Mathematical Proof: Money > 0


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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More than a couple of posters have exposed themselves as completely arrogant douchebags in this thread.
Isn't that what women supposedly go for? Or are they getting away from teaching that? Maybe I'm a few years behind the times. What's cutting edge seduction-think these days? Pro arrogant douchebags or con?


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
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Isn't that what women supposedly go for? Or are they getting away from teaching that? Maybe I'm a few years behind the times. What's cutting edge seduction-think these days? Pro arrogant douchebags or con?
If you are arrogant to the point of personally insulting people who don't agree with you, then you've stepped over the line of what women find attractive vs thinking you are a ****.


Jan 28, 2017
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The City
I'm not going to. Don't have to. You know the point I'm trying to make, but you have too much ego to try to understand it. That's a weakness in yourself. Money is your truth, but not mine. Don't shove it down everyone else's throats just because it made a big difference for you.
Maybe its not your truth because you are 15 years old.

There's a reason why some people still suck with women even after they become rich.
Yeah, we established that money is not the ONLY factor back on the first or second page of this thread. Try to keep up.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
Maybe its not your truth because you are 15 years old.

Yeah, we established that money is not the ONLY factor back on the first or second page of this thread. Try to keep up.
Urbanyst, I've already dismantled everything you've said from all possible angles even in the other threads, so now you have to resort to cherry picking a select few phrases to make it seem like you have some kind of argument still in place, and then add some kid of insult in the mix because you can't possibly believe that someone younger than you can do better than you while using less than you to achieve the same goals. Quit projecting your shortcomings onto others. It screams of weakness and insecurity. I may be a lot younger than you, but I'm also a lot stronger than you are. Man up, sissy.


Jan 28, 2017
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The City
Urbanyst, I've already dismantled everything you've said from all possible angles even in the other threads, so now you have to resort to cherry picking a select few phrases to make it seem like you have some kind of argument still in place, and then add some kid of insult in the mix because you can't possibly believe that someone younger than you can do better than you while using less than you to achieve the same goals. Quit projecting your shortcomings onto others. It screams of weakness and insecurity. I may be a lot younger than you, but I'm also a lot stronger than you are. Man up, sissy.
LOL! You must be a comedian.

First you whine about me insulting you right before you do the same thing to me. Then you tell me how strong you are as if you are really trying to convince yourself. Whatever helps you sleep at night dude.

So you dismantled everything I said huh? Ok..answer me this...

What did I say that wasn't true? Alnd, what did you say in response that "dismantled" the my false claim?



@Tenacity @Urbanyst You need to be able to provide for yourself, sure, but that's a fact of life that has worse consequences than not getting laid.

Y'alls argument is dependent on spending money. Because how else would a woman know that you get paid well if you don't make it obvious? You need an expensive car, an upscale apartment and flashy clothing.

If getting laid is what motivates you to make more money, just so that you can spend more money, then fine.

Just know that plenty of guys get laid without flashing cash.


Oct 20, 2006
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- Tenacity, I'm seeing myself as a surgeon making over $400,000 a year starting.
So Double hopes to have a lot of money some day? He is a collection of fantasies, underwritten by welfare.

- The pool guy is a character created by rich men angered that their money is still worthless in the eyes of their women.
Wait, didn't Double just say he wanted money some day? Why doesn't he aspire to be a pool boy instead of a surgeon? Who ever said money was worthless to women? Double? That's perhaps the most preposterous thing ever uttered. Who does Double think paid for the pool boy's upbringing via welfare, bought the house, installed the pool, invited the woman, kept her fed and paid the pool boy? The guy with the job, you moron. Good luck surviving without him, and when he gets home with his gun.

-Why does this anger them? Because everything they are and ever will be is money. And someone spit in the face of all of that.
.... to angry little non-white boys (?) raised on welfare, yes, that's all they will ever be. To women on the other hand, the guy with money is the one they talk about seducing.

- Attraction is still attraction;
Exactly, and women are attracted to guys with money.

bigneil's Axiom: Good looking guys with money > good looking guys with no money.

I would rather spend money on myself than on a woman when I can give her something of myself that is free to me but rare to her.
As if you have any money to spend on yourself!

As if you have anything to give at all! "Here, want some d!ck?" You call THAT rare? You think adolescent, non-white sperm is rare in the US? Not since the welfare programs of the 1960's, little Rodney. Good luck getting the one girl on the bus.
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Jun 23, 2014
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@Tenacity @Urbanyst
Y'alls argument is dependent on spending money. Because how else would a woman know that you get paid well if you don't make it obvious? You need an expensive car, an upscale apartment and flashy clothing.
My section of the argument is going well and beyond getting laid. I'm looking at the next 20 - 30 years as we all head towards Retirement and I'm thinking about:

- Making enough money to enjoy LIFE while you are still young. Which means not having to live in a piece of shyt area or on someone's couch, not having to drive a piece of shyt car, having a good career, being able to travel, being able to enjoy various forms of recreation, being able to eat what you want to eat (which includes eating healthy which most times is more expensive), etc.

- Then, once you get to Retirement, having made enough money to have saved/invested over the 20 - 30 year period so you have a nice nest egg on top of Social Security, so you can enjoy Retirement.

My argument is focusing on the quality of your LIFE. I'm not saying you need to have your finances together like this in order to attract American women, because American women have various reasons for why they fvck a guy (I will detail more below).

It seems like it's the other side of the argument (the money doesn't matter crowd) who keeps using the fact that you can be broke, dusty, and a loser, and American women will still fvck an EXCUSE to remain broke, dusty, and a loser. Why the fvck would anybody want to be broke, dusty, and a loser, just because American women fvck broke, dusty, loser dudes from time to time, I have NO fvcking clue.

If getting laid is what motivates you to make more money, just so that you can spend more money, then fine..
Once again, what motivates TENACITY to make more money is the LIFESTYLE I can live by having more money. This is common damn sense lol. Having higher levels of access to more women by having more money, is just a SIDE BENEFIT of that.

Important Note

But listen to can be 35, broke, dusty, with no car, no job, and a bum sleeping on your mother's couch....and some American women will fvck you all god damn day. Why? Because American women have various REASONS for why they fvck a guy, one of them being to DOMINATE his broke/stupid, because when you are broke like that and she's the breadwinner of the relationship, she's USING your subordinate position for dominance and control. The moment said guy were to get his financial house in order, that same girl would DUMP him immediately.

Trust me....I've seen this play out time and time again.


Oct 20, 2006
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First you whine about me insulting you right before you do the same thing to me.
Urbanyst, as I have thoroughly documented for years, ImTheDoubleGreatest is also EyeBRollin, who is also Jaylan, who is actually a 35 year old non-white third-wave Feminist female paid (very little) to infiltrate one of the last bastions of masculinity here at SS. When you are over the target you start to pick up flak. Notice she is battling everyone who ever said having a job is good. In her every deliberation she tries to steer the conversation from the truth off into the land of nonsense. Her attempt is to pretend the welfare dreamland she has defended is working. She portends to speak from the position of a handful of benefactors (none of them white), and all of them are of course are purely fictional. The madness of it all is the conviction with which she continues to defend her position. The fact she can continue to keep a straight face as she uses these lies as evidence that her socialist anti-male world is actually working is testament to her insanity. "Money is bad unless it's given to illegals. Hot women only want you for your money but non-white women need it to survive!" But oh, the joy knowing TRUMP IS HER PRESIDENT.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2016
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bigneil's Axiom: Good looking guys with money > good looking guys with no money.
This is accurate, I agree. HOWEVER, the goal of having money shouldnt be women, should be for YOU to have a far better life in all departments. If this is what BigNeil is trying to say, he can put it on a mathematical equation as well ;)


Jan 28, 2017
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The City
@Tenacity @Urbanyst You need to be able to provide for yourself, sure, but that's a fact of life that has worse consequences than not getting laid.

Y'alls argument is dependent on spending money. Because how else would a woman know that you get paid well if you don't make it obvious? You need an expensive car, an upscale apartment and flashy clothing.

If getting laid is what motivates you to make more money, just so that you can spend more money, then fine.

Just know that plenty of guys get laid without flashing cash.
No one said broke guys don't get laid. We are saying rich guys with all the same qualities will get laid easier, more often and by hotter women. That is a fact no one can deny. If you deny it, you are living in outer-space and I can't take you seriously.

I thought being a DJ is about having as many sexual options with the hottest women possible. Is it not?

Money is one tool to up your options. So why do some of you find it so hard to swallow?

This is accurate, I agree. HOWEVER, the goal of having money shouldnt be women, should be for YOU to have a far better life in all departments. If this is what BigNeil is trying to say, he can put it on a mathematical equation as well ;)
Why can't you want money for several reasons and not just one?


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
This is accurate, I agree. HOWEVER, the goal of having money shouldnt be women, should be for YOU to have a far better life in all departments. If this is what BigNeil is trying to say, he can put it on a mathematical equation as well ;)
Yes. As men, we tend to cope. We can convince ourselves that we have the greatest lean-to this side of the Mississippi. Women on the other hand are impossible to please. They'll want to redecorate the Manhattan penthouse because the drapes are so 2016. The ideal balance is somewhere in the middle. Women are supposed to lead men to aspire to more.

Consider: for years I was making $3200 a week and hanging out at strip clubs and spending $200 a week there. So I had about $3000 a week left over, and no girlfriend. Then one stripper said she wasn't impressed with $3200 a week. So I got a second job and was making $6600 a week. The very week I started the new job I met my current girlfriend and we started dating. I spend about $300 a week wining and dining her. So now I have $6300 a week left over, and a girlfriend. Fast forward 6 months and I've saved that extra $3300 per week, saving about $100,000. And some people will say she only wants me for my money! At this point, I can use me for my money too.

So now I have an improved resume, a stronger work ethic, a girlfriend, and enough to build a house. I credit her in this. I kept two jobs for over 6 months and both were very happy with my performance. Women don't just consume resources, they inspire us to generate them, which benefits us as well as them. Girls who inspire us should be treated like gold.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
LOL! You must be a comedian.

First you whine about me insulting you right before you do the same thing to me. Then you tell me how strong you are as if you are really trying to convince yourself. Whatever helps you sleep at night dude.

So you dismantled everything I said huh? Ok..answer me this...

What did I say that wasn't true? Alnd, what did you say in response that "dismantled" the my false claim?

All my posts in these threads.

And what's wrong with what you say? Money isn't a MAJOR factor for all of us. Just for you it was.
So Double hopes to have a lot of money some day? He is a collection of fantasies, underwritten by welfare.

Wait, didn't Double just say he wanted money some day? Why doesn't he aspire to be a pool boy instead of a surgeon? Who ever said money was worthless to women? Double? That's perhaps the most preposterous thing ever uttered. Who does Double think paid for the pool boy's upbringing via welfare, bought the house, installed the pool, invited the woman, kept her fed and paid the pool boy? The guy with the job, you moron. Good luck surviving without him, and when he gets home with his gun.

.... to angry little non-white boys (?) raised on welfare, yes, that's all they will ever be. To women on the other hand, the guy with money is the one they talk about seducing.

Exactly, and women are attracted to guys with money.

bigneil's Axiom: Good looking guys with money > good looking guys with no money.

As if you have any money to spend on yourself!

As if you have anything to give at all! "Here, want some d!ck?" You call THAT rare? You think adolescent, non-white sperm is rare in the US? Not since the welfare programs of the 1960's, little Rodney. Good luck getting the one girl on the bus.
Neil, you couldn't get women going out like a normal human being so you had to go buy strippers and hookers who you fell in love with and ended up cheating on you with guys who paid and didn't pay. You also told me how everything you have done in your life was to please and get hot women. You are the definition of a loser cuck.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2016
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Women don't just consume resources, they inspire us to generate them
This is fine. However, if as a man you can motivate yourself WITHOUT needing a woman to achieve that, you are in a even stronger position for yourself.


Jan 28, 2017
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The City