Lets talk about Money


Don Juan
Oct 27, 2015
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Op I agree money is key to accessing more than you could without it.

But I gotta agree with Bible. I have friends who are rich, and I have friends who live check to check. In no way shape or form does the amount of money these individuals have separate them as people or the relationship I have with them. That's just one angle.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Some guys on here like to pretend like money doesn't matter that much. I think its one of the most important things in life and for getting laid. Any red pill person should see this clearly.

Pretending money is not important is like saying its all about your inner beauty crap you hear on Oprah. Total blue pill stuff.

Money is almost everything. Food, clothes, shelter, transportation, medicine, etc. Not possible without money. We all need it unless we want to live like a cave man. So can we keep it real and stop acting like money is not VERY important?

Money can't buy love, but love can't buy food, shelter, safety, clothes, weapons, etc. Come on people..
Bro, trust me, most of these folks are going to argue you down saying "money ain't all that", then of course by the end of the month they will be scrambling looking for "money" to pay for their housing expenses.

- Like I said in another thread on this topic, money is the foundation to EVERYTHING on this side of life.

- There is no thing, no relationship, etc., that you can acquire, sustain, nor maintain, without money.

- They said money doesn't buy love? Bullshyt. Since when are American women going up to bums on the street and selecting them for dating purposes? Tell me, DON'T you have to put on some decent clothes, have decent hygiene, and be presentable in GENERAL, to even APPROACH an American woman? Does not all of these things require MONEY?

- They said money doesn't buy a family? Bullshyt. Don't children need food, shelter, clothes, and other shyt? Don't you need a NICE SIZE HOUSE to put your children, the family dog, and your nagging wife in? Does not all of these things require MONEY?

People who say "money ain't all that", are just people who don't have a lot of money and have settled in on the notion that they will never have a lot of money. As a result, they come up with all of these coping mechanisms to make themselves feel better.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 17, 2015
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Pleasant Hill, CA
Women almost never like you for you. If its not your money, its something else like kids, bio clock, muscles, you are hot, etc.

If the bus gets you where you want to go.. does it matter what the driver is thinking? I don't get why it even matters why a woman likes you. As long as she likes you.

How many of us like women for their personality? Its usually because they are hot and their personality is "tolerable". Lets keep it real.
Depends on what you are looking for a quick lay, a FWB, or a LTR. If it's the latter then a women's personality will make a big difference.
Oct 6, 2016
Reaction score
The thing about money is that it has always mattered, often in ways you didn't notice.

Take a teenage guy with rich parents who goes to high school in the nice part of town
  • The girls are hotter
  • The parties are better
  • The friends he makes are better because they come from wealthy families
  • He gets to go off to a nice school in most cases and know kids there since they went to his high school
  • He knows what to do in college and what not to do to get laid
  • He joins a frat and parents can pay for his dues
  • Parents can afford to send him on spring break and nice vacations
  • He already has an "in" with hot girls since he grew up along some of them
He is the rich kid and he gets to live that nice rich kid life they rave about so much in movies. Most kids in poor high schools do not get to live that life, take the poor kid.
  • Goes to a high school where safety is an issue
  • Girls are generally ugly, trashy, and even dangerous to be around (World Star!)
  • No vacations or fancy trips for him
  • Goes into college lost compared to the rich kid
  • Has to work through college instead of having fun
It's not money, it's the circumstances it brings that make the difference. All of the rich slayers and playboys that started at a young age, the type everyone raves about, they grew up wealthy. Even Dan Bilzerian had a rich father and could afford to do fun stuff with the money.

Money isn't everything, it's the only thing, especially when it comes through indirectly and that is what it is, it comes through indirectly. You don't see the green itself, you see its effects.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Head, heart, and pvssy. That is how women operate.

Appeal to at least two of the three, and you can own her soul...

Money alone will make you a provider. As heart alone will lead you to the friendzone, and pvssy alone leads you to a sports fvck.

I personally like to appeal towards the heart and pvssy. And I avoid the head.

Just get two of three down at least, and any guy will be fine.

Yes! That is a brilliant post, my friend.

If you own the pvssy, her heart will follow, and then you have two out of three, making the head irrelevant.
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Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
The thing about money is that it has always mattered, often in ways you didn't notice.

Take a teenage guy with rich parents who goes to high school in the nice part of town
  • The girls are hotter
  • The parties are better
  • The friends he makes are better because they come from wealthy families
  • He gets to go off to a nice school in most cases and know kids there since they went to his high school
  • He knows what to do in college and what not to do to get laid
  • He joins a frat and parents can pay for his dues
  • Parents can afford to send him on spring break and nice vacations
  • He already has an "in" with hot girls since he grew up along some of them
He is the rich kid and he gets to live that nice rich kid life they rave about so much in movies. Most kids in poor high schools do not get to live that life, take the poor kid.
  • Goes to a high school where safety is an issue
  • Girls are generally ugly, trashy, and even dangerous to be around (World Star!)
  • No vacations or fancy trips for him
  • Goes into college lost compared to the rich kid
  • Has to work through college instead of having fun
It's not money, it's the circumstances it brings that make the difference. All of the rich slayers and playboys that started at a young age, the type everyone raves about, they grew up wealthy. Even Dan Bilzerian had a rich father and could afford to do fun stuff with the money.

Money isn't everything, it's the only thing, especially when it comes through indirectly and that is what it is, it comes through indirectly. You don't see the green itself, you see its effects.
Excellent, excellent, post.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
Relationships are more important than money.
For some reason you seem to think that relationships and money are mutually exclusive, like the ONLY WAY to get money is to screw people over. Not the case at all.

Plenty of people that have EARNED money are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet. BECAUSE they know the value of hard work, relationships, etc.

Plenty of rich people are a$$holes, I'll give you that, but not all of them.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Head, heart, and pvssy. That is how women operate.

Appeal to at least two of the three, and you can own her soul...

Money alone will make you a provider. As heart alone will lead you to the friendzone, and pvssy alone leads you to a sports fvck.

I personally like to appeal towards the heart and pvssy. And I avoid the head.

Just get two of three down at least, and any guy will be fine.
Explain what you mean by "money alone will make you a provider"?

A provider is someone who pays for personal expenses/financial liabilities of a woman. I can have all of the money in the world, that does NOT mean I'm paying for anybody's personal expenses (other than my own).


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
Money alone will make you a provider. As heart alone will lead you to the friendzone, and pvssy alone leads you to a sports fvck.
Why do people keep thinking that having money is the SAME as ONLY HAVING money?

As if once you make the decision to earn money, you CANNOT do anything else?


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
First of all, I hate rich people. I don't want to be in your "social circle." I try to be polite when it is required, because I want to be kind even to the people I find most detestable. But don't act like I am dying to hang out with you just because you have money.

Secondly, if you've ever known any homeless people, they got that way by fvcking over all of their friends and family who would have otherwise taken them in. Surely, drugs and mental illness played a part, but the real reason they are on the street is that they are relationship-poor, just as must as financially poor.

True story - some friends of mine, who live in the housing projects and are some of the poorest people I know, just gave me a truck, because I needed one and they had one and they wanted a different car. It's fairly nice, too, and nicer than the old one I had that kept overheating. I bought that truck not with US dollars, but with relationship currency, by having close friends and helping them out a lot. Then when they see I need help, I get paid back. I managed to negotiate with the guy that I was going to give him my broken motorcycle in trade instead of taking the truck for free. He can fix it, too, so now he is going to have a motorcycle he didn't expect to have, after trying to give away a truck for free. I know none of this makes sense if you are rich, but this is how poor people think. Relationships are more important than money.
Lol no dude.

You are saying relationships allow you to spend other people's money. Its still money though. I would rather have my own than have to kiss other people's asses to get access to theirs.

The truck costs MONEY to buy bro. If a friend or family member gives you food, shelter or transportation they are basically giving you money.

Again. Without money you are basically dead. No food, no shelter, no clothes, no nothing.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
As I said, head, heart, and pvssy.

Appealing to the head is the guy who "looks good on paper". Meaning that the guy has toiled to set up a life that a woman can waltz into for a easy LTR/marriage.

It ticks the provider box. Which is an important box, to be sure. But only one box of many. Alone, It certainly doesn't tingle her box (nudge nudge, wink wink).

But, as any guy with a dragging nagging woman can contest, a woman will try to "fix you" into that material over time.

I still can shag women that did this from a decade back, though...

Get two down for your game, and be happy in your frame.
If a girl is giving you what you want.. why does it matter?

I don't care if a girl sees me as a provider. At the end of the day my money belongs to me and I have a choice to spend it on her or not. All I care about is she treats me right. If she is only into the money, it will be easy to see over time.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
You can live like a complete ignoramus, if you want.

Not how I choose to play anymore, though. Spent enough years doing that.
What do you mean? You spent enough years doing what? Focusing on money?


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
Shagging without any real self-awareness.

Your discussion on money alone is boring, and would be better served in the "wealth and success" part of the forum. Where it would be completely ignored, because men don't give a sh*t, to be honest.
You can't have both money and self-awareness? Lol No dude. I don't think you even get it.

@taiyuu_otoko explained this perfectly earlier in the thread. Why do people think its one or the other?

Men with money have a huge unfair advantage in the dating market. Everyone knows it. A man without money has to work hard to pull a girl that a man with money can just wink at. This is the reality people don't want to face. But its the truth. As someone who used to be broke, I see this very clear now. And I did ok with girls back then too. But the difference now is crazy. That's why I made this thread.

Red pill right?


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Your discussion on money alone is boring, and would be better served in the "wealth and success" part of the forum. Where it would be completely ignored, because men don't give a sh*t, to be honest.
Which is why we need to have this conversation in the Main Discussion Forum lol. It's why women are starting to pass us as a group, we don't care about money....which is just completely insane to not care about it.

As I said, head, heart, and pvssy.

Appealing to the head is the guy who "looks good on paper". Meaning that the guy has toiled to set up a life that a woman can waltz into for a easy LTR/marriage.

It ticks the provider box. Which is an important box, to be sure. But only one box of many. Alone, It certainly doesn't tingle her box (nudge nudge, wink wink).

But, as any guy with a dragging nagging woman can contest, a woman will try to "fix you" into that material over time.

I still can shag women that did this from a decade back, though...

Get two down for your game, and be happy in your frame.
Here's the thing man, I would much rather "TICK" a box to a woman of being a potential provider......rather than not tick it because I'm some LOSER. By "ticking" that box, means I've done a lot right in terms of succeeding in my field.

You act like just because I "tick" a box, that I will provide said benefit. You know I'm picky as hell, it's why I keep making threads about finding my unicorn. You know I'm not taking care of some chick's finances NOR raising her kids from Ray Ray and Pookie.

A man getting his finances together is for HIS survival and HIS freedom. Money gives you options that not having money doesn't provide. Money allows you to live in safe areas, travel when you want, move when you want, eat what you want, wear nicer clothes, enjoy various forms of recreation/entertainment that YOU enjoy, as well as, Money allows you to eventually SIT BACK and not work as hard (or work at all) like you used to.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
As I said, head, heart, and pvssy.

Get two down for your game, and be happy in your frame.
Just so I'm clear, break down your meaning behind the three. You said money ticks the provider role, so which one does that apply to? Is that her head? Explain what each of these mean:

- Head: ?
- Heart: ?
- Pvssy: ?


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
Which is why we need to have this conversation in the Main Discussion Forum lol. It's why women are starting to pass us as a group, we don't care about money....which is just completely insane to not care about it.
I agree with this.

A lot of guys just want to chase women and that's all they care about. Its a stupid life strategy. You need money and lots of it if you want to thrive long-term.

When women cry about "where are all the good men?" they are not talking about where are all the nice guys or the guys with large penises or big muscles. They are talking about where are all the successful men with MONEY.

Any guy seeking LTR's should care about money a lot. If you want to be a man wh*re (which is awesome) you don't need to care about money as much. But once a guy hits 40, he is a total loser if he doesn't have some level of money and success in a woman's eyes. Especially a hot woman.

If you care about abundance and access to hot women, then you better care about money. That's what hot women care about. No way around it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
For some reason you seem to think that relationships and money are mutually exclusive, like the ONLY WAY to get money is to screw people over. Not the case at all.

Plenty of people that have EARNED money are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet. BECAUSE they know the value of hard work, relationships, etc.

Plenty of rich people are a$$holes, I'll give you that, but not all of them.
I do NOT believe that the way to become RICH is by being nice. You cannot be a genuinely nice person and become rich. Maybe middle class, but not truly rich. If you want to be really rich, you WILL have to screw over some people. The only other way is if you have an education that gave you a skill that is valued everywhere, say something medically related.

You can't have both money and self-awareness? Lol No dude. I don't think you even get it.

@taiyuu_otoko explained this perfectly earlier in the thread. Why do people think its one or the other?

Men with money have a huge unfair advantage in the dating market. Everyone knows it. A man without money has to work hard to pull a girl that a man with money can just wink at. This is the reality people don't want to face. But its the truth. As someone who used to be broke, I see this very clear now. And I did ok with girls back then too. But the difference now is crazy. That's why I made this thread.

Red pill right?
Bro, the issue is that the vast majority of people want to be seen as people. Not as a bankroll. Maybe you don't care if you are seen as such, but others don't want to have to fall back on it all the time because it is something external. Having something inward that people value you for reassures yourself that you as a person are wanted, not because of something you have. People who are desired just for being themselves tend to have very high levels of self esteem, i.e. they genuinely feel good about themselves for something that cannot be taken away. But something external such as money or assets gives someone a huge ego with little to no self esteem. And it can all be taken away too.

Compare two people, by themselves. One provides value to you just by existing, while the other only provides value because he/she has something you want. The thing is, the second person isn't ACTUALLY high value, it's their MONEY that is. The other person is high value with or without money. I amongst many others strive to be like the first person. I want to actually BE value, not just have stuff that are valuable. You from what I can tell don't care for this as long as you just have sex. This is the issue with 'money matters-money doesn't matter' debate. It's just who you wish to become, which is all just a preference.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
getting a camel through the eye of a needle
Bible quoting the bible.

Keep in mind, though, the dudes who edited (decided what went in, stayed out, etc) the bible (roman politicians/bishops, rich elites of that time who controlled ALL the wealth) circa 300 AD (Latin Vulgate) might of had ulterior motives for making sure people believed that being poor was good.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
You cannot be a genuinely nice person and become rich.
Not true. Difficult absolutely, but not impossible. Millionaire Next Door shows that plenty of rich folk did by working their arse off and living frugally for decades.

Also consider that a lot of tech wealth came from being lucky, not necessarily screwing others over. In their case, being rich and being a$$holes aren't really related, just two coincident personality traits.