and down the streets - most of which are owned by guys in their late 40's-early 50's. They are usually with women half their age who are 9's and 10's easily. These men are also divorced from their first wives who are usually 40+ in age and jacked up on botox and re-sculpted with plastic surgery.

The town is beautiful, with it's amazing homes and beautiful parks - but a vast majority of people here are fake, snobby, and opportunistic. The men are uber competitive and talk down to you and the women don't want anything to do with you if you don't have a house that is worth at least $500K.

Money and wealth can bring you a lot of happiness and access to things you always desired. Unfortunately, a lot of people with money were told growing up that money is the only thing that mattered. These people never really developed their interests or their identity because the focus to obtain (or protect inheritance) was so overwhelming that they would be seen as failures if they didn't follow the paths set by their lineage (or peers). These people become major azzholes as they age and the pressure to gain more wealth becomes of such critical importance that nothing else seems to matter.

I've also learned the hard way that most women - especially those in the 25-35 age bracket - don't care about how you look, your hobbies, or even your attitude towards life. Your position of power and your wealth the most important attributes you possess. Women are looking to be SUPPORTED and COMFORTED. If you are a nice guy who is 9.5 in terms of looks but don't have much else going for you, you are only going to get so far.

I think an ideal situation for a guy is dating or marrying a woman who makes a salary equal to or just less than what you make. These are women who actually understand the value of money and what it takes to actually make it. Since they actually HAVE money already, wealth is not the most important factor when getting into a relationship, it's more about connecting with someone else and feeling valued.

Unfortunately, these women are extremely rare.

I also want to add that if you are miserable person with no money, you are also a miserable person with a lot of money. No amount of wealth can repair faulty wiring in a person's brain. A great example of this is a friend who of mine who pulls $250K per year (not including bonuses) in sales. He owns a boat, a BMW convertible, and a new Jeep. He is not married and lives in this big house by himself - but he cannot keep relationships, has loads of family issues, is on antidepressants, and just never seems fully "there" or happy. He has gotten fired from jobs and he's been in court recently.

I don't think he ever has touched the amount of happiness I had in my life and I make half of what he makes.

In closing, money is major player in terms of making things happen but it is extremely limiting in terms of life fulfillment.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
He was on a date with a beautiful young woman...who was his daughter. I talked to her for a while, while on a date myself, and told her to come see me at my work, which she seemed excited about. She looks like Cameron Diaz. Maybe after I fvck her, I will get to drive daddy's car.
Lol. Cool story.

I love when people make stuff up to win arguments.

If you actually read the post, you'd see that I said money does matter several times but not to the extent you make it. Good health, looks, 'game', etc. can only be raised if you want to raise it. Women aren't attracted to ugly, lazy, fat peices of **** if they don't take care of themselves just because they have money. It's the fact that a man takes care of himself, his ABILITY to do so is what attracts women.
You need money to take care of yourself.

Those who claim money to be omnipotent just never had anything else of value to give.
No one said that.

But you need money to not be living on the street with rats. So its really the most important thing, before you can even think about anything else.

Remember survival is the most important thing for every living thing before anything else matters. Money is essential to survive and to thrive. You have to thrive before you can be a real DJ. You need money to thrive.

We can go back and forth on this forever if you want, but facts are facts.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
He was on a date with a beautiful young woman...who was his daughter. I talked to her for a while, while on a date myself, and told her to come see me at my work, which she seemed excited about. She looks like Cameron Diaz. Maybe after I fvck her, I will get to drive daddy's car.
That's great, so obviously "money doesn't matter" for your life........so just ACH/Wire Transfer the money in your bank account over to my bank account. If you don't have a bank account, I will accept it in other forms as well ;)


Senior Don Juan
Jun 15, 2009
Reaction score
This threads premise isn't well defined cause you have been using hyperbole throughout to make your point. How much money is enough by your estimate? It's obvious money is important but there has to be a cut off point for where your theory starts and what is accepted as normal.

A normal person has a job and some income to cover their expenses and lives cheque to cheque. That's the kind of person we start off with, an average person. You are talking about a person on the other end of the spectrum of a wealthy person who has cars, a nice place, can afford luxury and has options on recreational activities. If between these two the normal guy had game and the rich guy was average in that regard. The normal guy would be swimming in poon.

That's the kind of argument I was expecting. Not these arguments based on absolutes, about living in the gutter and other nonsense. Clearly define what you mean and stick to it and stop back pedaling using Taiyuu's points. Having money is important but to what extent are you referring to?

I firmly believe that you have no point and are just making a lot of noise cause you learned game then got money now you think you have discovered some magic about how your options have expanded yet you have knowledge that most rich people don't have.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
Lol. Cool story.

I love when people make stuff up to win arguments.

You need money to take care of yourself.

No one said that.

But you need money to not be living on the street with rats. So its really the most important thing, before you can even think about anything else.

Remember survival is the most important thing for every living thing before anything else matters. Money is essential to survive and to thrive. You have to thrive before you can be a real DJ. You need money to thrive.

We can go back and forth on this forever if you want, but facts are facts.
Everyone knows this already. But you insinuate that it's value is limitless, which is the issue I'm having because it is NOT true. Money is only as valuable as you need it. It does not have limitless value past a certain point. It's good to have, but that doesn't mean the Donald Trump is lesser than Bill Gates just because he doesn't have as much money as him. The daughter of some oil king in Qatar isn't gonna give a crap if you make 50k or 500k a year so long as you meet her other needs. If she was a house cleaner from some poor family in the south side of Chicago, then she'd probably value money more.

Here is an example: compare two baseball pitchers together. One has a 300 lb deadlift and another has a 500 lb deadlift. Just because the first pitcher can't pull as much weight doesn't mean he is lesser than the second guy. What WOULD make him lesser is if he wasn't as good a pitcher. Now obviously deadlift helps for overall strength, but past a certain point, it doesn't translate to his pitching which means it really doesn't matter anymore. The same goes for money. Past a certain point, having more doesn't really mean much because a person who makes $1 million a year is going to be spending relatively the same amount on themselves as someone who makes $2 million or $5 million a year. Yes it is important. But how important is it? This is dependent on the person. How much they need money and how heavy their needs are reliant on money will dictate that, but eventually it stops becoming as valuable because it can't get you any more things.

Money is simply a means to an end. Not the actual end itself.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
This threads premise isn't well defined cause you have been using hyperbole throughout to make your point. How much money is enough by your estimate? It's obvious money is important but there has to be a cut off point for where your theory starts and what is accepted as normal.

A normal person has a job and some income to cover their expenses and lives cheque to cheque. That's the kind of person we start off with, an average person. You are talking about a person on the other end of the spectrum of a wealthy person who has cars, a nice place, can afford luxury and has options on recreational activities. If between these two the normal guy had game and the rich guy was average in that regard. The normal guy would be swimming in poon.

That's the kind of argument I was expecting. Not these arguments based on absolutes, about living in the gutter and other nonsense. Clearly define what you mean and stick to it and stop back pedaling using Taiyuu's points. Having money is important but to what extent are you referring to?

I firmly believe that you have no point and are just making a lot of noise cause you learned game then got money now you think you have discovered some magic about how your options have expanded yet you have knowledge that most rich people don't have.
Its true that I learned game before I got money. So now I have a major advantage over most other men.

You seem to be asking me how much I believe money matters compared to other factors. I would say money alone is not enough. But money alone gets you more than any other factor alone.

For instance, a homeless, smelly man on the street can have a big penis, great game and be tall and handsome. However, because he has no material value whatsoever, most women will see him as too dysfunctional to bother with. On the flip side, if you take a fat, ugly, bald millionaire.. he will smoke the handsome homeless man with game when it comes to dating options due to having access to a better social circle, safer environment and proof of value.

Money also has the kind of value that is not subjective. Money is valuable period. Things like looks, game and muscles are subjective. Looks and muscles are also temporary because they are a thing of youth. You can have money at any age though. Money is also a sign that a man has superior qualities or abilities because he was able to reach a place most people cannot. If not him, then his family. It means genetically, he has some level of superiority.

A lot of poor people who win the lottery end up poor again in a few years. Its because they don't have the high level education or intelligence to properly utilize money. Money only stays with truly superior people. Inferior people always lose their money fast.

So looking at the big picture, money is the most important thing after good health (which you need money for). That doesn't mean other factors are not very important too. But money has the capacity to elevate a man in ways no other factor can.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 15, 2009
Reaction score
Its true that I learned game before I got money. So now I have a major advantage over most other men.

You seem to be asking me how much I believe money matters compared to other factors. I would stay money alone is not enough. But money alone gets you more than any other factor alone.

For instance, a homeless, smelly man on the street can have a big penis, great game and be tall and handsome. However, because he has no material value whatsoever, most women will see him as too dysfunctional to bother with. On the flip side, if you take a fat, ugly, bald millionaire.. he will smoke the handsome homeless man with game when it comes to dating options due to having access to a better social circle, safer environment and proof of value.

Money also has the kind of value that is not subjective. Money is valuable period. Things like looks, game and muscles are subjective. Looks and muscles are also temporary because they are a thing of youth. You can have money at any age though. Money is also a sign that a man has superior qualities or abilities because he was able to reach a place most people cannot. If not him, then his family. It means genetically, he has some level of superiority.

A lot of poor people who win the lottery end up poor again in a few years. Its because they don't have the high level education or intelligence to properly utilize money. Money only stays with truly superior people. Inferior people always lose their money fast.

So looking at the big picture, money is the most important thing after good health (which you need money for). That doesn't mean other factors are not very important too. But money has the capacity to elevate a man in ways no other factor can.
What I meant was you can't use extremes to make comparisons such as homeless people because they are not the norm. If you use a normal regular Joe kinda guy versus a millionare that is more normal for the purpose of your thread that money is important.

You're literally using hyperbole to make your point at the moment by using the contrast of a smelly homeless person. Most people who make statements about not needing money aren't broke. They can cover basic expenses but aren't wealthy by any stretch of the imagination. You started this thread claiming money is everything and its opened doors for you and has given you options but you failed to look at your own circumstances that contribute to that.

Smelly fat bald old men that are loaded are never going to have the same options as a regular guy with game. They are undesirable, if not for their resources and will attract women who are interested in that. A fit groomed good looking rich guy will have more options than a regular guy with game in theory but reality is very different. Confidence, social skills or game is still going to play a bigger factor in keeping these women interested and moving things to the bed room. Without those social skills the rich good looking guy will get flaked or lose their interest. It's not as simple as you make it out to be.

These comparisons you and Tenacity love as I've seen him liking your posts are not taking in numerous factors. You look at the data in a simplistic manner the conclusions you come up with will be flawed and won't give you any more clarity than you started with. Using extremes on each end is poor form in the first place. You can try such a practice in every avenue of life to skew results to your conclusions but your theory will fall flat in reality.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
What I meant was you can't use extremes to make comparisons such as homeless people because they are not the norm. If you use a normal regular Joe kinda guy versus a millionare that is more normal for the purpose of your thread that money is important.

You're literally using hyperbole to make your point at the moment by using the contrast of a smelly homeless person. Most people who make statements about not needing money aren't broke. They can cover basic expenses but aren't wealthy by any stretch of the imagination. You started this thread claiming money is everything and its opened doors for you and has given you options but you failed to look at your own circumstances that contribute to that.

Smelly fat bald old men that are loaded are never going to have the same options as a regular guy with game. They are undesirable, if not for their resources and will attract women who are interested in that. A fit groomed good looking rich guy will have more options than a regular guy with game in theory but reality is very different. Confidence, social skills or game is still going to play a bigger factor in keeping these women interested and moving things to the bed room. Without those social skills the rich good looking guy will get flaked or lose their interest. It's not as simple as you make it out to be.

These comparisons you and Tenacity love as I've seen him liking your posts are not taking in numerous factors. You look at the data in a simplistic manner the conclusions you come up with will be flawed and won't give you any more clarity than you started with. Using extremes on each end is poor form in the first place. You can try such a practice in every avenue of life to skew results to your conclusions but your theory will fall flat in reality.
Well you know what? If an argument doesn't hold up to extremes, it's a weak argument.

I use extremes because they prove the point and cut through the BS.


Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score
This threads premise isn't well defined cause you have been using hyperbole throughout to make your point. How much money is enough by your estimate? It's obvious money is important but there has to be a cut off point for where your theory starts and what is accepted as normal.

A normal person has a job and some income to cover their expenses and lives cheque to cheque. That's the kind of person we start off with, an average person. You are talking about a person on the other end of the spectrum of a wealthy person who has cars, a nice place, can afford luxury and has options on recreational activities. If between these two the normal guy had game and the rich guy was average in that regard. The normal guy would be swimming in poon.

That's the kind of argument I was expecting. Not these arguments based on absolutes, about living in the gutter and other nonsense. Clearly define what you mean and stick to it and stop back pedaling using Taiyuu's points. Having money is important but to what extent are you referring to?

I firmly believe that you have no point and are just making a lot of noise cause you learned game then got money now you think you have discovered some magic about how your options have expanded yet you have knowledge that most rich people don't have.

The op is simply an attention ***** who is inebriated to the point of delirium by his own hubris.

There are plenty of men that are part of so suave who are "wealthy" (again you are correct we would have to thus define what wealthy means as it is by lack of definition, a relative term) nonetheless they don't seem to bang on about money in every thread or post multiple threads going on and on about money. Well apart from three obvious posters.

Again, one would have to ask what are they compensating or what are they running from. I can understand one poster is running from poverty (fear motivated). The fear motivated poster is a very unhappy individual and when other posters try to offer him advice such as "money is not everything" he tries to shame them by saying "I bet you'll struggle to pay your rent this month".

It's fvcking obvious that money makes the world go around and financial intelligence is fundamental to the thinking man's survival. Why the need to repeat it and gloat in almost every thread with the argument...."try be a homeless person and score chicks" is puzzling.....

The op comes across as a boring repetitive attention *****.
Oct 6, 2016
Reaction score
I look on this thread and even on this forum, what I see are a sizable number of men with sour grapes and envy in them which comes out as pure cope.

Having a lifestyle of hot girls and parties is overrated.

Money is overrated, being rich sucks.

These are guys who cannot be honest with themselves, they spend their days on a forum designed to make men into the kinds of men hot women want to sleep with yet they cannot even admit to themselves that they want that. I find that these men are the male versions of the feminists that claim looks don't matter, the beauty standard should be abolished, but will jump on the first hot guy that gives them attention. The amount of dishonesty on here is appalling at times and I see through it.

A lot of these are the same guys who will tell you that hot girls who sleep around are sluts and you shouldn't chase hot girls but when you bring your hot girlfriend around, if given the opportunity, these guys will pounce!

These men lie and try to take the moral high ground but these are also some of the nastiest people on the planet who will backstab you in a heart beat.

Be weary of the guys who claim that getting hot girls and making money is overrated or try to talk you out of it, most of the times they are trying to limit the competition in a very under-handed sort of way.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
The amount of dishonesty on here is appalling at times and I see through it.

A lot of these are the same guys who will tell you that hot girls who sleep around are sluts and you shouldn't chase hot girls but when you bring your hot girlfriend around, if given the opportunity, these guys will pounce!

These men lie and try to take the moral high ground but these are also some of the nastiest people on the planet who will backstab you in a heart beat.

Be weary of the guys who claim that getting hot girls and making money is overrated or try to talk you out of it, most of the times they are trying to limit the competition in a very under-handed sort of way.

If you find any kind of success here.. most of the guys are quick to downplay your success or tell you something is still wrong with you. Such as "She sees you as a beta provider" or "She only likes you because you have money". Yet, these same guys would be glad to have what you have. Both the money and the hot women.